World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Do people really think arty is OP, or do you think it is just an emotional reaction?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 For tiers 6-10: 12.2% of vehicles average over 1 ****/game, only 3.8% amongst arty. 41% of vehicles have over 50 percent winrates, only 38% amongst arty. Arty represent 13% of the tanks in these tiers [..] View

A writeup on light tanks [AMX12t edition]

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Ok, to address the kind of awkward pacing and formatting of this post, I actually wrote it as one 15,318 character post, but obviously that doesn't work too well with Reddits format. I'll link to the [..] View

[SHOJO] is recruiting! (trigger warning: anime)

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 To Aru Kagaku no Panzer is recruiting o/   [SHOJO] is [MAHOU]'s subclan that aims at skilled but relaxed gameplay. If you've been friendzoned by Mahou, we can friendzone yo [..] View

KMaus, any news on the super secret awesome super mission you mentioned?

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 Concerning your post found here:      Speculation on t [..] View

Light Tanks should require less exp to unlock(repetitive/boring gameplay)..

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 Light Tank by far the least played and very difficult to acquire experience due to lack of damage and bad pen. Here is an example of what is wrong with Light tank lines. Aufkl Panther cost like 43,100 [..] View

My thoughts on Fury

4:03 pm, October 17, 2014 I did a short review and a bit of gameplay of my shiny new Fury this morning:     tl;dr: It's an E8 that moves somewhat like an E2, but is still pretty comfortable. It's pretty bala [..] View

Leo On Track: Guide+Replays

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Preface: My stats in the leo, A wonderful (very generous) benefactor on reddit is gifting me a fury e8 if I do a leo 1 guide as well as guide him a bit in game, so here [..] View

Need help...

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Got a WOT problem. I know there are better places to ask such as the forums but I've been there and I have created a support ticket too, all I have received is useless help. Basically I don't have a r [..] View

What do you guys want to see in a Leo 1 guide?

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 Leo is is mai waifu and my best performing t10. I've developed a play style in it where I can consistently solo pub 70% w/r in it as well as average 3600 dpg. With the on track a lot of people have be [..] View

What do you think of the LTTB Russian Tier 7 light?

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 So I unlocked and purchased the LTTB and was delightfully reminded of the T-50-2. I've had 35 games in it so far and it might be my favourite scout so far. Here is my video review & g [..] View

Looking for players to analyze my gameplay

5:03 am, October 11, 2014 I would like to have it be broken down, tell me what I could have done or should do next time. I am looking for people to critical. This will help me later. =)     I would prefer if [..] View

[NA] Chaffee Races Video Contest

5:03 am, October 10, 2014 Hey Everyone, WGNA and have teamed up to give away free gold in honor of the chaffee races. It is a very easy contest, all you need to do is upload a video that is 60 seconds or less in leng [..] View

Upcoming 6th Sense change will destroy what's left of passive scouting.

5:03 am, October 8, 2014 - Storm confirms that the Sixth Sense rework (its transfer to the radioman, activated when radioman training hits 100 percent) will happen in medium future (SS: that usually means cca 6 months)- devel [..] View

Server Lag? Or, Is It My Lousy ISP Again?

5:03 am, October 8, 2014 Just checking - has anyone been experiencing major server-lag issues tonight?  It has really messed-up my gameplay in about 10 battles so, I figured it was time to take a break. View

Fixing MM and gameplay

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 I'm not hear to waste anyone's time but for the number of battles i've played, whenever i have a good run, i have basically an fairly equal and opposite bad run. over at least 8k battles, my win rate [..] View

WoWS Gameplay. Better quality. (X-post /r/worldofwarships)

5:03 am, October 6, 2014 submitted by kgskippy10 [link] [10 comments] View

Should their be a minimum/maximum game limit to play certain tiers?

5:03 am, October 1, 2014 I have nearly 3,500 battles now. I got rid of my last tier I tank probably 2700 battles ago, and got rid of my last tier II tank about 1,500 battles ago. Just the other day I decided not to buy the ti [..] View

Some Chaffee event Gameplay

4:03 pm, September 29, 2014 submitted by byGodspeed [link] [comment] View

Advice request on Japanesse line.

4:03 pm, September 28, 2014 Greetings, I have the Chi-Nu elited and enjoy driving it to some extent, but I have doubts about pushing this line further. I am familiar with the german mediums, and I don't see this line offering se [..] View

Some help with shooting safety in lights?

