World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Top 20 Clans by Gold Revenue over Past 2 Months

4:03 pm, October 24, 2014 Top 20 Clans by Gold Revenue, with Data Collected Daily with WG API's     A few observations: wars are expensive. they hurt gold income corollary: current clan wars mechanics disco [..] View

the 112

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 hello reddit, i bought the 112 a few weeks ago a friend of mine recommended it and i thought wel i am looking for a new tank so why not. but now i do like it its frontal armor is strong but is it just [..] View

Wargaming needs to learn how to run a tournament

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 For about 8 or 9 months now, I've been doing tournaments that Wargaming puts up every week. Main reason being "obviously" the metric **** ton of gold you can make. This is why they are prett [..] View

RDTT2 time commitments

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Hi, so I'm considering joining RDTT2 for strongholds. What I would like to know is what the time commitment is. My week is pretty spotty, but I can play on most weekend nights. Thanks! submitted by [..] View

Gold to credits worth it?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Alright, so I'm grinding my T-54 to the Obj. 140 because I need it for clan wars. Problem is I don't have 6 million creds. I just got 2 Prepaid cards so there's 10,760 gold in my garage. Should I use [..] View

NARWL is selectively recruiting

4:03 pm, October 21, 2014   Upvote is an independent clan active in clan wars. We are RDDT's sister clan.   Upvote is looking for recruits for Clan Wars and the upcoming Campaign!   & [..] View

Another ELC AMX theme song (Because this forum is way too serious)

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 Seriously, this forum can be such a downer after the weekend.   Here's something to lighten up the mood.     I'm willing to put together theme songs for your favourite tank [..] View

This can't be right.

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014   I mean, I did have a pretty good weekend. Reached my all-time highest overall Win Rate. But it's pretty insane to think I averaged 2600 WN8 for almost 40 battles. So, obviously something i [..] View

[GN0ME] Gnome is Recruiting

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 Gnome is Recruiting!   Welcome About Gnome: Gnome is a new clan seeking to recruit high level and experienced tankers. We want to be competitive, participating in Clan Wars, Stronkh [..] View

repost? after last tank died WOT closes

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 nothing came up when i searched, but had a match, where the last tank died, then WOT closed on me. been playing all week, and nothing like this happened before- Ever,ever. 7.1-now.   anyone e [..] View

Tiger P and Tiger 1 platoon is one of the best tank combos.

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 The tanks are almost identical, but for some reason, the two combined intimidates all the tanks we brawled. They would literally back up and miss us. Played 8 games. Won 8 games. This is after losing [..] View

WG you have GOT to be kidding right now.

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 Found at the bottom of this weekends gift shop bundles:   "The Silent Sniper bundle above is available only to residents of Latin America (Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Ch [..] View

Fury Premium time

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 Couldn't find anywhere that this seemed to fit, but I just got an email congratulating me on my performance in the Fury thing. It says I get 1 week of premium. I'm certainly not complaining, but I did [..] View

Let's talk about Wargaming Customer Support and why it's the worst in the business.

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 If you've dealt with almost literally any other AAA caliber game's customer support you'll note that the experiences are usually positive. If you have a legitimate issue they will likely help you with [..] View

What to do with the "free" Fury crew?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 This is if you are running a US med line and have a crew to grind in it.  Obviously if you don't have a US med crew to put in it the free crew comes in handy.  But for those of us wi [..] View

Die Wehrmacht is recruiting

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 We are a new and small clan that is looking for members.  Our focus in the short term is tier 6 although most of us have higher rides.  We spend a lot of time platooning and playing [..] View

Need help...

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Got a WOT problem. I know there are better places to ask such as the forums but I've been there and I have created a support ticket too, all I have received is useless help. Basically I don't have a r [..] View

Groove is now looking for casual players.

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Hello, I am here to announce that the clan Groove is now recruiting. The goal of groove is to present a casual place to play on the weekends. I as commander welcome anyone interested in joining, no pa [..] View

Lets do some math shall we?

