4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
The consensus re prem tanks seems to be - don't bundle, and sell more tanks at ~$3 to ~$18 price points. Personally I think WoT is sitting on cash cow
- How about a historical tanks premium series? - Take an existing tank - like a russian t34, reskin, add authentic emblems and camo, historical set up and give it pref mm tier 5- 6 , put at $10 and sell like hotcakes. You can also have Sherman, Tiger, etcc..
These can also be rewards for in game missions
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
See my signature...I play a lot of solo pub, Tiers V-IX, and in great need of improvement. Looking for platooners and team battlers to improve game. PM me in game, if looking for same. I play mostly T [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
So I'm taking a stroll in my Bulldog last night when suddenly I find myself rammed, and tracked by a friendly T-34.
We exchanged some pleasantries in chat. I questioned the honor of his mother and com [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
Top 20 Clans by Gold Revenue, with Data Collected Daily with WG API's
A few observations:
wars are expensive. they hurt gold income
corollary: current clan wars mechanics disco [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
Hi everyone,
I thought a new courage's medal should be added to the game, utilising some rules behind this, it could be implemented.
This medal would be in honor of Walter D. Ehle [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
So, a long while ago i once played Arty but i was discouraged in playing it after an ally got in the way of my shell and had -1 next to me so i stopped playing it after the game finished but [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
This is my new way of reviewing tanks, including the grind from stock (albeit I only play a few games while stock) to help people that do not like to use free experience. Beware, as this is m [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
I would love to have fair play game. If I play premium, I would love to play vs people who are playing the same premium account and invest money in game.
As a consumer and customer I think that playin [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
Im very worried, because i noticed, on the back of the new M4A3E8 Fury Tank, bottom right flap, their are these words written "2 (Triangle (Triangle) 2 (Triangle) 666 (Triangle)" And Clearly [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
West spawn has the decided advantage north of the river. The dunes are pushed too far towards east spawn and allow for free fire into the pass connecting north/south near G8. This firing location, fro [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
I appreciate that WOT is trying to better the game play but a blanket warning system when a person leave is bull. I don't pay and and play a game where someone "Warns me". Im a fifty year ol [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
My fellow Hulkamaniacs, due to boredom as well as the Halloween spirit, the 1996 Chicago Bulls have been taken over by the nWo and it's members.
The nWo may or may n [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
So, about a year ago, I, like most people, sold my Mrk VIc Light Tank for the garage space. Now, having sunk more dollars into the game, I have started to become a collector of sorts, trying to get a [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
FTR gave a site that come with a neat little feature for those who curious on which tanks they should play :D
I guess this might be useful for those who care about farming WN8 or just check [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
Many people overlook this tank simply because the stats on it are not really that impressive. I mean, we are talking about a tank with slow top speed, slow acceleration, a little clumsy on the turns, [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
1. understand the roll of your tank and its strongpoints and weaknesses.
a t-34 should not be up on a hill sniping , and a toaster should not be up at the front of a charge.
don't ******* if your a sc [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
The artillery has drastically changed, tier 10 can not be more than 500 hit points, the reason why I think it's fair to change it because arty remains hidden 90% of match time. It's stupid that a spg [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
Greetings Tankers!
The 9.4 Common Test will be brought back online soon, and we would greatly appreciate your assistance in identifying any issues or problems you encounter. Screenshots, re [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
I have had a couple of games where I am typing a chat message and somehow hit the wrong key and everything dissapears. No mini-map,no aiming reticle, just my tank and the map. When an red tank shows u [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
I mean, it's supposed to be a scout and all, and it's put into Tier 10 games, yet it's view range is worse than just about anyone else it faces, thus it's easily seen, hence it can't scout like it sho [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Hi Recruiters,
The Correct answer for the poll is Putin, just a fyi
Currently looking for a clan that participates in skirmishes, Cw's and other events. [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Now yes this "tank" is more of an armored truck but it does have some form of armor a 37mm and speed. This does look like a cool prem tank or maybe a giveaway tier 2-3 (most likely [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Which is an easier grind? Stug 3 up to the Ferdinand, or the VK3001P up to the Ferdinand via the Tiger P? I have both the Stug and VK3001 unlocked with a decent amount of xp in eac [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Hello guys. I share this post because I'm happy and because I became better, I learned something and I want to share this experience with other tankers.
First of all - I started 2 [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
I understand that there are many different posts about people flaming and raging about the gold ammunition and i have also had my own share of rage.
