World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




IS-4, the Russian anvil

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 Many people overlook this tank simply because the stats on it are not really that impressive. I mean, we are talking about a tank with slow top speed, slow acceleration, a little clumsy on the turns, [..] View

How to... duck?

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 Title asks all... exactly how do you play the duck (AMX 40)? It's been a long while since I last played it, and all I remember is that I hated it...   However, I've seen a few players (very f [..] View

Last Man Standing

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 These moments are why I keep playing this game.         It's been awhile since I left a match visibly shaking.  It was a very violent end of a [..] View

Low Tier Heavies in the Front Line, or not?

5:03 am, October 11, 2014 I guess most players encountered this situation from one perspective in the past: I was driving my BDR and was put into a Tier 7 match on Airfield. Assuming that my survivability is negligible, I deci [..] View

Light tank. Scouting. What am I missing?

5:03 am, October 10, 2014 I've got the Pz 1 c. Fully upgraded. Whenever I'm in a game with tier 2 and 3 I'm great, as I probably should be. But against tier 4 and 5 when I can't just motor through and blast everyone I am lost. [..] View

Wild Finish - Video

5:03 am, October 7, 2014 Never seen a final score like this before...  Need to give serious props to 'Artur1964', would not have survived without him.  Normally I'd thank the rest of my team but in this case [..] View

I Keep Getting Stuck In Tier IX and X Battles!

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 I'm not complaining.  I just want to know how to play against the ******** who can one-shot my Tier VII IS?  Since upgrading all the modules in my IS, I have been consistently drawin [..] View

Matchmaking System - Bug Issue Problem

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 Hello All,   Before i start please understand i have no problem dying. i enjoy the medium tanks and light tanks and know that i can die super fast if i am not careful.  So this is no [..] View

How to improve: Know your tanks and maps. (Not a basic guide)

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 Let's face it. Most of the people on this forum are not bad. They know the mechanics. They know all the weak spots. Map positioning. Spotting. Crew layouts. And all the other stuff. Those threads help [..] View

Award Suggestions

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 Group Awards: Vengeance: Destroy an enemy player who has ****** your platoon mate(s).                   &n [..] View

So much fun, but I have questions...

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 Staff Sergeant Finnegan shouted over the din of the engine to his driver. "Allingham! We're exposed on this road! There's a slope on the side, right next to the lake. Take us along there [..] View

Is Newt on track to the 113?

5:03 am, September 16, 2014 Welp today I took up the quest to get the free premium tank from the on track to 113 event..... yes I know there are other events which would have been better to aim for, but those take 25 days -_- So [..] View

Anyone remember the term "Tanker!"?

5:03 am, September 13, 2014 If you have played online First person shooter games in the past, you may of ran into the term "Tanker" in game a lot.   i remember those good old days when you fire at someone arou [..] View

WOT Academy - Episode 2 - Garage Explanation

2:01 pm, August 31, 2014 Hay guys, I have created this video as part of the new 'Academy' Series. When new players join us in WOT there is many aspects they may or may not understand. The garage contains a lot of information [..] View

An overdue topic

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Just had this game in my T-28 Prot, 1 one 1 against a SP. Found aut that u can actually miss the top of its turret or hit too low, for something like 5 or 6 times. But I guess the gun on Prot is not t [..] View

Tank Skin Idea (Cumulative Battles Survived)

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 You know those games where you seem to be invincible? You are bouncing shots left, right, and centre, putting out good damage, and leading the charge. At the end of it all, granted you were able to su [..] View

Breaking your own "glass ceiling"?

2:01 am, August 22, 2014 Disclaimer: I'm an average player (not in terms of WN8 labels, but how I actually affect the game's outcome). I'm around a 53% WR, my WN8 fluctuates but is currently averaged a [..] View

Most damage ever!

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I only play up to tier 6, so this may not seem like a lot to some of you, but last night I did about 3500 in damage - my highest ever. Got top score in a tier 8 battle. My SU-100 had como and binos [..] View

Does anyone else ever get so frustrated with this game that they feel like uninstalling?