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 *wakes at middle of the night*   26,000 battles 30 sec countdown per battle.   26,000 x 30 = 780,000 Seconds   780,000/ 60 sec = 13,000 min   13,000/60= 217 hours ( [..] View


5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Currently in a clan, but they are inactive at best, so I was just seeing if there are any active clans interested in my self, 1 T10, Recent WN8 1200+( 24 Hrs 2150 ), on at least 3 times a week, motiva [..] View

Black Knights of False Order recruiting anyone welcome.

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Black Knights of False Order is a friendly clan who will give anyone a chance. our goals are to overall improve as players (everyone can always improve and improvement should always be a goal), and al [..] View

When am I allowed to move up a tier? And a bit of crew training.

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 Ok so I'm learning and playing the game.  I'm around tier 3-4 through earning but also purchased a pack of 3 tier 5 heavies a couple weeks ago.  I'm not great with those and I know i [..] View

[RDDT] EU is Recruiting!

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 What do we do? Clan Wars Strongholds Platoons Tournaments What do we offer? A stable, active and sociable World of Tanks community since 2011. Excellent opportunities in Clan Wars (currently fighting [..] View

Loading screen lockup

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 Good day,   After taking a hiatus from the game for a week, I logged on to find a new update. So, completed that and logged onto the game. First thing I noticed was no sound in the garage. Ch [..] View

What was the weekend mini-patch about?

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 I was away this weekend and just now opened World of tanks.  Evidently there was a small patch sometime over the past three days as there was a small download before the software would open.& [..] View

RHINO.. 5 tons of force recruiting

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 RHINO.. come join a new clan that wishes to become a force in the NA map. We like to have fun but cannot accept mediocrity. We want to win, we want land  and we DONT want an [..] View

Reddit Clan Recruitment Question...

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 So, I am an average player with average stats (Who once in a while YOLOs...). I look at this game for what it is a game and now somewhat of a hobby. I have always liked organized play and I have done [..] View

October mission (NA)

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 I feel that the October monthly mission this month is kinda underwhelming. I mean I like the infinite free consumables but Total Destruction feels so easy to complete and doesn't give much and isn't r [..] View

Nothing Worse Than These...

4:03 pm, October 12, 2014 Fellow Tankers,   So it is the weekend, we all know what that brings to the table. Nothing much to say on that subject, but for the first time I've witnessed something odd, and it pissed me o [..] View

Can't even play this weekand - arty constantly getting me

5:03 am, October 12, 2014 Like seriously, I'm seeing 3 arties on enemy team constantly, and I get singled out and nuked with one shot. Even my LTs are not safe. Especially my LTs. And when I play in the E100 or some other tank [..] View

Suggested Tier 8 path for casual gamers (with team-battles in mind)?

4:03 pm, October 11, 2014 We all have a full-time job, and most of my friends have a family, which makes it difficult to find free time for gaming. A couple of times a year, we hide out in a chalet for a prolonged weekend-lan [..] View

Join [AURUM] for clamwarts!

4:03 pm, October 11, 2014   __________________________________________________ We are a clan who has a really great bunch of players all interested in getting better and improving the clan as a whole. Aurum h [..] View

Game Crashing in M24 Chaffee Sport! Vehicle name not visible!

5:03 am, October 11, 2014 Hello fellow tanker,   Lately World of Tanks has been crashing for me, pacifically with the M24 Chaffee Sport. I will be in the middle of a race and my game will just close and it us [..] View

Clan RUMM Is Looking for New Members.

5:03 am, October 10, 2014   Greetings Fellow Tanker,   Clan RUMM is a US based Clan who is looking for skilled recruits above the age of 21 to participate in Stronghold Battles. All Applicants are required [..] View

Been playing for a week, just had my best Artillery shot so far.

