World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




The Grind - T37 Light review

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 This is my new way of reviewing tanks, including the grind from stock (albeit I only play a few games while stock) to help people that do not like to use free experience. Beware, as this is m [..] View

Reddit Clans Leaderboard - 22 Oct 2014

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 The data is collected from and profiles for 1804 (+5) players across all of the Reddit clans in NA, EU, and SEA. Per-tank data is only available for 636 (+15) players who [..] View

A reminder not to play when you keep losing.

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 Don't be me. I thought I could bring up a 40% WR after my first 10 battles. I didn't even think this was possible unless I was teamkilling every game, but I guess I learned my lesson. Feel free to dow [..] View

Slow but steady progress

4:03 pm, October 22, 2014 Around a year ago, I started a thread about how I had started out this game just lol'ing around, and had terrible stats to show for it.  I had decided to learn to play, and had worked my way [..] View

This can't be right.

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014   I mean, I did have a pretty good weekend. Reached my all-time highest overall Win Rate. But it's pretty insane to think I averaged 2600 WN8 for almost 40 battles. So, obviously something i [..] View

The problem with matchmaking...

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 Isn't that you get completely lopsided battles. Sure, if one team is far more skilled than the other, the skilled team is probably going to win. The problem is that MM sucks at balancing vehicle types [..] View

Changing nations

4:03 pm, October 16, 2014 I began WoT in 07/14. I have always liked German tanks and have battled up to tier 4 in only German tanks with about 1400 battles. Now that I'm "learning" about "other nation's tanks&qu [..] View

Why grind for a Tier 10 vehicle? Are Strongholds important?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Hi everyone! I'm currently sitting at Tier 8 in the french heavy line and decided to grind different lines first, because I don't earn any noteworthy money while playing the AMX 50 100, mostly because [..] View

Wardaddy bags his first Tiger and gets Ace+Fury review

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Like the title says, I just got ace in my brand new fury tank and brought home my first Tiger pelt.   1988 damage done 1694 assisted 3 ****** 6 more damaged for confederate 41,451 cr [..] View

Looking for a Canadian Clan

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 Would like to find a Canadian clan to join if there is such a clan. i do have some CW experience and enjoy platooning and team battles.I have several tier 10's which all are CW ready. I do play quite [..] View

Game Play Awards

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 Start giving out awards like 1000 xp for reaching a level in the number of battles. Like if you get 1000 battles, give out 1000 xp points, etc for each level - 1000, 2000, 3000, ******** . This would [..] View

Letting lower tiers in high tier battles through platoons

5:03 am, October 12, 2014 Please place some type of system to prevent tier 1's in higher T6 and above battles. This ruins that battle for the players trying to enjoy the game at level. Oh and thanks for the 2 hour ban for your [..] View

Suggested Tier 8 path for casual gamers (with team-battles in mind)?

4:03 pm, October 11, 2014 We all have a full-time job, and most of my friends have a family, which makes it difficult to find free time for gaming. A couple of times a year, we hide out in a chalet for a prolonged weekend-lan [..] View

Looking for a mature clan?

4:03 pm, October 11, 2014 We at the Armored Tank Division [ATD] are looking for tankers over 18  with Tier 6 and above vehicles.  We are a new clan that plays for fun, without the drama or pressure of win win [..] View

Class MM inbalanced since 9.3?

5:03 am, October 11, 2014 Since recent patch, I noticed significantly more of class imbalanced battles. Examples: one side has 2 top & 2 middle tier heavies, other has 1 middle. Or even one side has 2 TDs and 10 heavie [..] View

Game Crashing in M24 Chaffee Sport! Vehicle name not visible!

5:03 am, October 11, 2014 Hello fellow tanker,   Lately World of Tanks has been crashing for me, pacifically with the M24 Chaffee Sport. I will be in the middle of a race and my game will just close and it us [..] View

Clan RUMM Is Looking for New Members.