2:01 pm, August 19, 2014 I know the game mechanics. I have basic tactical knowledge. I know where I should be, I do my job, and I try and survive until the end. I always try to win the battle, and have decent situational awar [..] View

Survival = Win, A tactic to help you survive.

2:01 am, August 16, 2014 Okay guys, I KNOW that you all want to **** as many OPFOR (OPposing FORces) as possible. This helps your win rate, your WN8, makes you feel good, and above all, wins the battle. The clock counts down [..] View

Am I missing something here? Confused about High Caliber.

2:01 am, August 14, 2014 I was prowling around in my KV-2 on a coffee break, and having a blast in a tier 8 game. Had a churchill covering my ***, T28 next to my side, a dead Indien-Pz. for cover, and I was lobbing shells int [..] View

The objective of WOT is to win, win, win

2:01 pm, August 11, 2014 I don't want anyone to take this post the wrong way, but at the same time I don't want anyone to not know what the objective of this game is. The objective of WOT is to win battles. You must always [..] View

Survive for loss or risk dying for win?

2:01 am, August 11, 2014 Just wondering people's opinions. Say you've done 3k damage as bottom tier and as the last one alive, would you prefer to camp in a corner and get in some more free damage before your [..] View

I need help improving my battles survived stat.

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 I'm a pretty new player but I just got to my first tier 8. I was looking around in my stats and I was very unsatisfied with my battles survived stat (21.96%!). I mostly play heavies, specifica [..] View

Tier 8/1 Fail platoon did not actually fail... Wow

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 So.. Here I was, having a match in my PTA, and there's a friggin LolTraktor platooned with a tier 8 in the match. It was really annoying, especially when he started talking all cocky about how what a [..] View

Anyone Crashing Bad?

2:01 am, August 4, 2014 Like bad bad I've NEVER had any problems with any of the patches that Wargaming put out, but this one wow I don't know if it's my computer, but I doesn't seem like it. Ran full virus check, cleaned [..] View

Getting Teams Like This (last 20 matches or so)

2:01 pm, July 22, 2014 The last two days I have been getting teams like this and losing where I do way higher damage than anyone else on my team and some how I was able to survive for most of the battle, yet most of my team [..] View

ARTY, and the lack there of

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 I have posted several time on this matter, within the arty page, but to no lack luster. So I am going to put it here into the general discussion.. WG has been reducing the ability of artillery, due t [..] View

Too Many Bad Players

2:01 pm, July 19, 2014 Yes. There have always been newbies or noobs or bad player but recently it's completely way out of control that it's ruining the game experience for me. It's just not fun anymore. I can't rely on anyo [..] View

Im consistent anyway

2:01 pm, July 16, 2014 If i could only do more damage? If RNGesus loved me ? If MM would put me on the Enemy team? If My team would actually NOT solo yolo SuiScout one by one ? If I did not have at least 1 or 2 AFK / BOTs e [..] View

Something has clicked...

2:01 pm, July 16, 2014 I wish I could tell you what it is, but I have no idea what really has happened. How in the world am I winning so much all of a sudden? I was stuck at 49% for so long, months, it took me forever for [..] View

Good bye green, Hello yellow again.

2:01 pm, July 15, 2014 Wow...Not sure what has changed in this game, but it has gone to the dogs. 2 years I've been back playing, and I simply think the core of this game has broke. I've spent the last 5 months or so rea [..] View

WN8 - Math to balance a team

2:01 am, July 10, 2014 Seeing as WN8 is based almost entirely on Kills and Damage, and not at all based on how much damage you take or whether you survive, and in order to win a game, without capping, your team will nearly [..] View

A guide to the IS-3

2:01 pm, July 8, 2014 Good Day Tankers! As you can see by the title I am writing a guide for the IS3. I have around 170 battles currently logged in this beast of a tank. Without further ado, lets get started. Contents: [..] View

Only in a T95.....

