World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




the 112

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 hello reddit, i bought the 112 a few weeks ago a friend of mine recommended it and i thought wel i am looking for a new tank so why not. but now i do like it its frontal armor is strong but is it just [..] View

Has the VK4502B LFP been buffed?

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 It seems indestructible. I just bounced four 259mm pen. shots in a row from its un-angled LFP from a very close range in a city map. Noticed this earlier too with E-75, close range, un-angled, bounce [..] View

The T28: Stat friend or Foe

4:03 pm, October 7, 2014 For the most part, I'm not a terrible player, I always try to learn how to improve myself and do my best to help out my team..... enter the T28 American TD  At the beginning of the O [..] View

RDTT2: Recruiting again! Join us for Stronghold Stompings and general shenanigans.

5:03 am, October 1, 2014 Often imitated, never duplicated, the only RDDT clan with a female commander is looking for a few more tankers to join us in our quest to bring drunkeness, *****, and destruction upon those who oppose [..] View

ST-1 vs E 75

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 Hi. To those who have both tanks, correct me if the following ideas are wrong. I checked tank inspector and the armour schemes for both tanks on the hull appear to be similarly strong. The only differ [..] View

Back to the table: The Maus

5:03 am, September 16, 2014 Before: Once the great and fearsome Grey mouse, it would make ennemies cower into concealment, waiting for their moment to strike the beast, but the beast stood, proud, under the punishment inflicted, [..] View

E-100 vs IS-7

5:03 am, September 7, 2014 I got my E-100 a couple months ago and I'm slowly getting better at it. I try to use AP unless I have no other choice (like a sidescraping Maus or a 110E3 who's hiding his lower plate). The only tank [..] View

Noob alert: Please teach me about the Object 416

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 So the other day I made a post about how I was loving the A-44 and even believed it had been buffed recently. A few of the responses alluded to the fact that if I enjoyed the A-44, I would enjoy the O [..] View

The logic of over-matching

2:01 pm, August 17, 2014 Over-match is based entirely upon the diameter of the shell you are firing. A 120mm shell can punch through 30mm of armour angled at any angle, regardless of the penetration value of the shell. [..] View

[EU] Mangled Metal 5v5 Problems

2:01 am, August 13, 2014 First of all I apologize to everyone as this probably isn't the content you would like to see on your favourite tonk subreddit, but I feel like this way it will get more exposure and it may ev [..] View

Hi, I'm Most Definitely Not A Reroll.

2:01 pm, August 12, 2014 Hi, I'm Most Definitely Not A Reroll. (Although people seem to think I am, despite the name.) I picked the name after researching this game, since people don't seem to like them, and I didn't want to [..] View

I need help improving my battles survived stat.

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 I'm a pretty new player but I just got to my first tier 8. I was looking around in my stats and I was very unsatisfied with my battles survived stat (21.96%!). I mostly play heavies, specifica [..] View

Rock is OP

2:01 am, August 7, 2014 So I am driving down the highway, 65 or so. All of a sudden I hear a CRACK. A rock hit my windshield and broke/chipped it. I find that to be ******** since my windshield is angled at, like what, 40 de [..] View

[DISCUSSION] Is the 4502B the new E 75?

2:01 pm, July 31, 2014 With the 9.2 buff it seems the 4502B has become a real threat to the battle field. What was once seen as a weaker E 75 now has some serious game changing potential. Lets compare the E 75 to its rear-t [..] View

Tier 8 prems yum

2:01 pm, July 30, 2014 So with some current money I have I want to get a tier 8 prem that is both fun and makes a ton of cred due to this I have narrowed this down to three tanks a crew trainer also wouldn't be bad. T34 [..] View

Trolled by RNg, gotta Love it

2:01 am, July 30, 2014 So Im running my TIGER P ... I Bounce off a Chi-To from 25m ,, right in his face my 203pen 88 AP shell went PING and then he Shot Me and PEN'D ME ,,, his amazing 155 PEN into my 200mm Angled Front pl [..] View

Premium ammo needs toned down or removed!