5:03 am, October 10, 2014   Greetings Fellow Tanker,   Clan RUMM is a US based Clan who is looking for skilled recruits above the age of 21 to participate in Stronghold Battles. All Applicants are required [..] View

Clan RUMM wants YOU!

4:03 pm, October 7, 2014 Greetings Fellow Tankers,     Clan RUMM is a US based Clan who is looking for skilled recruits above the age of 21 to participate in Stronghold Battles. &a [..] View

What premium tanks are not good and need be reworked?

5:03 am, October 7, 2014 I been playing S.35 premium tank, and I am surprised that the tank gets into tier 5 battles. Problem is that the gun is so poor, it can't pen many of the tanks even with gold. I wished they would trea [..] View

Is the T14 the worst T5 heavy?

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 I've been driving this thing a while, bought it while it was on sale. At first it was fun, as the gun was kinda crummy but at least it was bouncy. I currently have a 55% WR over 318 battles. Lately, h [..] View

dedbunnie looking for a clan

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 Currently searching for a clan.  Right now I am looking to do Strongholds and platoons and eventually CWs.  CWs on hold personally until I finish up with my degree.  I am ba [..] View

Lowe still needs preferred MM

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 With the advent of the matchmaker tier range changes, all the new tanks, and various map changes to encourage brawling, the Lowe is suffering as a result.  Even with the most recent minor buf [..] View

I Keep Getting Stuck In Tier IX and X Battles!

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 I'm not complaining.  I just want to know how to play against the ******** who can one-shot my Tier VII IS?  Since upgrading all the modules in my IS, I have been consistently drawin [..] View

XVM Should Offer Recent WN8 Option

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014 I'm sure this has been discussed but I can't find anything specific. I also realize this may be a programming nightmare, but still I am curious as to why this isn't an option. Everyone takes a differe [..] View

Looking for CW Clan - 2065 / 55% 60day

4:03 pm, October 3, 2014 Looking for a top 50 clan that is highly active and can field two teams per night.  Available 5-6 nights a week for battles.  I am looking for a clan that can stay on the map and has [..] View

My ideas on the implementation of Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM)

5:03 am, October 3, 2014 There are numerous arguments against implementing SBMM in random matches; my biggest is that there wouldn't be much variety in battles. The way the devs are considering implementing it ("tiers&qu [..] View

suggestion for historical battle

4:03 pm, October 2, 2014 so i have been thinking about historical battles for a while now, and an idea just pop out of my head what if you put small objective like capture the town area, or stop the enemy from reaching the to [..] View

How many battles in a tank is consider "stat padding"

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 So recently i went through my Clan list of the more "higher and best" stats and i had seen with a few that they had a, how do i put it a over played low-ish tier tank. So just some back Know [..] View

Should their be a minimum/maximum game limit to play certain tiers?

5:03 am, October 1, 2014 I have nearly 3,500 battles now. I got rid of my last tier I tank probably 2700 battles ago, and got rid of my last tier II tank about 1,500 battles ago. Just the other day I decided not to buy the ti [..] View

Well rounded garage

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 What would be a good well rounded  tier 10 garage?  My original game plan and still is, was to grind to a variety of tier ten tank's. Then fall back and play my tier ten's, mid tier [..] View

Ham, with a lot of Ram (E50M)

4:03 pm, September 25, 2014 So, last night was rather... interesting in the E50M   Seemed like every battle, I had an opportunity to just let it go, let it go... And Ram     Right now, this is my best [..] View

Matchmaking System - Bug Issue Problem

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 Hello All,   Before i start please understand i have no problem dying. i enjoy the medium tanks and light tanks and know that i can die super fast if i am not careful.  So this is no [..] View

An idea for the rebalance of Artillery

5:03 am, September 24, 2014 Okay, we all know how annoying it is to be one-shot by artillery from across the map. The gameplay provided via artillery DOES help reduce camping in open areas, which, as SerB would say, is "Wor [..] View

The "honeymoon period" - myth busted

4:03 pm, September 23, 2014 A common belief in WOT is that if you get a new tank, you will get preferential mm for the first X battles. This time, I decided to give it a try. I have a premium account, and I bought a SU-122-44. S [..] View

How on earth do you play the VK3601H?