4:03 pm, October 9, 2014 Tried to submit it as a link last night but it never took I guess because I don't have the link karma? Anyways check out my video below from last night and let me know if you think it was a good shot [..] View


5:03 am, October 9, 2014 TL-DR, The RDDT alliance's number 3 clan wars clan, is looking for good players to join our ongoing mission to carve out a piece of the global map. We play clan wars in the 8:00pm (20:00) eastern time [..] View

[STILL]Still Smokin is recruiting

5:03 am, October 9, 2014 Still Smokin is a proud member of Cartel Gaming Member Clans -M-A- , Smoke, Kevlar   We are Recruiting Good Active Players 1. 50%+ Win Rate (we will work with you to help get WR and WN8 up) 2 [..] View

Reddit Clans Leaderboard - 7 Oct 2014

5:03 am, October 8, 2014 The data is collected from and profiles for 1799 players across all of the Reddit clans in NA, EU, and SEA. Per-tank data is only available for 621 (38 more than 2 weeks [..] View

Clan RUMM wants YOU!

4:03 pm, October 7, 2014 Greetings Fellow Tankers,     Clan RUMM is a US based Clan who is looking for skilled recruits above the age of 21 to participate in Stronghold Battles. &a [..] View

[WoT UNI]Training Sessions and Results- Shoot Without Being Shot

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 [WoT UNI]Training Sessions and Results- Series This is the first filmed training session for World of Tanks University. The training session are non compulsory and are kept short and sweet. Afterwards [..] View

entering the land of green

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 I just noticed that my recent has become green - I've been orange and yellow for so long.  I did have a game over the weekend in my BDR where I dealt 2300 damage and 6 kills - it was a 9000+ [..] View

RDDT1 EU is recruiting!

5:03 am, October 6, 2014 Sat comfortably between [RDDT] and the rest of the RDDT social clans (not [RDDTX] ... we still don't really understand those guys), [RDDT1] acts as a slightly less intense alternative to the main [RDD [..] View

Help me decide: T-62A or Obj140 for Random?

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014 OK, I am milling over this for a week now. I have the Obj140 but drive it mostly in CW / Ultimates and like it fine. I also have an Obj268 with a monter crew gathering dust. I have the T-62A unlocked. [..] View

Open Range is now recruiting

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014      OR is a new clan looking for players who ...                   &n [..] View

contemplating the is4

5:03 am, October 4, 2014 How much of a rage am I in for? Only played it 2 games on test, many patches ago. Can't remember much of anything about it.       I thought about just buying it tonight but [..] View

Looking for CW Clan - 2065 / 55% 60day

4:03 pm, October 3, 2014 Looking for a top 50 clan that is highly active and can field two teams per night.  Available 5-6 nights a week for battles.  I am looking for a clan that can stay on the map and has [..] View

MCAS Mirimar Airshow World of Tanks Meetup

5:03 am, October 3, 2014 Hello Everyone, If you are free this weekend (or if you were going anyways) you should meet myself and the folks running the Wargaming Road Tour at the Mirimar Airshow! The Wargaming Humvee will be th [..] View

Pz B2 worth activating?

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 I have a bonus code to PzB2 but I'm wondering if it's worth activating. I really dont need any low-tier tanks even tough it's always top-tier. How much it costs to play this tank (50mm pen with ap doe [..] View

Wanting to join a Reddit Clan

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 For the past couple months I have been wanting to join one of the Reddit clans. I follow this subreddit like a religion to fuel my addiction. I mainly solo pub a lot and working my way up through the [..] View

Rosch323 [1868 WN8 / 55%WR Overall - 2100WN8 / 55% 60 Day] Need a CW clan.

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 I am 26 years old. Available 4-5 nights a week.   Personal Rating: 8070 Hit Ratio: 73.65%   CW Tanks include: T57 Heavy, IS-7, T62a, Obj140, STB1, Bat Chat, Waffle E100, FV215B 183, [..] View

-APE- Recruiting! CW People!

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 Apes is a new clan, who will be focusing on all aspects of the game:   -Strongholds - We currently have 84% win rate -Clan Wars -   need peeps -Tournaments - Rainbo [..] View

RDTT2: Recruiting again! Join us for Stronghold Stompings and general shenanigans.