2:01 am, July 25, 2014 I dont know about anyone else but I am sick and tired of getting penned constantly by people that only carry premium ammo any more. I cant bounce anything in my E100 even my top plate gets penned angl [..] View

ARTY, and the lack there of

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 I have posted several time on this matter, within the arty page, but to no lack luster. So I am going to put it here into the general discussion.. WG has been reducing the ability of artillery, due t [..] View

Comparables of incoming tier 10's

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 So in the recent Storm Q&A there were confirmed facts about a few tansk that will be, for sure being introduced into the game. The AMX 30 will be a new tier 10 French medium, the FV 4202 will [..] View

Programmers, R&D and other positions of influence

2:01 pm, July 12, 2014 Some may take what I am going to say as a rambling rant, but don't be fooled by fools. This will be a wall of text, and if you honestly have care for the product you sell, you will want to read to the [..] View

T-34-3 drivers, I request your advice!

2:01 am, July 12, 2014 With this tank going on sale soon I thought I would try it on the test server. I actually like the way it feels and against all previous advice intend to get it. When I look at this tank this is what [..] View

A guide to the IS-3

2:01 pm, July 8, 2014 Good Day Tankers! As you can see by the title I am writing a guide for the IS3. I have around 170 battles currently logged in this beast of a tank. Without further ado, lets get started. Contents: [..] View

No "July 4th" music or sound while in garage?

2:01 pm, July 4, 2014 I see the fireworks display in the special "Garage" screen, but there are no sounds of the explosions. No Star Spangled Banner or America is playing. All is silent. Is this working as des [..] View

How to Black Prince

2:01 am, July 2, 2014 Or precisely - how to Black Prince not being top tier, but against t8/9 heavies. Without using gold rounds. For your information: In ~50 battles on this vehicle, I have 60% WR, ~1600 WN8 (my overall W [..] View

M48 or T110E5 or T57 Heavy

2:01 am, June 11, 2014 I've been wondering which American Tanks I should research. The M48 Patton, T110E5 or the T57 heavy. I like tanks that can move around the battlefield quickly for backing up allies while still getting [..] View

Comprehensive Ammunition and Damage Rework

2:01 pm, June 7, 2014 This is going to be a long one, so let me break this down. Ammunition Changes First and foremost would be the move to a system comprising a total of nine different ammo types(ten if you want to [..] View

T110E4. Any tips, tricks, or tactics?

2:01 pm, June 5, 2014 I tried searching around but most of the information was outdated. Any tips, tricks, or tactics about this tank would be greatly appreciated. This is my first tier 10 tank. Stats: (to show that I at [..] View

EF-5 like no other

2:01 pm, June 4, 2014 Welcome to EF-5...What are we? Platoon based clan (for now). What makes us different then any other clan?...We don't care about your stats. Will there be clan wars?...In good time. Once will fill out [..] View

Help me understand camo mechanics?

2:01 am, May 30, 2014 I was playing the VK.28.01 (fully upgraded with derp) on komarin. I drove up to a building with a bush to its left side like so: XBush =Building -+-Tank X===== -+- I angled my tank at around a 30 deg [..] View

Super Pershing: How to make it work?

2:01 am, May 25, 2014 I'm a 950 overall WN8, 1300-2000 daily WN8 player, so I assume I kinda sorta know what I'm doing most of the time. I recently got the Super Pershing through the event and have played a [..] View

PSA, when flanked in a heavy tank....

2:01 am, May 25, 2014 This may seem rather trivial, but I see this sort of thing happening way to much, so I'll give an example [..] View

something to make you go, WHAT ?

2:01 pm, May 21, 2014 Well, it made me go.. WHAT ? ? ? KV-1 Elite so I have 75mm side/front / 110mm turret armor front /sides I got hit in the side, I am Facing the Crusader, but I am Angled about 30 / 40 % and a [..] View

Matchmaking and RNG Not Rigged? Yeah, Right.