4:03 pm, September 23, 2014 This tank has potential. I can feel it. Others feel it, but I can't use that potential! I have every single modules unlocked and I am running the 8.8 with some gold to compensate for the low penetrati [..] View

Grinding guide - how to avoid losing streaks

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014 Hi tankers.   I've been reading lately about fellow tankers bemoaning losing streaks. I think we all have experienced losing streaks and know how they affect our mood. But when I read about l [..] View

Some T-34-3 buff analysis

4:03 pm, September 21, 2014 Yes, there is already a topic on this, but since I'm an idiot and I'm making my own thread on it anyway.   Anyway, according to FTR, here are some tentative buffs.   - DPM increased [..] View

What tanks did you hate at first but now you love?

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 I just got out of my best match ever in my T1 Heavy. 8 kills, High Caliber, my first Radley-Walters’ Medal, and an Ace Tanker badge. The best part was it looked like a loss at the beginning, [..] View

Damage Farmer, **** Stealer, Idiot... I have been called all 3 of these lately

4:03 pm, September 18, 2014 I don't know why. All I am doing is trying to push the team to win by trying to do as good as I can on my own. Had a game in my KV-1 and was called a Damage Farmer because I pushed hard, driving the e [..] View

A Guide on How to be Competent in 7/42

5:03 am, September 18, 2014 This is just going to be a bit of bread and butter stuff. It'll show a few battles from a string of matches on Himmelsdorf just to show some of these tactics in action. Also if you are expecting some [..] View

ARBOK looking for experienced ACTIVE clan wars Tankers

5:03 am, September 18, 2014     .We are looking for players who want to stay in our clan to play in our clan. To us joining a clan is a lot like getting married, when you join us, the clan is committing to giv [..] View

Win8 stats and such

4:03 pm, September 14, 2014 Who is it that actually codes the win* stat aggregator anyway?   For the next iterration they need to change things up to better reflect how players are now rather than how they've been throu [..] View

Tank Experience Visuals

5:03 am, September 14, 2014 I believe it would be cool if there was some kind of way to make a tank look "beat up" after you have fought in a tank for x amount of battles. Kind of like showing a vehicles experience in [..] View

Imperial Warriors clan looking

4:03 pm, September 13, 2014 Imperial warriors is a competition focused clan seeking players of all skill levels interested in tournaments, league, strongholds, tank company and team battles. View

Looking for constructive criticism on WN8

4:03 pm, September 8, 2014 I currently have 8kish battles and I seem to have stagnated.  I'm at 1400ish WN8 and have been hovering there or a tad worse for the last 1k battles.  I have tried laying back some w [..] View

Discussion: Larger battles and multi-team battles.

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 Hello everyone, I know this topic has probably been bounced around before but seeing as how world of tanks has developed since the last time I've seen one of these discussions, I would like to see eve [..] View

Personal Rating...

5:03 am, September 4, 2014 The general consensus around here is that win rate is the most important stat, and rightfully so, but how much stock do you put into a players "Personal Rating".  Generally I find t [..] View

Chaffee in Tier 11?

5:03 am, September 3, 2014 Someone explain to me why this tank gets matched in tier 11 battles.  It's got ok view range.  It's got terrible cammo.  It's got an ok gun for tier 7-8 maybe.  It' [..] View

United States Marine Corps Division [USMCD]

8:14 am, September 1, 2014 USMCD is recruiting active players who are willing to participate in clan activities.   We are a friendly bunch of tankers, and do not tolerate douchbags and bad trolls... Well maybe good tro [..] View

PWF recruiting good players for platooning

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 Hello, PWF is recruiting good players that share our in-game focus of platooning/occasional team battles. We are currently a small group of average to good players (1300 WN8 on the low end up to 200 [..] View

So I just bought the kv1s yesterday

2:01 pm, August 27, 2014 many people told me it was a very fun tank and i'm sure it is. But now its out that we don't seem to be getting both tanks in the split(giving a free garage slot) should I still [..] View

Team battles are fun! Winning also! Does RDDT (EU) do team battles somewhat seriously?

