World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




The Grind - T37 Light review

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 This is my new way of reviewing tanks, including the grind from stock (albeit I only play a few games while stock) to help people that do not like to use free experience. Beware, as this is m [..] View

I hate it when...

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 one player on your team ruins your game!   Examples: Bumping into you and messing up your aim non-stop Jumping out into your shots and parking there non-stop Will not leave you alone even [..] View

[Tank Rally] Finally! - How to circumvent the glitches.

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 After what feels like forever I finally completed the mission 'Long-Distance Run'. Now, let me just say this - I have a love-hate relationship with this map now. The rewards: [..] View

Any mod to prevent you from firing with 999 ping?

2:01 pm, August 14, 2014 I've been playing the on track and I'm down to the last 12k for the 250k and after playing this on track I've had SO many shots miss because of server lag jumping to 999 for no apparent reason. Basica [..] View

Dead Tanks STILL Moving

2:01 am, July 8, 2014 Even after the supposed micro patch to address the moving dead tank issue, it's still happening, to me at least. Just had a game in my Panther, shooting a T29 in our cap. Red silhouette, green [..] View

What's with the animosity towards jumping tech?

2:01 pm, June 21, 2014 So as a new player, I've noticed I get jumped on alot for having grabbed a Wolverine/KV1 , people seem upset by the fact that I don't actually have every mapped memorized etc. Now I'm not saying that [..] View

Help with settings!

2:01 am, June 15, 2014 First off, I have no idea where to put this post, so I'm sticking it here. Before I get into the meat of the issue, I should point out that I am aware that all of the following issuescouldbe due to 9 [..] View

E-25 Stunt Jumping, starring some baddie in his Churchill I on Steppes

2:01 pm, June 8, 2014 submitted by PlanetaryGenocide [link] [1 comment] View

GPU Spikes

2:01 am, May 30, 2014 So I haven't had time to play WoT since 9.0 first launched but I just booted it up again and my FPS was jumping from 60 to 40 every second I turned the camera and was stuttering like all hell. Check o [..] View

HIgher Skilled Players Like Artillery Less - Confirmed, But Why?

10:05 pm, May 3, 2014 A note to moderation: Again, I see nothing wrong with this post. I'm not calling out any individual (the chart shows ambiguous data points). I'm not jumping to hyperbole, nor attempting to incite un [..] View

Historical Battle = historical wait times

10:05 am, April 19, 2014 Well here we are several days in and I still can't get into a historical battle. I have sat in the queue and never made it out of the queue every single time (except for the dropped from queue for sit [..] View

Splitting the British Med Line up Vickers MBT + Centurion MK8 (Rpst)

9:05 pm, February 22, 2014 As it currently stand the last tank in the British med line is quite unhistorical and more ways than one. I suggest at splitting and reorganization of the British line with the implementation of the [..] View

This is how they think

9:05 am, February 8, 2014 The battle starts. I point out a single tank, which is running backwards from the spawn point, far from where he can see lit targets, let alone hit them. Someone immideately called him a 'bot'. His re [..] View

tankaversary. 1 year, 11111 battles later. p2

9:05 am, January 13, 2014 some details: . theres been no hurry to get to the top tiers, in fact the first lvl 8 stuff (tiger ll, kv4, t34, is6) just arrived over the holidays! ive got less than 500 battles in my L7 tanks, on [..] View

On the topic of lag

9:05 pm, January 11, 2014 Since I started playing this game again, I've noticed strange lag behaviour that doesn't seem to be affecting many other people. The first one occurs all the time. It is most noticeab [..] View

Changing tank weights, using weight solely for Matchmaker

9:05 pm, January 10, 2014 Disclaimer: I'm just going to pull numbers out of my *** here. This is a concept, I'm not going to figure out hard values. I do not want criticism of how much each modifier is, but criticism of the ov [..] View

Applicable to playing a fantasy game?

9:05 pm, December 13, 2013 Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things TheyAvoid 1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves. You dont see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they've [..] View

7,000+ games in a T1 Cunnngham?