2:01 pm, May 21, 2014 I had an amazing run the last three days and brought my win rate up to 50.31%. Tonight though, Matchmaker and RNG decided I needed to lose, and lose badly. EVERYTHING that I fired had its penetration [..] View

Why do I constantly fail on my jagdtiger?

2:01 am, May 20, 2014 Guys, its just one of those days where I just wanna stop playing this game. I think I'm a average type of player. I played through the german TD line up to t9. I played the KV-1 -> IS L [..] View

Heat Shells

2:01 am, May 14, 2014 So, there are two types of premium ammo (mainly, excluding arty and 183) HEAT shells, and APCR shells. Some tanks fire APCR and some HEAT. I have tried to use heat shells myself, while upgrading a tan [..] View

Reasons why I have decided to quit playing WOT

10:05 am, May 5, 2014 For too long now I have delayed this decision because World Of Tanks is a genuinely fun game so naturally I got over my frustration.At Least then, now I have been getting a cycle of fun and stress wit [..] View

What if the What the F%$# got the short 128....

10:05 am, May 1, 2014 Yeah, its a long ranty wall-o-text. I'm bored. As the title says....I haven't heard any news about this tank getting "rebalanced" and the whole "ITZ BALANCED CAUZE ITS GOT NO ARMOR&q [..] View

"Damage blocked by armor" is **** and should be changed back

10:05 pm, April 24, 2014 I have no idea why they felt the need to change Potential Damage to this new system, but it's complete ****. "Damage blocked by armor" apparently doesn't register shells that penetrate spac [..] View

So there I was in my new ST-I...

10:05 am, April 22, 2014 Minding my own business, doing some sidescraping and everything is going great. Everyone's bouncing off me, trading shots with enemies, trying to outwit each other. Eviscerate some Jagdpanzer E 100 fu [..] View

Pz. IV H Side Skirts

10:05 am, April 19, 2014 As we all know, side skirts have been slapped onto the Pz IV. This tank is now impervious to all forms of 105mm derp from the side. With the skirts, tracked, and a turret mostly covered with spaced ar [..] View

My good deed of the day, back to the basics guide for all those noobs buying into high tiers......

9:05 am, March 4, 2014 So you just signed up and blew $30 on up on that fancy new Premium medium or heavy tank. After buying into a tier you never earned your way into, you are thinking: "I'm ready, man. Check it [..] View

Churchill VII, Worst or Best Tank?!

9:05 pm, March 3, 2014 So I've been grinding the Churchill VII at the moment and I have experienced quite a lot of success however it still remained a midterm wether or not this thing is actually any good! It had fa [..] View

My guide to the mighty T32!

9:05 am, February 19, 2014 The T32, under estimated by most. It sits at T8 after the T29 looking like a **** compared to the beast at T7. In reality, this thing is a monster on it's own level. It can wreck havok on the enemy if [..] View

Jesus Christ on A Luxurious Satin Cat, RNG...

9:05 am, February 13, 2014 I'd love to pen something with my 90mm please? I think that unangled Tiger I that's been sitting there for ages would be good. No? How about that 3601H's side turret? Or T29's front hull? Wait, I [..] View

If not for tomatoes, there would be no WoT

9:05 pm, February 4, 2014 You guys hate the tomatoes. I think that's the wrong attitude. I think you need to be happy, perhaps even delighted that there are so many tomatoes in the game. For several reasons. To start - [..] View

Some Google-Fu to find past tanks on sale

9:05 pm, February 1, 2014 I just unlocked the T71 and was curious whether or not a sale was coming up. WG, of course, doesn't post future sales, but you can search their site for when the tank in question was on sale l [..] View

Churchill VII-Frontal Weak Spots?