5:03 am, September 28, 2014 I know this is a lot of work to ask, but is there any way someone could throw together a little mock up mspaint or something of when it might be considered to be safe to shoot in a light assuming a ta [..] View

Playing with a vanilla UI

5:03 am, September 26, 2014 Patched up this morning and played a few rounds before work. Didn't take the time to fuss with xvm, cross hair mods, and map mods. I gotta say it's really damn nice. I do kinda miss the map mod and ma [..] View

A New Arty Suggestion

5:03 am, September 26, 2014 Everybody loves arty, right? No? Exactly the opposite, you say? Hang out on the forum long enough and you'll probably notice terms like "skycancer" and "clicker" being thrown aroun [..] View

The Match Maker And Gameplay.

5:03 am, September 26, 2014 This is a post about my experiences in world of tanks. and are suggestions. 1 The soviet tanks are completely over powered and make for lots of trolling i.e. the heavy line which trolls all o [..] View

The full run down on the 9.3 changes to the tanks...

4:03 pm, September 25, 2014 So you don't have to look it up....   M24 Chaffee (tier V American light tank): fully rebalanced Players who had previously researched the M24 Chaffee get 43,340 experience points for this v [..] View

Why the SU-100M1 isn't that bad

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 I've played the SU-100M1 all the way through (and a little more), and I am one of the few that actually really likes it. Everyone's complaining that it sucks, but I will try to help and let people see [..] View

German Turreted TD line.(Tier 4-7)

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 Sorry if this is another addition to the already overpopulated tech tree of Germany. So,Ok,I have this lined up for a while,But here I go:   The line is consisted the following: RSO/PaK 40 (T [..] View

An idea for the rebalance of Artillery

5:03 am, September 24, 2014 Okay, we all know how annoying it is to be one-shot by artillery from across the map. The gameplay provided via artillery DOES help reduce camping in open areas, which, as SerB would say, is "Wor [..] View

Why is crew skill level so ridiculously important for camo?

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 Experiment: Take a 100% crew (without camouflage training), and a 50% crew, and play the same tank using as much camo cover as possible. The difference is astrofuckingnomical. Like, I never, ever expe [..] View

State of the game?

4:03 pm, September 20, 2014 Hello. I played a lot of warthunder before the chinese tree was released and when War Thunder's ground forces released, i switched games. As you can imagine, i went there for the tanks, was disapointe [..] View

A method of Learning the Game

5:03 am, September 20, 2014 Hey guys, I found a peice of a advice for learning World of Warplanes that I thought would apply to World of Tanks. Basically, you get 20 kills in each tier one plane, 25 kills in each T2 plane, and 3 [..] View

Sturer Emil is the best WN8 padder I've ever played.

4:03 pm, September 17, 2014 Worst tank in the game? The Sturer Emil was pretty brutal to grind through. The stock gun and totally different style of gameplay was pretty rough for me. I like to give a tank at least 40-50 games b [..] View

he shells

4:03 pm, September 17, 2014 hello this is my second post on the forums this game is confusing it seams at least the more.... '' obscure '' aspects anyway i asked around about how to equip my hetzer and it seams howitzer wa [..] View

Wot Blitz tactics on PC

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 Recently picked up Blitz, and I have to say it's a lot better having to deal with half the tanks, at least in tiers 1-3. At first I've tried applying my regular PC play to tier 1, then I've started to [..] View

Interest in advice for 7/42 calling?

4:03 pm, September 16, 2014 So now that the WGLNA season is over and I'm not doing Skirmishes for a few I have a bunch of replays for 7/42. Would people on here be interested in a replay pack/narrative on some 7/42 gameplay? s [..] View

Looking for Improvement

4:03 pm, September 13, 2014 As the title states, I am looking to improve my gameplay and hopefully learn some new tips/tricks. My overall wn8 is 1285, 60 day is 1800, and WR is 51%. I am in need of a highly skilled player to pla [..] View

Please critique one of my replays (E-25 gameplay)

5:03 am, September 11, 2014 I want advice to know if I was doing things right in my E-25. I carried the team and did over 2.7k damage. We were clearly winning, but incompetent players at the end who refused to cap screwed the wi [..] View

Opinions on the new light tanks, and how they will impact gameplay.