9:05 am, December 2, 2013 Just was out putting a couple games on my Tetrarch, and had a guy on my team with 7,000+ games in his T1 Cunningham. 20k-ish games total. While that's clearly a profound case of seal clubbing, that d [..] View

Such a thing as running too many high tier tanks?

9:05 pm, November 13, 2013 These past few days I've begun to question whether running primarily tier 8+ tanks is the right choice. I'm relatively inexperienced in this game, but I've played games on a competitive level for a w [..] View

PSA ***Port Forwarding***

9:05 pm, November 7, 2013 QuoteGood Day fine ladies and gentlemen, and even you scumbag SPG drivers out there. Today from ancient Cairo, I bring you a procedure that will be the most superb medicine for all WoT matches that ai [..] View

The different play styles of the 2 German medium lines

10:05 am, October 10, 2013 Hey tankers, not sure if this has been posted or discussed here before, but after having 2 pretty good games in 1 night on my E-50M and Leopard PTA (pretty much just a Leopard 1 on baddie pills), and [..] View

**** Stealing - No Such Thing

10:05 pm, September 27, 2013 Ok, at the risk of negative reps, I thought I'd share my simple, little opinion on **** stealing. . I don't deny there are lousy players that focus on doing this just to be jerkoffs, but IN GENERAL, I [..] View

Hard Limit on Garage Sales

10:05 pm, September 23, 2013 First I'll say I love this game and am very impressed about how tense the PVP is in world of tanks. I searched reddit and didn't find anything with regard to this so I hope this isn&am [..] View

Cliff jumping T49

10:05 am, September 18, 2013 submitted by TheNumberJ [link] [2 comments] View

Jumping the Westfield Gap in a Pz 1 C

10:05 am, September 16, 2013 submitted by Forgetful_Rock [link] [5 comments] View

Abby town.

10:05 pm, September 7, 2013 War gaming can you please let you drive off the edges in the town on the map abby. We drive tanks these little edges are nothing and should not stop one from jumping off. Please let this happen. View

I like my VK 20.01 (D), but where will I go?

10:05 am, August 30, 2013 Perhaps you all can help me. My primary tank (my only actual tank, I also operate an SPG and TD) is a German VK 20.01 D. I used to be on the heavy line, because I thought having a Maus would be cool, [..] View

Actual Training

10:05 am, July 28, 2013 I notice a lot of the training rooms are things like "drifting/jumping/racing" things of that sort. Are there any rooms that do actual training. Because I really would like to find s [..] View

Collision with Destroyed Vehicles

10:05 pm, July 5, 2013 I've run into a few situations where a tank has taken me out while running into me, or even landing on me, and they receive no collision damage from my tank.  I'm fairly certain I've [..] View

Can't find a tank I like.

10:05 pm, June 17, 2013 I'm a newbie, I have nearly 1000 games racked up now just jumping from tank to tank. I've unlocked like t3 of every nation. I'm not finding any tanks that fit my playstyle. I'm looking for a tank who [..] View

Looking for funny replays for a video collaboration

10:05 pm, June 8, 2013 I want to make a video that's focused on funny moments in World of Tanks. Like people jumping off cliffs and getting double kills or multiple people ramming themselves to ***** on your tank, o [..] View

[HOON] - Hoonigans is now recruiting!

10:05 am, June 7, 2013 [HOON] goes online tomorrow and am seeking members to fill some spots when the clan first starts up. This clan will be mainly just messing around such as: Drifting, jumping, stunts, racing and etc. To [..] View

Daily Discussion Topic: Tier VIII Premium Tanks

10:05 pm, June 5, 2013 Today's discussion topic is tier VIII premium tanks. Tier VIII is the highest tier that premium tanks are available at, and tier VIII premium tanks are by far the best credit makers in the gam [..] View

US server got problems?

10:05 pm, June 4, 2013 Our pings are going crazy and we get lots of red dots when playing. Tanks go jumping along... All my clan members online right now 9:48pm UK time have this problem. Been going on for 20+ minutes Are [..] View

Which tank line did you have the most fun playing with?

6:29 am, May 16, 2013 I'm jumping back into this game after a few months off, and a lot has changed! 2 new countries, more tanks, etc, etc. I'm looking for a new goal - a line to grind all the way down. I& [..] View

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