9:05 pm, January 20, 2014 Can someone tell me how to pen the Church VII from the front with my T-150? I've found a number of guides on the Church III, and some "generic"Churchill (family)onesones, but nothing real sp [..] View

A couple photos from hopping onto my EU account for the first time in 2 years. (A brief look into a CBT players thoughts after returning)

9:05 am, January 17, 2014 Notice in the photos in the American tree, I've got the easy 8 unlocked but not the M4. Back in the days before the Chaffee was introduced, what you had to do was follow the M3/M5/M7 scout lin [..] View

Let's share some creepy World of Tanks moments

9:05 pm, January 7, 2014 I understand this isn't really a horror game, but I'm bored and wanted to share a little horror story I had in the game. I would be glad to read yours if you have one... Or more. NOTE: This is a tr [..] View

Must have angled like a pro. (x-post from /r/offbeat)

9:05 am, January 2, 2014 submitted by Varzakh [link] [11 comments] View

Design a tank: 1919

9:05 pm, December 22, 2013 The year is 1918. Your design team has been selected to design an armoured vehicle (one of these new-fangled tanks) to participate in the final push/glorious last-ditch defence/neutrality-keeping exce [..] View

Facts and Tips for Newbies

9:05 am, December 18, 2013 This is a thread dedicated to newbies who need quick facts. All facts are accepted by majority of good and experienced players, therefore I will not explain every single one of them. When in doubt, as [..] View

T110E5 seems weak, thoughts?

9:05 am, December 8, 2013 I got my first tier 10 a few weeks ago on the advice of some fellow clan mates: T110E5, and based on my first 100 games or so on it, I don't have a good impression. It has terrible armor (I co [..] View

The Real Question Behind the KV-220

9:05 am, December 3, 2013 Hello again, Well its been an busy day for me. I have not been able to get in a single game of WoT until the final hours of the day. I realize that the KV-220 is on sale today and I have the ready cas [..] View

What reputably bad tanks have you driven that surprised you? Would you please share what you did to make the tank effective?

9:05 pm, December 1, 2013 I took ownership of my T32 two days ago. While I loved my T29, I heard bad things about the T32's gun and was very worried when I bought it, since it has the same gun that the T29 had and the [..] View

Gift Shop Fix

9:05 am, November 24, 2013 Wargaming, you know I love you. And if you didn't know, you will soon. The new look of the premium tank shop is nice, but sometimes the spelling in vehicle descriptions just devolves into engrish of t [..] View

M6A2E1 the hell going on. I want a ANSWER WG!

9:05 am, November 9, 2013 I want know why it still getting in to Tier 10 battles.  With all High power guns and Premuim ammo's and with gun changes and weight and distants pen dropping stuff. &nb [..] View

A dramatized story of a loss I had yesterday.

9:05 pm, October 30, 2013 As the StuG III Came around the corner, he rolled right back up to 40 k/ph as the turn loosened. The hard, toasty desert sand felt great under his tracks, and the sun beat down upon his armoured top. [..] View

SU-152 madness with 152mm

9:05 pm, October 29, 2013 I know you guys don't like posts about ordinary games, etc. and I know that playing SU-152 with 152mm is OP, but I thought that this is worth a share. This never happened to me, but I think it [..] View

KV-13/Moving along

10:05 am, October 25, 2013 Hello again, Well I decided that I want to begin grinding at IS-7 line. Instead of starting way back at the KV-1s(and grinding out 50K), I realized that I had saved some of the XP on my KV-13(was hopi [..] View

**** the IS-3's Driver

10:05 am, October 12, 2013 With the changes to IS-3 in 0.8.9, the general angle of the front hull has become better, meaning it will be able to bounce more shells than before. However, at the time same time a certain weak spot [..] View

Ruminations on the Durchbruchswagen 2...

10:05 am, October 7, 2013 When patch 8.8 hit, I was pretty curious about the changes to the German tech tree, especially the addition of a new kid on the block, The Durchbruchswagen 2. I was expecting strangeness from the new [..] View

Crewskills for the British TD line

10:05 pm, September 20, 2013 (I couldn't find anything on this with the search bar.) I've reached 100% in AT-2 (can recommend, pubbie ****** machine), and I don't know what skill would be the best for my c [..] View

Short list of common mistakes that mediocre and weak players make that can easily be avoided. (Through observation of my terribad platoon mates)

6:13 am, September 18, 2013 So I've been playing platoons with a bunch of friends who range from mediocre to quite bad and have made a list of mistakes for them, and i'm gonna share it with you. Here goes : (Disclaimer: i'm not [..] View

For any struggling Tiger I drivers, here's a useful tip for difficult situations.