2:01 am, July 7, 2014 Can you get invincible and steel wall in the same battle..... Invincible: Survive 5 or more battles in a row without taking any damage. Steel Wall: Receive the highest damage (at least 1,000 H [..] View

Pitched Battle Mode

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 I'm still quite novice at this game at little over 5k battles, and many may detest me as I have done over half of them as Artillery. However, I do feel that most of the maps feel rather small and not [..] View

I play for Fun

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 So, all I hear is * I play for Fun *, or *Working as Intended * So, I guess Ill stop complaining and * Play For Fun * Cause God Love a Duck, YOLO SuiScout in a Church III or KV-2 is Fun Perform [..] View

Fix autoextinguisher

2:01 pm, June 29, 2014 Currently, the autoextinguisher is programmed badly. If you have an autoextinguisher installed, but only have enough HP to survive the shell impact but not a single tick of fire, you die from the shot [..] View

Help me improve?

2:01 am, June 26, 2014 I noticed that on noobmeter I went from (Bad) to (Below Avr.). While I'm happy that I have done so, I would like to know how to furth [..] View

1. What do you think of mid tier German heavies? 2. How do you decide when to move?

2:01 am, June 26, 2014 1. I figured I'd try to save some thread-space by asking 2 questions on the same thread. The first question is about German heavies from tier V to VII. I know the the tier IV DW2 isnt well liked, so I [..] View

So teams are BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, and getting WORSE

2:01 pm, June 24, 2014 I posted yesterday that Teams were Useless Steaming piles of Dog Feces,, 15/ 0 losers.. 15/1 14/1 15/3 over and over well ........ I did fairly well for my tier i played, but the Teams just SUCKED, [..] View

Help me scout?

2:01 am, June 12, 2014 Hey Tankkit. This is infuriating. No matter how many videos and strategies that I watch, I just can't seem to be able to scout. I play heavy tanks relatively well, but as fun as I find light t [..] View

An attempt of a legitimate comparison between WarThunder and WoT

2:01 am, June 5, 2014 I want to love WoT like I used to, but after playing WarThunder for a couple of weeks I find it impossible to do so. I'll start this by giving some back ground on myself: I began as every othe [..] View

Looking for suggestions for Skills/Perks for my VK 16.02 Leopard

2:01 am, June 2, 2014 Formerly one of my least favourite tanks (I even preferred the AMX 40 to it at one point), the Leopard has really grown on me in the last month or so, being both a fun tank to play and, statistically, [..] View

What are you going to do now. Reality kicks in!

2:01 am, May 30, 2014 I am changing up a little bit in this scenario. I am going to explain a situation which actually occurred in one of my games. The concept of what I'm about to explain of course can be any tank, any na [..] View

Am I Playing This Right? | IS-3 Edition

2:01 pm, May 29, 2014 Hey guys, average player here trying to improve. Here are five games in a row, tell me how I can improve in whatever aspect (positioning, loadout, etc) and I will try and apply it to the best of abili [..] View

Matchmaking and RNG Not Rigged? Yeah, Right.

2:01 pm, May 21, 2014 I had an amazing run the last three days and brought my win rate up to 50.31%. Tonight though, Matchmaker and RNG decided I needed to lose, and lose badly. EVERYTHING that I fired had its penetration [..] View

A Guide to Consumables

2:01 am, May 21, 2014 For the second installment of my Guide Series, I will be discussing consumables. Sure, they give your tank/crew certain bonuses in battle, but how exactly is the best way to use them? Many people use [..] View

71% of WOT-Players will not recommend the game to others

2:01 pm, May 20, 2014 In the german section of the official WOT-Forum is a very interesting topic ongoing. The question asked: Will you recommend the game to your friends? Not very surprising, 71% of the discussing people [..] View

Tips for newbies asking for help

2:01 pm, May 19, 2014 Hi tankers. This forum is a great place to get help and I personally am very greatful to all the tips and answers I have been getting for my requests for help. Now I am starting to be able to to do [..] View

