World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Let's talk about Wargaming Customer Support and why it's the worst in the business.

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 If you've dealt with almost literally any other AAA caliber game's customer support you'll note that the experiences are usually positive. If you have a legitimate issue they will likely help you with [..] View

WoT Login Server Maintenance - October 14, 2014

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 Just a heads up folks.  Sounds pretty minor.  At least if the "downtime" is as expected. [..] View

Lowe still needs preferred MM

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 With the advent of the matchmaker tier range changes, all the new tanks, and various map changes to encourage brawling, the Lowe is suffering as a result.  Even with the most recent minor buf [..] View

player panel too colorful :(

4:03 pm, September 28, 2014 Minor gripe question any way to get the names of the tanks in player panel to be one color or to reflect win 8? I keep Just started using xvm,(webium pack) and i find that colors indicating class of& [..] View

Some Prem tanks that need penetration buffs

4:03 pm, September 18, 2014 Yes i realize that prem tanks are not supposed to be OP and roughly equal to a a tank of its tie.  But some prems these days need to shoot gold to be effective and even then can be underwhelm [..] View

Mastery Badges Shown on Tanks in Garage

5:03 am, September 5, 2014 Don't know if this was mod-related or just part of 9.1, but I was able to see the mastery badge on each tank in the garage, and it has not been there since 9.2.  While only a minor inconvenie [..] View

Minor fix for Strongholds

5:03 am, September 2, 2014 During one of the upcoming patches, the devs need to please add in a feature to either allow Clan leaders to remove ppl from a Stronghold structure, or, set it up so that if they are in a structure fo [..] View

9.3: WG did the do.

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 Source: New high-tier light tanks added: U.S.A.: T37 (Tier VI), M41 Walker Bulldog (Tier VII), T49 (Tier VIII). U.S.S.R [..] View

Isn't it about time that the Panther got a buff?

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 I've been slowly grinding through the Panther to unlock both tier 8s it leads to. It's been a really difficult tank to get the hang of. Large for a medium (camo rating is basically zero), slow and has [..] View

Korean Flame War: T29 and 76 mm Gun M1A2

2:01 pm, August 18, 2014 I occasionally check out one of the largest Korean WoT communities, and the current "burning issue" (as in flame war) isT29 using 76 mm Gun M1A2. For one reason or another, in the Korea [..] View

XVM stats activation

2:01 am, August 6, 2014 So, this is honestly a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but every time I try to re-activate the stats for XVM, I get a "504 Gateway Time Out" when I try to log-in with my N [..] View

How much does module weight matter?

2:01 pm, July 28, 2014 I just unlocked the radio on the STA-1 and I noticed that the stock radio has a range of 720m and a weight of 70kg while the second raedio has a range of 750m and a weight of 150kg. How much will that [..] View

Best/Worst stock tanks

2:01 am, July 25, 2014 Sure this thread has probably been started before, but as tanks and ammo keep being nerfed/buffed it probably needs updating. I see the Type 58 as one of the best stock tanks available, it only needs [..] View

Comparables of incoming tier 10's

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 So in the recent Storm Q&A there were confirmed facts about a few tansk that will be, for sure being introduced into the game. The AMX 30 will be a new tier 10 French medium, the FV 4202 will [..] View

9.2 Test 2 Patchnotes

2:01 pm, July 17, 2014 - Armor of the frontal section of the roof of the second turret for VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B increased from 40mm to 60 mm.- Magazine reload tim [..] View

Game Suggestions

2:01 am, July 14, 2014 Here are a few suggestions for features that could be implemented into the game. 1) Soft Body Dynamics: When you get hit with a HE shell, have a large caliber AP shell bounce off you, get rammed or [..] View

BC Freedom Academy enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year

2:01 am, July 8, 2014 BC Freedom Academy "Glory, Unity, Freedom" Dear Tanker, We at BC Freedom Academy formally invite you to enroll in the 2014-2015 school year. Our goal is to unite anime fans around the [..] View