10:05 pm, September 17, 2013 As we all know the Tiger I was more of a support sniper tank and has problems dealing with the big boys up close. Unfortunately, it's not always possible to stay far away and we sometimes get [..] View

FV215B 183 1 shot kills!

10:05 am, September 16, 2013 This is ridiculous how no matter what tank im in I still get ****** w one shot by the FV215B 183. Now I am working towards getting this tank. that being said, I still think its gun should be nerfed! I [..] View

Put Me In Coach: Object 268

10:05 pm, September 11, 2013 Please note that this will not be true for every clan as it is more of a generalization. Clans who are limited in tier Xs may use these more or less frequently, but for the most part this will apply t [..] View

There was a website where you could select a tank, spin it and see it's effective angled armor.

10:05 pm, September 9, 2013 I lost the link and can only find other crappier calculators on Google. Can anyone provide a link? submitted by KillaMarci [link] [14 comments] View

Black Prince: Underestimated Gem

10:05 pm, September 5, 2013 I have been driving the Black Prince for a few hundred games now, and I see so few of these beasts on the battlefield. I understand why, but it is still fun. Why we don't see more: The British [..] View

Premium ammo has to be changed for gold only again.

10:05 pm, September 3, 2013 I came here because I think this "experiment" called premium ammo for credits was a disaster, I can upload tons of replays when you only heard the burning metal on your tank after the enemy [..] View

T26E4 is being sold, what to get in its place?

10:05 pm, August 30, 2013 So I will be selling the Super Pershing after trying it out a bit on test.  The speed increase from the reduction on terrian penalties just wasn't enough to make me want to continue [..] View

Quick lesson for noobs

10:05 am, August 30, 2013 NOT MY VIDEO. Some things you can't pen, especially if it's angled.   View

The Premium Ammunition Conundrum

10:05 am, August 24, 2013 After grinding my Ferdiand out all day, seeing mostly tier 10 tanks, and losing more than winning. I started to become fascinated by people using premium ammunition. I was studying how they played and [..] View

why i hate this game #23

10:05 am, August 16, 2013 I actually thought the BP was a good tank (because a rock with a pistol is an upgrade from a church 7, realistically the BP should be the t6 and they should **** the church 7 off) but just lately I ha [..] View

Need help with playing E-50

10:05 am, August 15, 2013 Background info: I am a slightly above average player, who normally uses Heavies, TD's and SPG's. The only Medium line i have journeyed into in much depth is the E-50. I am familiar wi [..] View

T110E5 or IS7

10:05 pm, August 14, 2013 so i was looking in to a heavy tank and i figured the two that i really liked was the IS7 and the T110E5. well I've already grinded the T110E5 when it came out (on my first account) it was fun and id [..] View

Turned a weird MM (1 t7 & 29 t5's) around for the good, missing Bruno's medal by ~30 seconds!

10:05 pm, August 10, 2013 Game started of with the usual responses to retarded matchmaking, many WTF's and a LOL from me in my BDR. Game goes as usual, think my team was OK because I only damaged their IS-2 once and th [..] View

Cynics' Guide to Heavy Tanking

10:05 am, August 10, 2013 Since my last cynics' guide (to scouting) was entertaining and informative to so many people, I thought I'd add a cynics' guide to heavy tanking as well. Again, I hope the guide is entertaining and in [..] View

Low velocity shells vs High velocity shells.

10:05 am, August 9, 2013 Other than having to lead the target, there some notable differences that between high and low velocity shells. Low velocity shells tend to be in a lobbing arc which IMO a disadvantage especially at l [..] View

IS: Angled or Direct?