5:03 am, September 10, 2014 I'm not talking about how fun the tanks are themselves (very), but how they will change the meta of the World of Tanks we know now. I'm talking * Tanks that will be buttfisted by the new lights ( alon [..] View

T-54 gameplay

5:03 am, September 10, 2014 I finally got the t-54 and I really love it. It is lots of fun to drive and i seem do have decent average damage per game which is a nice change. Since I don't get much time to watch streams I am just [..] View

Moronic Monday #1: Spotting, Camo and Bushes

4:03 pm, September 8, 2014 We'd like to introduce a new feature for this subreddit. To help all you new players out there too afraid to ask a question or don't know what questions to ask, this will be your home. Any and all que [..] View


5:03 am, September 8, 2014 Ectar, Obirian and Tugali will be representing WGEU to answer your questions about the 9.3 update on September 18th from 1930 to 2100 CEST(gmt+1). Like the last AMAA Wargaming EU participated in, we r [..] View

School Filter and Proxy

5:03 am, September 8, 2014 *Note: I could not find the correct topic for this post to go in.   Okay, many people know that School Wi-Fi has filters. And some limit like World of Tanks Gameplay. Like mine, I live in McK [..] View

Quitters are Losers

5:03 am, September 7, 2014 Don't like not being able to quit a match just because you aren't top tier or because xvm gives you slow win chance?   Then quit the game, no one will miss quitters like you.   & [..] View

Worst's Guide On Reducing Your Sodium Levels In World of Tanks. (How To Rage Less)

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 Warning: wall of text and positive thinking ******** ahead Lately I've been noticing a large increase in the amount of salty players in the world of tanks community. Lot's of rage, lot's of frustratio [..] View

World of tanks ads give an impression that WOT is browser game.

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 Everyone of my friends who did not play wot when asked why they dont play it or if they know what it is, answered something like this - "Why would I play some ****** browser game." But when [..] View

Missions requiring kills..

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 Okay Wargaming, this is not news.. You tried this with the x amount of kills to get 250k creds mission.. This was an alarming failure and now you do the same thing, but on top require people to farm m [..] View

Armored Warfare Alpha Gameplay (26:08)

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 submitted by guppy35 [link] [55 comments] View

T49 gameplay

2:01 am, August 31, 2014 submitted by lucitribal [link] [14 comments] View

Low tiers are extremely difficult for new players.

2:01 am, August 31, 2014 So today me and my friend, who is new to World of Tanks were playing, and he just got his T-46. So we platoon up and we find a game like this. . Now I must ask, what is the po [..] View

Churchill 3 how to play it?

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 I just got the Churchill 3 and despite its epic hull armor, the tank really isn't that good. I made a post on whether I should get it or not, most said yes but it's not doing much for me. Gameplay tip [..] View

Gameplay video of the new German RU251 (Correct nation).

2:01 pm, August 29, 2014 submitted by kyozuEU [link] [comment] View

Videos of new T-54 Light and the M41 Walker Bulldog

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 submitted by zippy_the_cat [link] [1 comment] View

Elevating your Gameplay

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 This is just a little guide that I wrote up on the WotLabs forums and wanted to share. o7o7 submitted by Diastant [link] [ [..] View

9.3: WG did the do.

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 Source: New high-tier light tanks added: U.S.A.: T37 (Tier VI), M41 Walker Bulldog (Tier VII), T49 (Tier VIII). U.S.S.R [..] View

New Home

2:01 am, August 28, 2014 Hi all, since my old clan just wanted to make a new clan I dont think I'm going to join so im looking for a new home. wotlabs stats: - I know the past 24 hrs i [..] View

The reason a tier spread of 2 like the matchmaker currently uses is a good thing.

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 This turned out to be longer than I intended, but please bear with me. If not, there's a TL;DR at the bottom. I keep seeing "drunk MM" comments both here on /r/worldoftanks a [..] View

Tips/Advice for Solo-Pubbing

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 Recently I have been trying to improve my play by watching streamers more. I have run into the issue that most streamers will often platoon with other skilled players. This seems to allow them to take [..] View

I found out why German Tanks **** in WOT

2:01 am, August 26, 2014 World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian company Wargaming, featuring early to mid-20th century era fighting vehicles.[4] It is built upon a freemium business mode [..] View

Quick Guide for Starting Out / First 3K Battles

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 (what I would do if I started from scratch w/ no premium tanks) Preparation - Setup: Comfortable Mouse (my fav list: Razor DeathAdder, Logitech 400, CM Storm-Spawn, 1800 DPI setting) Mouse Pad (Mono [..] View

Improving gameplay, I need help

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 Hi guys, I know that most of you read the title and thought: Oh no! Not another one! But actually, it is in some way. I'm here not to ask how to increase WN8, I'm here to ask how to in [..] View

Good tanks, bad tanks, fun tanks

2:01 am, August 24, 2014 Interesting article. Here is the link: Here is the copy/paste: Best tank lines in World of Tanks By RBS - 10/30/13 What tank line [..] View

Contest: Create a WoT Gameplay Trailer inspired by Fury!