First WN8 1000+ day

2:01 pm, May 19, 2014 So Finally, with 1100+ WN 7 too. Mostly tier 5, with some 6 included ** Thanks 2 X all day lol ** Efficiency Rating: 897(Above avg.) 1,095 (+2.7) 1,093 (+7.5) 1,019 (+37.0) 912 (+ [..] View


2:01 pm, May 19, 2014 Please excuse me for what I am about to say but what mindless idiot thought up the MM?????? I have just been through about 100 games with maybe 4 wins. What is the problem? The MM!!!!!!! I bought and [..] View

Why do you give arty drivers so much trouble?

2:01 pm, May 15, 2014 I enjoy playing artillery, mostly because the POS laptop I play on has a lousy frame rate. Tanks are playable until someone fires off a MG, then phbhtt. I'm not a great player, and that&#3 [..] View

1/2 Health T-44 v. Roughly Full Health M103

2:01 am, May 15, 2014 Close combat and both tanks elite, how many times out of 100 should the T-44 survive the encounter. Me, a barely greenplayer in the T-44 and a yellow player in the M103. I followed behind a Bat Cha [..] View

Stats dont match

2:01 pm, May 10, 2014 what stats should I go by cause none match , I will assume the WoT Service Record ? NoobMeter Performance Rating: 1,306(Above avg.) 1,513 (+53.5) 1,513 (+53.5) 1,300 (-135.7) Eff [..] View

Komarin: I Get It

10:05 am, May 3, 2014 Well I finally get all the hate for Komarin. Just had a battle in my Tiger P on it with tier 9 tank and my team ended up with fewer TDs. Given komarin's ability to bring all game play to a stand still [..] View

Break Time

10:05 am, May 2, 2014 Hello again, They happen to all of us. We get one of those games that is right down to the wire. There are only a handful of tanks remaining, and every move has dramatic effects on the game. It is th [..] View

Pz 38(t) Not Bad at all

10:05 pm, May 1, 2014 Pulled my weight and team usually fails but anyway thought that I would share my thoughts about this tank. Slow transverse on the turret but the gun is just full of derp even against good targets like [..] View

T28 prot is quite silly...

2:01 am, May 1, 2014 So... Not sure if I have been having the worst possible luck or what. In my T28 proto (love the tank), I have a 1.72 damage ratio, 1532 average damage per game, 0.92 armor efficiency, survive 34% of b [..] View

Importance: Platooning & Having Fun!

2:01 pm, April 27, 2014 I find this very good and a must-read to everyone, sizeable as the text may be. This applies to everyone that plays WoT, no matter what tier you play or how much youre online. The idea is that you [..] View

9.0.1: Crash after surviving battle

10:05 pm, April 26, 2014 After a game I survive, when I am supposed to go back to the garage, all I get is a black screen. 50/50 on whether the battle music is playing or not. I can't see any of my after action reports bec [..] View

How to Interpret Statistics

10:05 pm, April 23, 2014 Okay. So most of you are just getting started in WOT. Some of you are just starting to notice your statistics. Some of you have known about em for a while, but you're not sure what all these numbers r [..] View

[Discussion] Arty - We're all clickers

2:01 pm, April 20, 2014 What is to follow is a counter point to all the hate surrounding arty. I also hate arty at times, though for different reasons. I will be addressing issues I have with the general WoT community, what [..] View

Things I've Learned By Playing For 2 Weeks...

10:05 am, April 17, 2014 So I know this is usually a place to post guides on specific gameplay mechanics, or individual tanks, and usually filled with experienced posters who have a few thousand battles. I'm not one of those [..] View

Some questions about how to pen, crew perks, money and why I'm always getting ******.

2:01 pm, April 16, 2014 I've been playing this game for a few years now and am still pretty horrible at it. I currently have a tier 7 IS I'm trying to grind and can't seem to get anywhere with it. If [..] View

Quick question about XP

10:05 am, April 15, 2014 If I die before the battle ends, do I get the same of less XP than if I had survived? I haven't found anything definitive on this anywhere, and only really thought about it when I got this game where [..] View

If there is 1 tank a new player should learn.