10:05 am, August 7, 2013 I am just wondering because I keep beaten either way. View

Behrooz's mod compilation for 0.8.7 + individual links

10:05 pm, July 29, 2013 Hey Tankers! I've compiled a new version of r00zmods for 0.8.7, for anyone interested, with a single-package zip or links below to specific mods for those of you who like to get under the hood [..] View

How do you deal with the KV-1?

10:05 am, July 28, 2013 This tank has hurt me so badly. It outranks the other tier V heavies 2 to 1, it just does too much. Seriously, it has a better gun than the T1 Heavy and better armor. You may say that I use the T1 Hea [..] View

IMHO the Russian heavy line teaches bad habits and we should stop recommending it for new players

10:05 am, July 27, 2013 Okay so hear me out. The Russian heavy line is a great line, maybe too great. This line is unique and nothing really compares to it except maybe higher tier Chinese heavies. However, without fail, eve [..] View

this is why i think this game is rubbish

10:05 am, July 27, 2013 the third slaughter in a row and its game off!!!!!!! that's right, put me in a game where I cant do a f%$$ thing see how every shot pens me even when im angled off - not that it matters because they [..] View

WOT "What if?": World of Tanks 80.4 Cold War Edition

10:05 am, July 6, 2013 I've seen quite a lot of posts about people asking what it would be like if tanks with smoothbore guns and ATGMs and composite armor was added to the game, if maps would get bigger then, or how they w [..] View

Advice on the Matilda BP

10:05 am, July 3, 2013 How is this tank supposed to be played? My overall win percentage is ~50%, however my win percentage in the Matilda BP is 40%. Every tank is supposed to be some balance of Firepower, Mobility and Pro [..] View

FV 215b (183) review and discussion.

10:05 am, June 30, 2013 So I just got this tank and I thought I would share my opinions on it for anyone who is considering getting this vehicle. Here are my stats through 95 battles. 71% win rate 3060 Average damage per ga [..] View

Karelia hill decisions

10:05 pm, June 27, 2013 Karelia south hill is very important for controlling map, but sometimes you can't get up there before enemy arrives, or going up will get you ****** anyway. When do you take the risk, when do you rule [..] View

Raz's Guide to Paying Attention

10:05 pm, June 21, 2013 Welcome to the thread. Put your feet up. Relax for awhile. This thread exists because we players don't pay attention to what we do. There are some great tankers out there that do this every game, bu [..] View

Lessons From History #4: The Bladensburg Races

10:05 pm, June 21, 2013 While the term psychology would not arise until well after the Age of Muskets, that didn't mean that the military men of the time didn't have some understanding of it. Indeed, if you read them, you wi [..] View

Pz 1Cs and APCR

10:05 pm, June 18, 2013 So, I was in my T-28 grinding trough it, when a Pz 1c shows up. now I was already angled against the initial scout rush and he stops and fires a clip. only does 12 damage, and retreats. after his relo [..] View

FIX RNG involvement (or should i say random luck)

10:05 am, June 13, 2013 Hi everyone, let me start by saying prepare for this to be lengthy. Most of you who play this game probably consider yourselves "unlucky" or "unfortunate" well technically your cor [..] View

Sherman Firefly (not your average "I want the Firefly" post)

10:05 am, June 11, 2013 I have been meaning to write on this topic for a long time, but finally got to it when i saw the new trailer for The World of Tanks Xbox edition. the beginning of the trailer displays a green light th [..] View

Ammunition Changes

10:05 am, June 1, 2013 lt seems in P8.6 certain ammunition is to take a normalized penalty. This has been done before, from 8% to the current 5%. Apparently, APCR and its peers are to take a further -3% reduction. l am not [..] View

Angled KV-4

10:05 am, May 24, 2013 submitted by MobeusDP [link] [8 comments] View

Implement more canadian tanks

10:05 pm, May 19, 2013 Despite what people say, the ram2 is great(except for the awful need of a mm buff), there were numerous canadian tanks out there and it seems they typically get credited to other nations or are not ev [..] View

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