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 submitted by Nzash [link] [2 comments] View

Breaking your own "glass ceiling"?

2:01 am, August 22, 2014 Disclaimer: I'm an average player (not in terms of WN8 labels, but how I actually affect the game's outcome). I'm around a 53% WR, my WN8 fluctuates but is currently averaged a [..] View

[TMC] Tempora Militis Caesaris recruiting!

2:01 pm, August 21, 2014 Hey guys, My best friend and I started a clan not so long ago. And now we are recruiting players to join our clan! What our clan offers: Platooning Team Battles on regular weekdays as soon as we have [..] View

is pc WOT very different to xbox 360 WOT in gameplay mechanics?

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I was wondering, I've played Xbox WOT for quite a while, and have a good pc, so I downloaded WOT for it. Will all the lessons of Xbox (sidescraping, ect.) Still apply in pc? View

World of Warships Alpha GAMEPLAY footage. Warning Potato Quality

2:01 am, August 19, 2014 submitted by kgskippy10 [link] [94 comments] View

New to world of tanks how do I deal with the KV-1 tank

2:01 pm, August 17, 2014 Gameplay goes like this, that one bounced, that one bounced, that one bounced, that one bounced , that one bounced, DED submitted by Teakilla [link] [29 comments] View

M103 Guide

2:01 am, August 17, 2014 I think this is thetank I've reviewed on the forums that has changed the most since I bought it. A few (unrelated) tanks that really don't change all that much when you upgrade them are the Type 5 [..] View

Can anyone recommend a solid medium line?

2:01 am, August 16, 2014 Got the Pz.Kpfw. IV Auf. A as my first medium and have just been getting wrecked in it. I might be doing something wrong but I can't seem to do well at all. I picked this line up to take a bre [..] View

Average game in an S-51...

2:01 am, August 15, 2014 Countdown reaches 0. Spend the first 2-3 minutes moving to a proper spot. Watch as literally all other artillery zooms by you. Finally find a good sheltered place. Realize half of your team is already [..] View

Struggling at higher tiers while playing mediums

2:01 am, August 15, 2014 Greetings folks, For the past 1,5 years or so i have been playing WoT several times a week and i am up to about 3K battles. Troubleshooter11 is the ingame name so you can look up my lemon stats at noo [..] View

How do you think arty should be balanced?

2:01 pm, August 14, 2014 It seems arty topics are rampant lately, so I decided if you can't beat them, join them. With out the removal of artillery(because we know WG will not remove them) how could they be rebalanced in such [..] View

Had an idea for an interesting piece of equipment - snorkel

2:01 am, August 13, 2014 I was talking to a friend that plays as well and I had an idea for a new piece of equipment you could use on tanks a snorkel. Obviously it would only work on tanks that are not open topped but it coul [..] View

Has WoT changed much in 18 months?

2:01 am, August 13, 2014 A friend has started playing and wants me to rejoin. Have not played for 18 months since I lost interest and deleted WoT. I became a bit frustrated with the constant losing streaks (yeah petty excuse) [..] View

Map making, changing, and their effects.

2:01 am, August 12, 2014 SirFoch's video today really got me thinking about how Wargaming has been going about making maps lately and its effect on gameplay and general classes in World of Tanks. [..] View

Noob needs a critique...

2:01 am, August 11, 2014 Had a frustrating game on Lakeville with my M10. Can I get an honest critique of my gameplay? Is there something I'm doing wrong at my level of games? Should there be a different mindset on how I'm pl [..] View

Team **** and Team Damage

2:01 pm, August 9, 2014 Recently, Overlord posted a blog entry about team-killing and team-damage. Here is a screenshot and the link: A [..] View

Gameplay post 9.2?

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 I've been reading and watching about all the changes in 9.2 as I've been unable to play since they released the new el halluf, and was wondering how much gameplay has changed in maps l [..] View

JT 8,8 map advices

2:01 pm, August 4, 2014 On most maps and tanks, I have a general idea where to go. Unfortunately, JT 8,8 is this vehicle, where I often don't know - and eventually, fail. It has too many known limits, which make it w [..] View

Soviet Tier 5 Premium Up-armoured T-34 Suggestion

2:01 pm, August 3, 2014 As you may already know WG is struggeling to find premiums for the soviet tree. An idea popped up in mind, why don't WG just up armour the T-34? So the T-34 would have more armour but more weight so w [..] View


2:01 am, August 3, 2014 submitted by BlitzSam [link] [69 comments] View

I have never enjoyed playing WoT as much as I have now

2:01 am, July 31, 2014 I just wanted to share this haha. I bought a gaming laptop a week ago and I am able to run WoT on max settings, and oh my god; the graphics are beautiful. It has definitely improved my gameplay. I use [..] View

FV 4202 Switch

2:01 pm, July 30, 2014 According to Evilly, via FTR, the owners of the FV 4202 will get it as a tier 8 premium tank... Block Quote recently (27.7.2014), there has been an interview with Anton Evilly Pankov, main op [..] View

Question About My Second Ace.