2:01 pm, April 14, 2014 Ok you newer players gather around. I see many players who rush up the tank lines as fast as possible, or players who have just not learned the basics. Well my newer players, and this is advice I wish [..] View

Mother of a bad day (but only 3 battles)

2:01 pm, April 13, 2014 3<- battle counts for catagories<24 92<7 days 521<30 days 985<60 days Avg. Tier 5.4 5.67 6.13 5.94 5.86 Victories 2921 45.15% [..] View

British TDs or Japanese Meds?

9:05 am, March 3, 2014 First things first. I'm a newb at the Forum, so I have no idea if this is the right section for it. But I'll assume it is. My great and terrible problem is this. I like Tank Destroyers - specifica [..] View

x2 Crew Experiance Problem?

9:05 pm, February 28, 2014 I'm either having a bad math day or the x2 crew xp is not working right. Not once today has my crew advanced in training like they should with the x2 crew xp and my last battle is a good example. P [..] View

Gold Tanks of RU STRONK

9:05 pm, February 20, 2014 Yesterday, I have seen PZ2J and BT-SV. Combined with my slaying of a mtls-1g14. I have determined that the tanks in question isn't even overpowered and they're being super rare for no good reason [..] View

Poor Player

9:05 pm, February 20, 2014 Last Night Confrontation Match (US vs Germans) Malinovka Map Germans on south side, game starts and T-29 trolls on north side east to west, in ditch. 1 of 3 Ferdinands, I score a quick hit on [..] View

challenge -- break down WoT "skill" into 7 independent competencies

9:05 am, February 19, 2014 There have been a lot of discussions about how to measure WoT "skill". In my mind, this is a very broad term that is composed of different (and some independent) competencies. The challen [..] View

Help...Very Discouraging first day at this...

9:05 am, February 18, 2014 Hello everyone...I have been watching so many videos from people like jingles and quickybaby for a full week now and doing a lot of reading for the same period in preparation for my first day playing [..] View

The Argentinean DL-43 Nahuel medium-tank

9:05 am, February 14, 2014 Picture of DL-43 The DL-43 is an interesting tank - built by Argentina during the Second World War, pictures of it have popped up here once or twice. It's also been confirmed as a possible pre [..] View

RNG at its finest, wth moment of the year

9:05 am, February 8, 2014 I posted this in the RNG vid thread, but im so amazed that this happened I wanted to post it here, Driving my Waffentrager auf Pz IV, aiming at the enemy arty about to fire, he beats me to it, but [..] View

Help regarding T21/T71 light tanks

9:05 am, February 6, 2014 Hye. I started grinding the line for the T57 hvy. The problem is I can't drive light tanks. I just die in the 1st minute of the game or I survive but I get poor xp. Any tips for this 2 tanks [..] View

IS-8 why is this not a tier 5 or 6 light or medium tank?

9:05 pm, February 3, 2014 How does anyone play the IS-8 successfully?? I'd really like to know because I have one now and wish I didn't... I'd rather bring an M3 Lee to a tier X battle than the IS-8, I'd survive longer and [..] View

Exhibition in small city in Poland.

9:05 pm, January 30, 2014 Hello there WoT reddit community ! I see many imgur albums with exhibitions with tanks around here constantly. So i would like to share you with one near my city ( 10km ). It's Museum of & [..] View

How do you know when to move up a tier? [Noob Help]

9:05 am, January 30, 2014 I just got WoT last Saturday, so I definitely feel like I am a noob. I stay in Tier 1 and 2 right now, but am usually in the top 3 on my team for kills (using T18 right now, and it's OP, right [..] View

15,580 potential damage in AT-2, sadly no steel wall :(

9:05 pm, January 29, 2014 If only I survived :( As for all the misses I did, it was because I was blind firing at some positions I was getting shot at, also I was firing at a unspotted (once spotted) Stug, with the derp [..] View