Pitched Battle Mode

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 I'm still quite novice at this game at little over 5k battles, and many may detest me as I have done over half of them as Artillery. However, I do feel that most of the maps feel rather small and not [..] View

Minor Nation Tanks

2:01 pm, June 27, 2014 Hey WoT. Where are the missing tanks? You have tanks of the 20s and 30s from the major powers but nothing from say, Italy, Sweden, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, etc yet you place in the game an 'a [..] View

[Idea for WoT] "Upvote" system

2:01 pm, June 24, 2014 I was playing a game in which a player did a very good job and made a bunch of good decisions that helped the team win. I really wanted to "upvote" him/her or do something to let the [..] View

A few observations about skill based MM

2:01 pm, June 23, 2014 Skill based MM in random battles is what some people think the game is missing and there are is a very vocal minority that basically postulates the following: Random matches should have some sort of s [..] View

XVM [discussion]

2:01 pm, June 14, 2014 Its controversial but I want peoples opinions on this mod. Some people like quickybaby like the mod, and use it to determine whether to play harder or a "smash and grab". Others like [..] View

Help with Aslain's XVM Mod

2:01 am, June 9, 2014 Hey guys, I'm having a minor, but very annoying problem with Aslain's XVM mod. Basically, no matter what contour icons I choose (the small tank icons on the sides of the screen), they [..] View

Suggestion: nerf TDs health and Auto-loaders ammo capacity

2:01 pm, May 29, 2014 First of all, I am no big fan of nerfs nor buffs. I can see the need sometimes to adjust "features" in order to correct them after a release. We're talking minor nerfs and buffs. But the ong [..] View

Minor Grump

2:01 pm, May 17, 2014 I've probably grump'd over this before, and here goes again... One has to love a gunner with the memory span of a goldfish... Got a target lined up and then the spotter dies and suddenly the gun [..] View

Still Unable to Play.

2:01 pm, May 17, 2014 Apparently there have been 3 "fixes" or "patches" or "minor updates" since the release of the horribly glitch-ridden 9.0 itself. I have been unable to get into a battle f [..] View

My last 6 matches....

2:01 pm, May 14, 2014 know when it's time for bed, when you play 6 matches in your Tiger P, and are top damage for 5 of them, but lose. In those 5, I was no less then double the guy below me. In 5 of those, i was a [..] View

Part #1 of this players story on MM

2:01 am, May 7, 2014 Here is an observation I made and want to bring up to the rest of you tankers out there. I've been playing Tanks since June of 2011 and ever since that time I have gone thu all the patches as the r [..] View

I know for many in the choir, this is just preaching...

2:01 am, April 28, 2014 I just finished a pretty white-knuckle-match, where I was carrying the team for a while before getting ******, but we were still up 12 to 7 at that point. The guy that got me also got the teammate I h [..] View

Incoming rant - The state of things

10:05 pm, April 27, 2014 Warning, this is the product of a lot of frustration so I am not going to be that diplomatic. If I step on your favorite tanks toes, I am not that sorry. Where is this game going? Is it just me o [..] View

Ideas to salvage Historical Battles

10:05 am, April 27, 2014 (Caution; the following opinions / ideas are free of charge, and you know what free stuff is worth) I've read a number of posts about HB mode, and so far I really haven't see a tremendous calling ( [..] View

Distribute full client archives on DVDs and mail them

10:05 pm, April 26, 2014 I have one megabit internet access. It takes 24 hours to download WoT. I just recently got a new computer. It would be great if you could mail DVDs to players. People with good internet access obvi [..] View

WN8 and you!

10:05 am, April 25, 2014 So I've been doing a little research with WN8 and the "algorithm" all boils down to one single stat. Damage! Lighting 8 tanks netted a 0 WN8. 1 **** at 25 dmg netted a 0 WN8. Doing 1 [..] View

[Discussion] Arty - We're all clickers

2:01 pm, April 20, 2014 What is to follow is a counter point to all the hate surrounding arty. I also hate arty at times, though for different reasons. I will be addressing issues I have with the general WoT community, what [..] View

I'm done with Noobs/ Map rant and TKing problem

9:05 am, February 26, 2014 Dear WG, it is fantastic to see that you have made changes to the TK system. finally my badly shot shells that hit friendly's wont lose me as much money as they did before. you are doing great wit [..] View

Has anyone else been approached about a WoT "Study" by Tmagner?