5:03 am, October 1, 2014 Often imitated, never duplicated, the only RDDT clan with a female commander is looking for a few more tankers to join us in our quest to bring drunkeness, *****, and destruction upon those who oppose [..] View

October's Mission: Damage and Destruction

4:03 pm, September 30, 2014 So next month's mission is visible in your upcoming missions now. The month long mission is to destroy 15 vehicles a day (in increments of 5, so step one is 5 destroyed, step two is 10, and 3 is 15). [..] View

Lol - how many Suiscouts are being trained by the Tank Racing event

4:03 pm, September 30, 2014 At first I thought this will go a long way to make me a better light driver and gunner. But then I thought I'm already too aggressive in my scouts, not passive at the appropriate moment. And then I th [..] View

r3dn3cks needs new clan mates

5:03 am, September 30, 2014 we are looking for adults who are on regular we are about 60 people now I need another 40 then ill drop all the dead weight and we will be clan wars ready by then till then we do a lot of strongholds [..] View

Noobmeter broken?

5:03 am, September 29, 2014 My noobmeter displays my Wn8 at 1766 overall and it has been saying I've been playing at 445 wn8 recents (actually 2000-3000) On wotlabs it says I'm 1788. Any Ideas on why my noobmeter page is broken? [..] View

No sixth sense indicator?

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 So I'm running vanilla 9.3 (waiting 1+ week for mods to catch up). In my Tier 6 Jackson, working on 3rd skill currently, and commander has 6th sense as first 100% skill. In two matches now, the spotte [..] View

Maximum Graphics Settings Actually Boosting FPS?

5:03 am, September 27, 2014 Was playing around with my settings today, and found that setting all of the graphics options to maximum got rid of the stuttering that I have been plagued with for weeks, AND boosted my FPS from 20-3 [..] View

New Twitch Stream , Growing Fast , Best follower Giveaways NA ! 10k views and 500 followers already !

5:03 am, September 27, 2014 Hello ! I have recently started streaming WoT in 1080p for your viewing and learning pleasure. I do the best follower giveaways I have seen for WoT to date ! I have done a 300 follower giveaway and wi [..] View

5,000 FREE Gold! Special Giveaway Event - "Snipe the Scorpion"

5:03 am, September 27, 2014 Hello everyone!   Want to win 5,000 Free Gold? Of course you do!   In celebration of my recent accomplishment (3 marks, ratio higher than 100% of players) in the T49 (T67), I am host [..] View

Noobmeter buged?

4:03 pm, September 26, 2014 My wn8 on noobmeter for the same period is twice as big as on the wotstats one. I have been playing poorly for couple of weeks, and 3k+ wn8 for that seems wierd. [..] View

Can someone explain XVM Combat efficiency rating to me?

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 I have been using XVM for a while and so have a couple of my friends. My problem is that I have around 1100 efficiency and my friends have 3-500. I have 10K games and they have 1-2K. Now the way I und [..] View

What tier 6 should I play?

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 I'm newish to the game with just under 1200 battles now. My first 500 or so were horrendous but have been feeling much more comfortable recently. Stats in the last couple weeks include 55% wins and WN [..] View

Grinding under-powered tank lines, should I just give ?

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 I have left the comfort of my gaming pc for the week, and being the OCD WoT player that I am, I decided to lurk the forums and /r/WorldofTanks for the past few days, reading both current and older pos [..] View

On track and in my bank

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 So I have been grinding the Chinese line because of the On Track 113 Game Event.  No I will not get a free tank.  No do I care about the free tank.  It is a line I wish to a [..] View

will this game cause a virus ever?

4:03 pm, September 23, 2014 I do not use mods or any third party things for any of my games)     I recently downloaded War Thunder on my gaming laptop a couple weeks ago and a few days later my compute [..] View

So I've been studying all the E-25 posts over the past month...

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 ...and just want to confirm that I made a very, very good decision purchasing this tank this weekend. Only have a few games under my belt, but even in loses I'm raking in credits. With my T34, if I ha [..] View

Is it national ignore a flank day or something?