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 So today I played my first few real team battles. I found this random serbian, zchek, polish? clan. They were speaking english, I could join them and their commander really knew what tactic to use and [..] View

Quick Guide for Starting Out / First 3K Battles

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 (what I would do if I started from scratch w/ no premium tanks) Preparation - Setup: Comfortable Mouse (my fav list: Razor DeathAdder, Logitech 400, CM Storm-Spawn, 1800 DPI setting) Mouse Pad (Mono [..] View

[TMC] Tempora Militis Caesaris recruiting!

2:01 pm, August 21, 2014 Hey guys, My best friend and I started a clan not so long ago. And now we are recruiting players to join our clan! What our clan offers: Platooning Team Battles on regular weekdays as soon as we have [..] View

Havok and multi core processing

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I'm sure we were all told post 9.0 that we would soon get Havok game engine to give us destructible environments and multi core processing. Since the release of 9.0 I have not seen anything else ab [..] View

On track event

2:01 pm, August 19, 2014 I somehow managed to get just over 25k xp in 24 battles. A combination of good mm, rng, and luck can go quite a ways I guess. How did everyone do on the first day of the on track? View

[HEB] Is Looking for New Blood

2:01 am, August 18, 2014 Good day! Some of you might have encountered us, some of you might have shopped at that Texas store chain that stole our name... Hoc est Bellum is a small Canadian / American clan currently focus [..] View

BLITZ, Tournaments and 7x42 Play

2:01 pm, August 17, 2014 BLITZ is apart of the RDDT community clans and we're looking for more to fill our ranks. We currently focus on the weekend Skirmishes, and Open/Bronze League play. LYNK our first league team is cur [..] View

Premium Rounds, a civilized discussion

2:01 am, August 16, 2014 Since gold rounds became available for purchase with in game currency the forums have been flooded with "Remove gold rounds" threads. Let me start off by stating that I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF RE [..] View

Struggling at higher tiers while playing mediums

2:01 am, August 15, 2014 Greetings folks, For the past 1,5 years or so i have been playing WoT several times a week and i am up to about 3K battles. Troubleshooter11 is the ingame name so you can look up my lemon stats at noo [..] View

Feedback/Suggestion - Separate good players from the bad players

2:01 am, August 14, 2014 Yesterday, I had the worst night every playing WOT. I probably played around 20 games and only won one game. The loss wasn't close. It was more like total domination. Novice vs Pros. 15-0, 15-1, 15-2. [..] View

The objective of WOT is to win, win, win

2:01 pm, August 11, 2014 I don't want anyone to take this post the wrong way, but at the same time I don't want anyone to not know what the objective of this game is. The objective of WOT is to win battles. You must always [..] View

Looking For Active And Nice, Chill Players For Stronghold Battles.

2:01 am, August 11, 2014 Stats don't really matter. Just be nice person who can understand sarcasm without getting defensive. Attached Thumbnails View

Improvement Advice

2:01 pm, August 9, 2014 Hello, I wanted to ask the better players of the community about improvements and stats. I Have been playing now for 3 weeks an have about 1200 battles.I currently play heavies and getting more into m [..] View

From WoT to Blitz, my impressions after 1k battles. I'd like to read yours.

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 I'm a 5k 50,5% 842 WM8 WoT player, ie not quite total noob but not quite dry behind the ears yet. I decided to give the WoT Blitz a try over the holidays and managed to hide from social obliga [..] View

So this guy PM'd me after a battle...