9:05 am, February 21, 2014 Just received this from Tmagner(???) "Hello, I'm conducting a research study for my doctoral dissertation and as you are a frequent WOT player and Clan leader I could really use your [..] View

For those indecisive about what skills to train

9:05 pm, February 17, 2014 Train camouflage first. Just do it. Don't do anything minor like snap shot, rotation or repair. Don't worry about it at all. Camouflage and the abuse of not getting spotted is the single most useful [..] View

What you consider appropriate

9:05 am, February 9, 2014 Hey guys 'n' gals, new to the forums so give me a break. I'm a (Very slightly) above averageplayer and I'm just getting into the swing of things, I've got just under 2K games played and I'm trying to [..] View

Good News WZ-132 Drivers!

9:05 pm, February 5, 2014 The WZ-132 is getting more natural looking tracks in 8.11. The change was was mentioned, but unspecified in the 8.11 patch notes. Now it wont look as if someone glued the tracks down to the fir [..] View

WoT Matchmaker discussion

9:05 am, February 5, 2014 I'm interested in discussing this. The If not for tomatoes, there would be no WoT thread has generated tons of discussion, and there has been one particular debate over one core assertion of t [..] View

I used to think......

9:05 pm, February 4, 2014 Like most players, I have no faith in the automated complaint system. I used to think that if I sent in a ticket with a replay, then there was a better chance oflegitimate action being taken against a [..] View

How to NOT ****

9:05 am, January 31, 2014 Alright, so I've been on quite the losing streak tonight while always coming in at top damage and XP. It's getting a little annoying, since my ***** usually signifies a loss in the games I've been in [..] View

Issue with players replying to forum-posted questions.

9:05 am, January 29, 2014 Lately, I have been noticing that certain players take to the forum and reply to questions asked by other players, yet give no help at all. Instead they criticize the player asking the question becau [..] View

Clan Rivalry / Diplomacy should allow Rivalry Posts

9:05 am, January 22, 2014 Dear Player, This message has been sent to you to inform you of a repeat warning received regarding the post presented below: [..] View

If SerB gave you keys to the Nerfmobile (or Buffwagon)...

9:05 pm, January 20, 2014 What one tank would you nerf or buff, and what specific changes would you make for that one tank? As an example, I'd buff the A-20 via reduced MM. Right now, that sucker sees up to Tier 8 tan [..] View

Crusader: the jack of all trades....well....sort of....

9:05 am, January 7, 2014 Before I start.... After 700+ games with Crusader, I am fairly confident that I can provide a decent reviewfor new players strugglingwith this legendary British cruiser tank. What drives me to writ [..] View

Has arty gotten a tad more accurate?

9:05 am, January 2, 2014 I have been told that from time to time WG makes minor corrections and does not tell the players. The reason that I'm asking about this is my Hummel could drive tacks pre 8.6. Then the 8.6 arty nerf h [..] View

War Thunder vs World of Tank Mechanics

9:05 pm, December 26, 2013 Was watching from this stream on WT - Note: These are just my observations, I'm sure you can find out more by reading a lot of the dev diaries. Feel free to d [..] View

An open letter to Wargaming

9:05 pm, December 26, 2013 (To those of you who take the time to read this, thanks. I know it's a bit long, but I've been meaning to put this together for awhile. I welcome any feedback you have. Happy holidays and good tanking [..] View

Encounter Battles standard battles & Missions

9:05 pm, December 8, 2013 HI WOT Make the Encounter battle the standard battle on all maps. Encounter mode provides several advantages -No Spawn to protect -Makes drivers move to the flag (well at least move some) -Reduces C [..] View

Talk less, Tank more

9:05 pm, November 24, 2013 A minor grump of mine, if you are gonna clog up the in game chat atleast do something... Last round I played in an enemy Stugg III  who did just that. He was later on the last enem [..] View

Is player behavior "magnified" by having better stats?