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 Alright I need to vent, because this is driving me freaking insane. I swear one in every 4 battles, if I am lucky, I get a team that lemmings off to one side, all the heavies, mediums, etc, leaving th [..] View

Grinding guide - how to avoid losing streaks

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014 Hi tankers.   I've been reading lately about fellow tankers bemoaning losing streaks. I think we all have experienced losing streaks and know how they affect our mood. But when I read about l [..] View

Recently started crashing when shot by other tanks..

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 So about a week or two ago, when I get shot in sniper mode or in third person, there is a bright flash which crashes my game. I assume it's because my graphics card is old, yet I run from 50 - 70 FPS [..] View

WGLNA LYNK Recruitment Post.

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 All, The **** no one reads - One of Reddit's War Gaming League North America Bronze league teams is recruiting on account of 3-4 players moving on to other things during the fall break. We will howev [..] View

Took a Trip to the Deutsches Panzermuseum in Munster, Germany. Large Album (194 Photos)

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 Hey everyone, Spent a day last weekend at the Deutsches Panzermuseum Munster in northern Germany! Went a little overboard with the photos but I figured you guys might enjoy th [..] View

WG support banned my son and me for playing from the same house.

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 Hello everyone. So while I was away from the computer for the evening last night with my son it was brought to my attention that my WoT account was permanently banned via a PM to my phone from a clan [..] View

Did WG move their NA servers? Massive ping issues.

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 Seriously, i have no idea what happened after my 2 week break, but holy hell did the server room get flooded or mauled in some way? I've been running 150+ ping for the last few days on both NA East an [..] View


4:03 pm, September 20, 2014   Binary [11011]  is recruiting skilled players to fill both executive and non-executive positions   Minimum Requirements - 1500 Recent WN8 -  - WN8 Must [..] View

SinsOfWrath - 60 Day 1851 w/ 58% WR Looking for clan

5:03 am, September 20, 2014 I have departed -TRN- at 2220 EST on 19Sep14.  Forum signature may reflect still being in clan.   Recruiters,   I am SOW looking for a primarily platooning clan with potenti [..] View

Yummy Mediums!

4:03 pm, September 19, 2014 It had been months since I played arty, back in 8.7/8.8 I remember the game being all about beefy TDs and heavies, not many "soft" targets wandering around, or targets in general as TD's cam [..] View

CSCav wants YOU!

4:03 pm, September 18, 2014 A mature clan with 53+ members, we're looking for active players. Currently we run Stronghold battles 4 times a week and are always looking for good players. Once our Stronghold teams are solid we wil [..] View

Stuck at Logging In

5:03 am, September 18, 2014 As the title suggests, came home today. Absolutely nothing changed about my computer or game in at least several weeks and all of a sudden WoT won't connect/get past the Logging In section of the logi [..] View

ARBOK looking for experienced ACTIVE clan wars Tankers

5:03 am, September 18, 2014     .We are looking for players who want to stay in our clan to play in our clan. To us joining a clan is a lot like getting married, when you join us, the clan is committing to giv [..] View

rant: WoT has the newbie-unfriendliest community ever...

4:03 pm, September 17, 2014 I started playing 2 months ago, nearly 300 games, and am just about to stop. Low Tiers (<3-4) are fine, but once you go higher, holy **** is this game full of ********. Haven't seen anything li [..] View

Oake's Centurion Mk1 Review

4:03 pm, September 17, 2014 Another one of my earlier videos, thought I'd showcase it here while I'm recording the next review for later this week. The British Centurion Mk1, the tier 8 medium tank, can be a tricky one to handle [..] View

[CB] Crimson Blade is recruiting (limited spots)

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 [CB] Crimson Blade is recruiting. Contact FASTHatTrick, Maj_Lagg or Tylercoleman via our page on the WoT site. WIN8 1150 and 3x tier 10 (CW useable) minimum requirements. We [..] View

[Rigor] is recruiting!