1st Impressions Type 64

9:05 am, January 21, 2014 Hello again, So tonight I decided to go ahead and use my gold to purchase the Type 64. I have gotten quite a few games in over the period of a few hours and thought that I would share my 1st impressi [..] View

How do I improve my WN8

9:05 pm, January 7, 2014 The last couple weeks I have been focusing on unlocking my IS-8 which I finally completed yesterday. During this time I have been trying to focus on improving all my overall stats but I haven' [..] View

A-43 :Basicaly a worse cromwell?

9:05 am, January 6, 2014 Hello, I got bored of my centurion because its pretty hard to play and requires alot of positioning and awerness, and I as a 50% wr scrub with bad DPG and surviveability **** in those tanks. So I deci [..] View

Stats are your best friend!

9:05 am, January 2, 2014 I will write this post for the people who thinks stats doesn't mean anything. We actually have a problem here! Because stats are actually your best friends if you want to improve. If you don&a [..] View

somehow survived the game like this

9:05 am, December 31, 2013 submitted by SneakyFloorMop [link] [comment] View

Kazna Kru Drunken Birthday Stream 2013 - EU/ENG

9:05 am, December 27, 2013 Listen up boys and girls! December 10th 2012 the gold was spent for the creation of this marvelous clan. Thats just the spark that lit the plug. The real birthday have been moved somewhere to December [..] View

So.. i got the ****, and he survived?

9:05 pm, December 22, 2013 submitted by Thunderbane [link] [6 comments] View

Helping Teammates - Tell your cool stories of where you've actively helped your fellow pubbie tankers!

9:05 pm, December 18, 2013 I had a great game on Sands a few days ago that I have been thinking of sharing. Instead of just "asking for upvotes" I thought I'd turn it into a chance for people to share [..] View

Electo, the Lil Engine that Could!

9:05 pm, December 15, 2013 Yes, a Brag Post,, Tier 5 Battle, Yes, I survived the kamakazi View

Rant for some expierenced players

9:05 pm, December 13, 2013 Just a little heads up for a few players with over 12,000 games under your belt. Many times after a game I'll get a message from one of the more exp players telling me that I'm a useless or crappy [..] View

I have a terrible DPG. What do?

9:05 pm, December 11, 2013 Or more precisely, I'm thinking of trying a particular tactic for the next 10 or so games and I want your input on it. Please be as brutal as you want to be and I won't be offended. M [..] View

Dealing with a friend.

9:05 pm, December 9, 2013 Hi. I'm one of those people who actually type out full spelling please in games. I try to keep things civil, and maintain a modest 51% winrate. I'm not a great player per se, but I gla [..] View

Credit for damage done and damage recieved

9:05 am, November 29, 2013 Why not give experience for damage received in addition to the damage dealt? at first this might seem like bad form to reward the baddies or spammers but it still gives forward progress. the potentia [..] View

The AT-8 Grind

9:05 pm, November 28, 2013 How can a grind be this horrible!? Any tips to survive the first two guns are appreciated. :( submitted by hiroki_h [link] [14 comments] View

If I don't enjoy a tank should I just sell it?

9:05 pm, November 26, 2013 Hi r/WorldofTanks, I'm haven't been enjoying the IS-3 for some time now, and I've unlocked all the necessary modules to make it fully upgraded and so far I only need 98.000 exp [..] View

Tanking 24/7 quest not working

9:05 am, November 26, 2013 The Tanking 24/7 quest didn't work for me today. I know how the quest works, I've probably completed it 15 times this month. I survived 7 battles I then got my 24th **** I then completed 5 or 6 ra [..] View

I'm in love ...

9:05 pm, November 25, 2013 I just wanted to share my happiness with you guys, it has been a couple of month since I started on grinding the french light tree, and most of the time, it was a pain in the *** (enjoyed the amx 12t [..] View

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