9:05 pm, November 18, 2013 I was just curious to see if others think that certain actions - especially those generally considered as bad or douche-like are magnified because you are blue or purple rated player by WN or Eff or w [..] View

What is with people shooting the ground?

9:05 pm, November 10, 2013 A strange question, perhaps, but I am fairly new to this game, and one thing I have noticed consistently is that a minority of players have some strange attachment to shooting random parts of the grou [..] View

Suggestion for new colors on in-game team lists

9:05 pm, November 6, 2013 Just a suggestion to alter the colors a little on the in-game team lists.  If a tank is knocked out, they could use something like a light violet to indicate it.  I [..] View

SU-152 madness with 152mm

9:05 pm, October 29, 2013 I know you guys don't like posts about ordinary games, etc. and I know that playing SU-152 with 152mm is OP, but I thought that this is worth a share. This never happened to me, but I think it [..] View

Almost there!

10:05 am, October 25, 2013 Whooo! I've almost made it! My first 4k battles or so (probably closer to 5k) I didn't care at all about stats or really pay attention to them, then I finally started to care and worked to improve, i [..] View

Panther 1/2 and E-50 Guns- Errors & Rework

10:05 pm, October 14, 2013 HI WOT The 75mm/L100 and 88mm/L100 need to be removed. Neither of these guns actually existed. The 75mm/L100 was one of Hitlers whimsical ideas which was never carried out or even studied. As of now [..] View

Suggestions for the Low Tier German Heavy Line

10:05 am, October 9, 2013 So as everyone already knows, WG added a low-tier heavy German line in the last update. It consists of the Durchbruchswagen 2, the nerfed VK 30.01 (H), and the newly designated heavy VK 36.01 (H). As [..] View

This game is just about as broken as it was 2 years ago

10:05 am, October 9, 2013 I've now played through much of the game and experienced most of what there is to experience. It's taken me more than 2 years to do so. I have come unavoidably to the conclusion that it has no hope of [..] View

Game Sighting System Needs Tweaking

10:05 am, October 7, 2013 HI The sighing system in the game is broken especially since 8.8 A few minor adjustments are needed to make it work 1: If a tank fires it automatically becomes visible 2: A tank 50m within of a ene [..] View

@WG: Ultimate Pay is not a reliable Credit Card payment option; possible solutions?

10:05 am, September 24, 2013 While I played WoT in Beta, I've only recently come back to the game. Upon my return I've purchased premium time as well as various tanks, however, none of the purchases have been comp [..] View

TIL The Centurion type turrets are not all the same.

10:05 pm, September 15, 2013 Today I learned that the Centurion type turrets are not all the same, specificly in the area of the mantlet. These turrets are found of the tier 8 and 9 British mediums and heavies (the two Centurion [..] View

Very minor question. Does the VK30.02D have any changes in 8.8?

10:05 pm, September 9, 2013 submitted by Finnish_Jager [link] [comment] View

Vet with a noob question today -- how do you dodge enemy fire?

10:05 pm, September 8, 2013 Everyone knows the situation I'm talking about. Maybe you were lit while passive scouting in a particularly isolated bush, maybe you got caught in the open in a light/fast medium with your pan [..] View

Crew Graphic suggestion.

10:05 pm, August 17, 2013 Ever since I started playing WOT, one of the things that bothered me was the lack of crewmen in the tanks. Now I can understand that graphically the addition of a crew really doesn't do much to the ga [..] View

Camping & Economics-How to reduce camping

10:05 am, August 11, 2013 HI All Camping is always a problem in WOT on any map at all tiers whether its heavys, mediums, lights and so on. Now why do people camp? Well there are all kinds of reasons like: Certain maps Battle m [..] View

Some different voices...

