World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Battle Marker editor - xvm

5:03 am, September 29, 2014 Anyone have a simple editor just to modify the battle markers?  I've gone through a dozen mod packs for 9.3 and haven't found one with battle markers I liked (mostly too much info/sp [..] View

tryed XVM (aslan) for the first time...

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 Some info is invaluable (mostly minimap stuff) but i use it anyway via separate mod     I found hp floating away from tanks cartoonish,  and different colors to be a detract [..] View

Lost Rounds

2:01 pm, August 29, 2014 I've recently noticed that sometimes when a shot is fired, (mostly this seems to happen while fighting in my KV-1S), that when a shot is fired it may pass harmlessly though an enemy tank. This can hap [..] View

Lorraine 40t - did I see it all?

2:01 pm, July 28, 2014 Ok, I just got the Lorraine 40t and di exactly 5 games in it. Now I must say I am not new to auto-loaders. My T54E1 has 59% winrate, my (mostly HEAT) T69 with 62% winrate. Game Number 1 Top tier of co [..] View

T2FTW NA recruiting

2:01 am, July 26, 2014 founded by TheDarkDefender T2FTW is dedicated mid - high tier clan (mostly tier 5 - 10), although the odd lower tier platoon can be found. .We're an easy-going clan that's focused on p [..] View

Artillery: The class we love to hate. My views and suggestions for making artillery bearable and playable.

2:01 am, July 14, 2014 It is not news to anyone on this subreddit that artillery is a hugely controversial part of WoT. From "Finger of God" to "Sky Cancer" and (just last night) &quo [..] View

Best tier 8 tanks

2:01 am, July 3, 2014 Hey, I'm a rather new player and i'm having a couple of questions. I hope someone who has a lot more experience (i'm at 500 battles) who can awnser them :) what are the best [..] View

My idea considering tier X premium tanks, needing a response

2:01 pm, May 14, 2014 This is my idea, and it has to do with the tier 10 premiums that are being given out in tournaments. People on the forums have been crying about it for a while, and I admit, when I see a VK 72.01 (K) [..] View

Ensk and the G.W Tiger P

2:01 pm, May 6, 2014 Whenever I get the map Ensk on my artillery (mostly G.W Tiger P) the mediums just rush me and die. No team member sticks around to help arty. Is there anything I can do or recommended artillery spots [..] View

[CDN_T] Canadian Tactical 2nd Battalion

10:05 pm, April 30, 2014 We are a group of Canadian players (mostly) but will accept players from all Common Wealth countries that enjoy the game. We are currently recruiting active players. Canadian Tactical 2nd Battalion is [..] View

Do they ever do "early war" battles/

10:05 pm, April 26, 2014 I was wondering if this game held early war battles (mostly Tier 1 and 2). They can be all decked out, with super-experienced crews, but everyone is still in their Leichttraktor or Pz35. This was one [..] View

Who are your favorite YouTubers for WoT help? Why?

9:05 am, February 26, 2014 For some background, I post WoT videos to YouTube designed to help WoT players get better at the game by giving them tips and tricks to becoming a better player, as well as other war games (War Thunde [..] View

What you consider appropriate

9:05 am, February 9, 2014 Hey guys 'n' gals, new to the forums so give me a break. I'm a (Very slightly) above averageplayer and I'm just getting into the swing of things, I've got just under 2K games played and I'm trying to [..] View

Seether18, EST TZ, Tier7 Highest

9:05 am, February 5, 2014 I am a relatively new player,19 years old,andlooking for a Professional/ Leveling clan, that can help me grow as a tanker/player. I would prefer it to be 18+ but as long as the members are mature and [..] View

Server reticule blooms massively when I right click (mostly on arty)

9:05 am, February 1, 2014 It doesn't happen every time. But more often than not, when I am fully aimed in on a target as arty and I right click to hold that position incase the enemy tank disappears, the server reticul [..] View

Looking for a good social clan (NA West)

9:05 am, January 29, 2014 So I quit Clan Wars due to the fact that it got upped to tier X (mostly) and at this point I'm just looking for some good guys to platoon with and have some fun as well as getting better and l [..] View


9:05 am, December 5, 2013 Yeah I know MM is the whiner's whipping boy. Right? Well here is a great example of why: 10 tier 10 (mostly TDs), 2 tier 8 tanks, 2 tier 7 arty, and 1 tier 6 scout vs 3 tier 10 (one an arty), 7 tier 9 [..] View

Tired of playing mediums

9:05 pm, November 30, 2013 As you can see by my stats, I play (mostly) Mediums and lights. I have become quite frustrated as of late, as it gets annoying knowing every shot you take will go in and do damage (And quite frankly I [..] View

Anyone crash loading sacred valley?

9:05 am, November 28, 2013 I hit battle, and then game crashes (Mostly notice it when im tabbed) This only seems to happen with sacred valley. Anyone get this? View

Amusing anecdotes that belongs here. Don't be this guy. (share yours)

9:05 pm, November 13, 2013 Terribad#213543 (42% WR) Is the Top tank on our team in his T29, the ONLY tier 7 (go figure) in a mostly tier 6 match. Map is Steppes (North) Early chat went like this: Terribad#213543: About time M [..] View

How much do you play?

10:05 am, October 1, 2013 So how much do you play WoT? I'm curious to see how differently people play.. I play average about 1 hour a day, but it depends on other stuff I need to do (mostly school) and maybe 2-3 hours [..] View

A proposal: the 3rd Russian TD line.

10:05 pm, September 10, 2013 So its pretty straight forward: a (mostly) turreted TD line. It will branch off from the SU-100 Tier 7: mendeleev tank around the size of the SU-100Y, with heavier armor, but extremely slow. Another m [..] View

MM can be improved

10:05 am, September 5, 2013 Well I guess we all have been in many situations when you dealt with 32% win chance teams (I know XVM ain't "the fortune teller" but you know ) and it is just a matter of checking after matc [..] View

The "NooB rush" *****, just bad luck...or bad gameplay?

10:05 pm, September 4, 2013 On certain maps, under certain conditions, driving specific tank classes (mostly Light Tanks) is absolutely necessary to get to certain points on the map within certain timeframes to avoid early [..] View

More idiots than usual.

10:05 pm, August 21, 2013 Yeap.  Ive come this low. Looking for a platoonmate. NEEDS to know HOW TO PLAY THE DAMN GAME, unlike some of the pubster idiots Ive seen in random matches Tier 5-8 (Mostly going to b [..] View

Account Hacking Problem

10:05 am, August 19, 2013 Being present also on WG EU Forums, today I came to know about a guy R4zBIJ4C (from the MIR clan) who had his account hacked. The guy has 30k+ games and he's the clan's commander. Some [..] View

Am I losing my mind? I feel like I am losing my mind.

10:05 am, August 6, 2013 I have seen people post (mostly on official forums) that there is some kind of mechanism to keep win rates in check. Typically, these people get shot down, called noobs, and their thoughts are summari [..] View

Which is more forgiving: Centurion I or Caernarven?

10:05 am, July 22, 2013 I'll admit I'm a pretty terrible player, but I still enjoy the game. I'm currently at tier 7 on the British med and heavy trees, and still haven't quite made up my mind [..] View

Trouble with the FV215b 183

10:05 pm, July 20, 2013 Hello again, I love playing my Maus.As long as I angle my armor well I can be quite effective vs most tanks.Tank destroyers give me some issues but I can usually handle them.But there is one TD that a [..] View

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