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 Hello Folks: I attempted to post to this forum last night and was given the topic title box and the topic tags box, but no edit box to build the body of the post. So I tried posting to the newcome [..] View

Why arty is permanently broken

2:01 am, July 29, 2014 No other class has been repeatedly nerfed as much as arty, though no class is nearly as broken as arty. Arty has no place in pubs, it only fits into CW to break up turtle strats, it has no where else [..] View

Tomato Strategy

2:01 pm, July 28, 2014 So, after playing about 1900 battles I've noticed a common trend in my gameplay. I'm far too aggressive. I've noticed this at times, and at others had it pointed out to me by friends who I was platoon [..] View

WoT Guide for all colors of WN8

2:01 pm, July 27, 2014 I'll go ahead an mention that /u/damienjaxx tempted me to do this by offering the possible banning of attention whoring posts that I hate, but hey, everyone benefits right? This is a relativel [..] View

Historical/Gameplay Tracer Colours

2:01 am, July 27, 2014 At the moment, tracers are colours are determined by shell type. I am wondering how people would feel about historical tracer colours in lieu of colours based on shell types. In Star Wars George [..] View

How can WoT eSports be fixed?

2:01 am, July 26, 2014 Season 4 of the WGL is coming to a close, and at least in NA it seems to not really draw anymore attention then the previous season. I rarely see eSports posts (other then Macs videos) upvoted, and vi [..] View

A problem becomes a solution!

2:01 am, July 25, 2014 I see so many posts about how new players without skill ruin high tier gameplay by buying tier 8 premiums. I also see many posts that say there is no skill involved in arty, so I thought this would b [..] View

For those of you out there who feel like smashing your keyboard into your monitor because of summer teams...

2:01 pm, July 17, 2014 find someone else to platoon with. Join a clan. Stop being that loner. I just joined RDDT0 yesterday so I could have people to platoon with, I did platoon games for like 2 ish hours today, and man it [..] View

How to discourage camping and make armor more relevant

2:01 pm, July 16, 2014 Make the penetration loss over distance mechanic actually relevant, it's basically a joke right now, when it has the potential to be a dynamic and intuitive mechanic. Vastly increasing pen-los [..] View

Question about some guns (Not gameplay)

2:01 pm, July 15, 2014 Hey guys, not really a game question I guess, but on some guns I notice about halfway down there is an increase in diameter for a short while, while with others there is not. Example being the Leo 1 v [..] View

Artillery: The class we love to hate. My views and suggestions for making artillery bearable and playable.

2:01 am, July 14, 2014 It is not news to anyone on this subreddit that artillery is a hugely controversial part of WoT. From "Finger of God" to "Sky Cancer" and (just last night) &quo [..] View

Game Suggestions

2:01 am, July 14, 2014 Here are a few suggestions for features that could be implemented into the game. 1) Soft Body Dynamics: When you get hit with a HE shell, have a large caliber AP shell bounce off you, get rammed or [..] View

My idea for a TD nerf (fix)...

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 Ok, If you are even remotely good at WoT and pay attention to the game dynamics and such, you probably know that TDs in general need a big nerf. Like, a HUGE nerf. Don't get me wrong - I absol [..] View

A bit of perspective on the game as a whole.

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 Hi guys! I keep seeing seriously misguided opinions on here about game mechanics, WG design choices, and pretty much everything else, and I wanted to provide information for the newer players. I&# [..] View


2:01 am, July 9, 2014 Okay, so I am at a losshere. I understand it's a sniping tank, but 50% of the maps don't allow for this type of gameplay due to many reasons (thanks Wargaming, how about fixing this?) that I won't get [..] View

Your best WoT advice in <6 words

2:01 pm, July 6, 2014 In less than six words, what's the best piece of advice you've ever received that helped your gameplay? Difficulty: No explanation, the advice should stand on its own. Only one submi [..] View

Tips for improving my WN8 besides of padding?

2:01 am, July 6, 2014 Hi! Since like a month, I actualy care about my WN8, with 1330+ it is ok, but I want to improove it. Do you guys have a general advice for me just by looking at my stats? [..] View

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