"Why are you wasting ******* gold rounds on a [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
After the battle ends my game freezes right as I click on to exit the battle. I have to go into task manager and end process and then restart the game. I have no mods installed. &a [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
can a tank be more rng biased?
with my T110E4, t30, rhm with the big gun firing gold. I have bounced his lower plate shooting shells with over 300mm of pen (average) and I always bounce th [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Ever since 9.3 any mod I install makes my game take an immensely long time to load, even simple stuff like a minimap mod to show the render distance. It also reduces my FPS to pretty sad levels (20-30 [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
What is the most "maximum experience" earned in WoT? Did I fail at google-fu? Or noobmeter.com? Very possible.
And was it a regular pub battle, or some odd eve [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
Around a year ago, I started a thread about how I had started out this game just lol'ing around, and had terrible stats to show for it. I had decided to learn to play, and had worked my way [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
I "upgraded" from my 38T because I was tired of my 75 bouncing all the time. In the case of a TD, every shot needs to count because you'll likely have to move, and if 1/2 your shots bounce a [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
'upgrade' turret appears worse unless there's a couple of hiden stats that are better. I don't rate the aim time bonus as vastly useful. Then I haven't played it a lot yet.
I do see a lot o [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
The consensus re prem tanks seems to be - don't bundle, and sell more tanks at ~$3 to ~$18 price points. Personally I think WoT is sitting on [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
The T57 and T29 are two tanks that I don’t understand why they are so expensive to run. I got the itch to run my T57 last night so I played approximately 15 games in it. I ran stan [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
See the following link. I'd love my bulldog even more with these skirts. Too bad it's not in HD nor it's released.
http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/29/straight-outta-supertest-m41-walker-bul [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
Hello all
I was wondering what does it take to make silver in this tank? Cause I am trying to to make silver to grind the silver need to buy T29, T25/2, and a few others. Heck I was rarely [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
Morning Tankers,
I am just curious and asking the community, why do people keep calling me a reroll? What about me says "oh this guy must be a reroll?"
It doesn't phase [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
1) We are not a heavy tank - leading charges is not for us
2) We do not really have armor - so do not play pe ca bo games
3) We do not have the speed of the Easy 8
4) We are often [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
I just bought the movie "The Void" and it came with 2 new account codes.
3 day premium and 1250 Gold.
Anyone looking to invite a new friend feel free to use these two c [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Alright, so I'm grinding my T-54 to the Obj. 140 because I need it for clan wars. Problem is I don't have 6 million creds. I just got 2 Prepaid cards so there's 10,760 gold in my garage. Should I use [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
I don't want to go and make this all fancy, with brilliant colors, and flashy pics, etc... This is combat folks, and COMBAT is not pretty, nor is it Glamorous like those ignorant pukes in Hollywood ma [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
I just re-installed windows 8.1 and now WoT crashes on startup. Same computer with same version of windows, had no issues before. I have already tried re-installing windows and re- [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
So I am looking for a decent Tier VI premium tank. I have a few in mind, but I only have enough for 1 of them.
Here is a list on my play style and opinion.
-I snipe a lot, but can go into m [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
BTW this is not meant to be an ad but I didn't see a link for it anywhere else. But it is a nice little bathroom read. :)
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0760342946/ref=oh_aui_s [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
If a teammate does team damage and/or team kills and is marked blue, he is eligible to be votekicked (spending one report token). If the vote passes (50% of all players still alive/spectating to pass) [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Two days in a row I have had to shoot someone for bumping into me while I was focusing fire and covering team members. I would normally tell them off in chat but I'm perma'ed in chat. So I n [..]
4:03 pm, October 21, 2014
Clã ativo e focado em CW's e Torneios. Participamos em Clã Wars e Camp [..]
4:03 pm, October 21, 2014
The battle counter can be fixed a bit.
Well the 25 second wait is a drag ... but WG can make it so the battle starts as soon as all the players are connected and not wait full 25 seconds.
I [..]
4:03 pm, October 21, 2014
Well, i completed today the mission "Total Destruction" that gives you 2 garage slots, and 10.000 crew exp, in my KV-85, but instead of the mission granting me that, it just reseted and give [..]
4:03 pm, October 21, 2014
MM is rigged!
http://www.noobmeter.com/recent/na/callandorsfire/1002281207/1002281207_00018741_20141020_005637/1002281207_00018755_20141021_025156;jsessionid=38D91450261A1426137C11D2B51302D [..]
4:03 pm, October 21, 2014
Upvote is an independent clan active in clan wars. We are RDDT's sister clan.
Upvote is looking for recruits for Clan Wars and the upcoming Campaign!
& [..]