2:01 pm, August 6, 2014 Little backstory: played a game with fcm, did pretty average/bad, still came like top 5, friendly is-8 messaged me after a game because I lold at him calling us a noob team (even tho we won) while he [..] View

[IKILL] Kiljoy's Raiders

2:01 am, August 5, 2014 Kiljoy's Raiders is looking to expand it's rooster, and take part in stronghold battles. We are a laid back clan with no set goals other then to play tanks to have fun with friends. So please look us [..] View

Take 10 Minutes out of your grinding: Submit a ticket

2:01 am, August 5, 2014 Seriously. The terribads who team damage you and push you out, sell gold and spam incessantly DESERVE to be banned. Please put your time and effort into getting these fools out of our random battles. [..] View

El Halluf v9.2 Screen Shots and Fly By Video

2:01 pm, August 2, 2014 I made some screen shots of the map, without players, and from a birds eye view. I also made a fly by video for the guys that want to see the changes or plan strategy for clan battles. Screen Shots [..] View

Looking for a premium

2:01 pm, August 1, 2014 Hey people, I am looking for a Tier 8 Prem tank. What I have in mind is the JT8.8, T34, IS-6, and maybe the T-34-3. JT88 because it is the cheapest on sale, prints credits, and I like the DpM. Also ha [..] View

WG agrees that "many" prem tanks are just bad.

2:01 pm, July 31, 2014 In a recent Q&A it was confirmed that WG considers "many" currently available prem tanks to be simply "too bad" and that the solution would be to either buf [..] View

Question About My Second Ace.

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 Hello Folks: I attempted to post to this forum last night and was given the topic title box and the topic tags box, but no edit box to build the body of the post. So I tried posting to the newcome [..] View

Is the BC 25T too powerful?

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 I've been noticing a trend lately, an increase of BC25ts. What I've also noticed is their ability to really influence battles. Sure they have no armor, but that speed, camo, view range, and the abi [..] View

Game lag every ~10 seconds

2:01 am, July 29, 2014 Hey everyone when I try to play lately I'm getting lag every 10 seconds or so... it's system lag of some sort and it's occurring in the garage and in battles. WoT is using about 10% processor and 25% [..] View

So Many ReRollers

2:01 am, July 28, 2014 Yesterday some antagonistic tanker ridiculed the fact that I was ina Tier III battle & I had 28K games. He also belittled my stats & claimed I was a seal clubber. Whatever, it seems the highe [..] View

Organizing a "historical" battle

2:01 am, July 28, 2014 Seeing as nobody plays the in game historic battles I've been thinking about getting one (or more) going. At first it would just be tanks of the same country in a certain time period. Later I might tr [..] View

My first (legitimate) Tier 8 (that I didn't hate)

2:01 am, July 27, 2014 The first tier 8 tank I had was the Type 59. Of course I bought that and it's a great moneymaker. The second was the KV-4. I hated everything about it. Sold it after 8 battles. And now I have my ha [..] View

Somethings weird with matchmaking for tier 3 lights

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 So out of the last 22 games I have played in my T-26 and M3, 22 of them have been tier 5 battles. This is only since I have been counting, I can't even remember when I have not been bottom lev [..] View

Battle Calling, Are there any guides or help?

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 So I have fairly recently been promoted in my clan to the tournament organizer, because I started getting my clan involved in tournaments. I am also usually the one calling these battles. I feel that [..] View

Too Many Bad Players

2:01 pm, July 19, 2014 Yes. There have always been newbies or noobs or bad player but recently it's completely way out of control that it's ruining the game experience for me. It's just not fun anymore. I can't rely on anyo [..] View

Moments like these...

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 Every now and then, you'll have a public battle that just felt so... right. Well this was one of those battles. The teamwork seemed so perfect, and although there were times that could've been better, [..] View

9.2 Test 2 Patchnotes

2:01 pm, July 17, 2014 - Armor of the frontal section of the roof of the second turret for VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B increased from 40mm to 60 mm.- Magazine reload tim [..] View

5th Dimension Gaming Community is recruiting Officers and Soldiers.