10:05 am, August 6, 2013 Hey there all, probably a minor thing, but is any one else sick of hearing a nasal American saying "We failed to penetrate their armour" or other such things. If I'm driving a British tank, [..] View

the results are in but what do the stats show?

10:05 am, August 4, 2013 a few weeks ago I did a very limited data collection to show the tier span that I get put in, and as it was a tiny sample I decided to extend it and add a few other parameters too the data spans a nea [..] View

8.7 Test Notes

10:05 pm, July 10, 2013 Changes from Public v8.6 to v8.7 Test New Content Added the new branch of SPGs for the British tech tree: Loyd Gun Carriage (tier II) Birch Gun (tier III) Sexton II (tier IV) Bishop (tier V) Crusade [..] View

are the north american servers down?

10:05 pm, July 8, 2013 This happened the mourning of July 8 2013, I logged on and I opened up the world of tanks launcher and hit play, the window came up blank for about 2 seconds and crashed. So I thought this had to do w [..] View

T29 playstyle vs. T34 playstyle

10:05 am, July 8, 2013 So I've been thinking about purchasing the T34 for a while now. I still don't have the means right now, but this tank is #1 on my "premium tanks to buy" list. So here's my question: Is ther [..] View

WOT "What if?": World of Tanks 80.4 Cold War Edition

10:05 am, July 6, 2013 I've seen quite a lot of posts about people asking what it would be like if tanks with smoothbore guns and ATGMs and composite armor was added to the game, if maps would get bigger then, or how they w [..] View

**** world of tanks

10:05 am, June 30, 2013 I'm so ******* tired of this **** game and the stupid **** people that play it.and the **** hackers.**** wargaming you'll never get any more of my money ****.FIX YOUR GARBAGE **** GAME General insult [..] View

After some browsing and research, I may have come up with a solid suggestion for Artillery!

10:05 pm, June 19, 2013 Another thread here discussing what I've learned about artillery haters and I want to do for the community (heck if we get enough votes the admins might consider it! I have here a collection of though [..] View

Squads/in Company Platoons

10:05 am, June 15, 2013 Field Commanders, Deputy Commanders and Clan Leaders can, in the pre-game lobby, task specific players to them. A "Ranking Officer" which fills the existing role of Commander or "Caller [..] View

Tanks and rock/hill/earth texture, can they be re-done?

10:05 am, June 13, 2013 Well the game's graphics has since launched far forward into overdrive with its amazing visuals. Maps are being re-done but this is limited to being remodeled for balanced gameplay. However there are [..] View

So - About all the "Arty is OP!" Whining ...

10:05 pm, June 10, 2013 /rant on ... Earlier, in a match I lost as an arty player, another player started up the familiar refrain of "Arty is OP!" As usual he had been 1 shot or something and didn't like it (for t [..] View

3 reasonable suggestions, or so I think... ;-)

10:05 pm, June 4, 2013 1) On the 'Depot' screen, since you can select things like 'all modules not compatible with my tanks' or whatever, and it shows only the depot items in storage, can we have a 'sell all onscreen' butto [..] View

Some Premium Ammo Cost Changes in 8.6

10:05 pm, June 3, 2013 I was on the test server looking over the tech trees and noticed the premium ammo changes for my tanks. I only buy premium ammo when they go on sale and carry a few in my tanks for when RNG hates me. [..] View

New player need advice on what tree to start with.

10:05 pm, June 2, 2013 Helllo, I have around 200 battles and still haven't decided on what tech tree to commit to. I want a fast scout that can hurt artillery if needed. I was leaning towards the Chinese light tanks [..] View

A Message from Tank Police

10:05 am, May 23, 2013 Miss us yet? [Content removed.] we been wildin Insults or derogatory comments (minor). 1d RO issued. ~GM/ Mod Teams View

Team damage Reporting no point?

10:05 am, May 18, 2013 So I took people advice and set my game to save replays to show people fun games and more importantly help report team killers. Today I had a "Fellow" arty team ****** me for &qu [..] View

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