4:03 pm, September 16, 2014 A buddy and I decided it was time to start our own clan; that clan is [RIGOR]. Were looking for above average players who are actively involved in playing World of Tanks and looking to improve. Wotlab [..] View

Crew Skill Reset Weekend & Centurion, Chaffee Skills

4:03 pm, September 15, 2014 Hello all. With the news about there still being the possibility of an FV4202 tier 8 premium, I will try to keep working on the Comet, etc. However, my crew is bad because they because they have been [..] View

World of Tank Assistant for iProducts problem

4:03 pm, September 15, 2014 I cannot access rating on any of my iPhone, iPad or iPad mini for a couple weeks now. What is going on?   It says data failed to load. All other features work 100% View

T-G-A is recruiting

5:03 am, September 15, 2014 The Ghost Army is looking for good active players. We are a group of guys who are just look to have fun but strive to help each other get better. We are very active in strongholds so we do ask that yo [..] View

[FOR BEGINNERS] So your a 1 shot!! what do you do now??

4:03 pm, September 14, 2014 Hi Guys, This is a post aimed mainly at new players, but I feel more experienced players (inc myself) could take from it from time to time. For those if you that do not know I recently starting filmin [..] View

T34 Bundle worth it this weekend?

5:03 am, September 14, 2014 I have the T14 and would get 1500 in gold and a slot worth 300. I would use the 1500 gold for a month of premium. but would have to come up with the extra 1000 gold. Basically how good of a deal does [..] View

Tdacey's Replay of The Week: Devlin's Object 430 Carry

4:03 pm, September 13, 2014 submitted by Devlinho [link] [1 comment] View


4:03 pm, September 12, 2014 WARNING LONG POST I do not if this belongs here but hell if it is moved then it is moved. This is a post about another comparedto warthunder staff and play wise. The other game is called Wart [..] View

Explain marks of excellence

4:03 pm, September 11, 2014 I'm sorry if this question has been posted before, but I read the explanation of Marks of Excellence by Wargaming and I still don't quite understand them.  From what I gather they are given b [..] View

Question for Blues and Unicums

5:03 am, September 11, 2014 So I'm at 2k games with a frustrating 48% win rate (much lower in recent weeks) and my question is to blues and unicums. What skill or set of skills do you have that the majority of the player base do [..] View

*||||| Brothers of Steel |||||* gathering players of all interests

4:03 pm, September 10, 2014 Hey there guys and gals, just a quick message letting you know we are gathering players of all levels interested in having fun. Many of us are wanting to participate in Strongholds, Tank Companies, Te [..] View

Switching crews question

5:03 am, September 10, 2014 I'm a relatively new player, somewhere between 1k and 2k games played and i currently own nine tier V tanks. Because of the discounts last weekend i bought two tier VI tanks and i was wondering when i [..] View

[AOD] Angels Of ***** - The only choice for all your Gaming needs, join us today at

5:03 am, September 10, 2014 AOD is looking for a   few AWESOME and FRIENDLY gamers to join us today at   Ever wanted to join [..] View

Best Replays of the Week

5:03 am, September 10, 2014 Ok, so you know the show Best Replays of the Week that World of Tanks puts on their youtube channel? Well, theres a problem. All of the people who get shown are RU or rarely EU. It's really frustratin [..] View

Last night, I found a Type 59 in my garage.... o.0

4:03 pm, September 9, 2014 So reddit, let me share a story with you, in hopes that it'll help me to realize what happened, but also to share the joy and excitement with you. Back when I started playing Tanks in 2011 I have been [..] View

New WoT player

4:03 pm, September 9, 2014 Hello /r/WorldofTanks, I am new to WoT and was looking for some advice. I am currently only on Tier 3, I have only been playing for about 2 weeks. I seem to like scouting and faster tanks more than fi [..] View


5:03 am, September 9, 2014 Hello, I messaged the moderators and was told I would be better off using the official clan forums, and I tried that, but here is my dilemma. Every clan that I researched wants, thousands of games pl [..] View

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