2:01 am, July 17, 2014 We are a gaming community set up primarily around World of Tanks. We are here to have fun in a mature, no drama or bull atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, we are competitive as well. We compete a [..] View

Bad Juju Tanks

2:01 pm, July 14, 2014 Few words of introduction: I have a small goal of maintaining positive WR on as many tanks in garage, as possible. And luckily, I manage to get it on most of my vehicles. However, I have problems with [..] View

my clans first team battles

2:01 pm, July 13, 2014 MERIKA is a new clan of mostly newish players and last night we played our first team battles. I would like to thank the other clans and guys we fought. We all had a blast. We ended the night with a [..] View


2:01 pm, July 13, 2014 [KNG_H]Knights Hospitaller Open recruitement, for now we are soley a platoon clan, looking for tankers to move forward in team battles.No mandatory anything... Message me on or PM me i [..] View

[Recruitment NA] PIR8 is looking to expand.

2:01 am, July 12, 2014 Do you have a mild speech impediment? Do you want all the booty? Do you hate not having enough gold for whatever frivolous things you want(looking at you Jolly Roger insignia's)? Then PIR8 mig [..] View

So I've never been in a Company battle, or joined in any 'official' team play of any kind,

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 yet noobmeter shows me as having 4 Company battles. Anyone have any idea how that might be possible? submitted by just_to_annoy_you [link] [comment] View

Just passed 3000 battles. Anything I should be working on in particular to improve my game?

2:01 pm, July 7, 2014 submitted by EdMan2133 [link] [4 comments] View

How do you pay for your top tier battles?

2:01 pm, July 6, 2014 I saw stats that show the average tanker in tier 8,9,10 tanks, loses good money (credits) on their battles. I just got my first tier 8 am I'm wondering if I going to have to play a couple of battles w [..] View

New player here, and I'm really struggling.

2:01 pm, July 5, 2014 So I finally installed WoT and after a few days I still get single shotet a lot. I try to keep a low profile, sometimes I hit something, but mostly I get ****** from Idontkonwwhere. It's been [..] View

M103 tips or tricks?

2:01 am, June 29, 2014 This tank ******* hates me and wants me dead, I have 30% wr in it for 50 battles. I can't figure it out. submitted by doomchicken007 [link] [6 comments] View

Just a thought on tier 9 and 10 battles.

2:01 pm, June 26, 2014 Just a thought but would be nice if the tier 9 and would say the tier 10 battles where improved on. I am not talking about the tanks, talking about what you earn. I shot 8 shots with 7 pen. shots doin [..] View

WN8 jumps yesterday?

2:01 pm, June 25, 2014 Hi tankers, I was really excited yesterday as after months of learning I was about to crack the 1600WN8 mark with a few battles. I was at 1599 and played 4 battles - checked in this morning and I& [..] View

Stop the Insanity!

2:01 pm, June 25, 2014 I don't know if anyone has brought this up but I think something needs to be done, and quickly. First off the bots. ALL of the freakin bots! its not hard to scan for scripts and apps. Its been done a [..] View

[EU Noob] Looking for players to (platoon?) up with.

2:01 am, June 25, 2014 Hello. I am a relatively new WoT player, I'm about to hit 1000 battles. I guess I'm below average skill - I'm almost hitting a yellow on the how-****-you-are scale thing. I& [..] View

Wicked (WKD1) Recruiting Win WOT Gold

2:01 am, June 25, 2014 Wicked Force Alpha is a new Clan for players who want to grind their way with the rest of the clan to become a Wicked Force. We are accepting mature people who are starting out as Recruits and we ar [..] View

A few observations about skill based MM

2:01 pm, June 23, 2014 Skill based MM in random battles is what some people think the game is missing and there are is a very vocal minority that basically postulates the following: Random matches should have some sort of s [..] View

starting a new line. British or american

2:01 pm, June 23, 2014 I want to start a new line. I have only played German so far with around 8k battles. I have no interest in anything other than trying American or British. I play a little of everything as far as type [..] View

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