World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Sidescraping issue after 9.3?

4:03 pm, October 9, 2014 Is anyone having problems with getting penned in the side from obscene angles by people in front of you lately? I'm an average player so I know about sidescraping and had no issue with performing it [..] View

Churchill VII Weakspots?

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 I was having some trouble penning a Churchill VII in the front while driving my T150 and was wondering where you shoot it to pen easiest at close-medium ranges.  I was trying to hit the area [..] View

[META] Rule change involving uncropped screenshots

5:03 am, October 5, 2014 A lot of the time people are posting full screens of their game at whatever res they run to show something in the bottom corner. Not only is it a pain for mobile but it also means you can't see the co [..] View

Doing terribly in the IS-8

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 I loved the IS-3. Toward the end of my grind, I was doing 2k+ damage regularly and always made a profit without premium. I just got my IS-8. I expected it would be different, but not this different. M [..] View

Tiger II module selection..turret or next gun?

4:03 pm, September 10, 2014 I have only had this tank out in maybe 3 battles to try it out. I have the top motor and radio from previous tanks. I have been saving up my free XP and I am trying to decide if I could get the 2nd tu [..] View

New American lights... too OP?

4:03 pm, September 6, 2014 Im mostly talking about the top tiers: M41 Walker Bulldog and the T49. The M41 seems fine, but damn! 10 shells in the autoloader. This thing can clip nearly all tier 8 tanks. If we reduce the shells t [..] View

Matches Like These Upset Me

4:03 pm, September 3, 2014 The screenshot doesn't go the match justice, sure I did well, though to be honest here I didn't until the middle of the match where enemies just decided to YOLO me in slow TDs, letting me take them ou [..] View

The caernarvon :( help

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I have been playing world of tanks for a while, most of my early stats show how much of a noob I used to be, and as time when on I realized it too. I have played the US medium line all the way to the [..] View

M103 Guide

2:01 am, August 17, 2014 I think this is thetank I've reviewed on the forums that has changed the most since I bought it. A few (unrelated) tanks that really don't change all that much when you upgrade them are the Type 5 [..] View

Chieftain Mk2, FV215b potential replacement

2:01 pm, August 15, 2014 Wargaming has mentioned that it is considering replacing the FV215b with the Chieftain Mk2.1 Supposedly this will happen around the end of the year, but this might not even go through, and they might [..] View

Are the only people who complain about SPrem (Gold Rounds)...

2:01 am, August 6, 2014 ... All heavy drivers who rely on nothing other than their armor to see them through a match? Last time I checked, terrain, rocks, some walls, dead tanks, your teammates and just-not-being-where-th [..] View

Should this have penned?

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 Or did too much of my shell go south? This was a heat round from my IS-2. When I shot, he face armor was nearly flat to me. View

Premium ammo needs toned down or removed!

2:01 am, July 25, 2014 I dont know about anyone else but I am sick and tired of getting penned constantly by people that only carry premium ammo any more. I cant bounce anything in my E100 even my top plate gets penned angl [..] View

After 1000 games the game is still a riot but very hard to get to 52% win

2:01 am, July 24, 2014 The Matilda is a great tank, even at it's slow pace you really need patience and proper map placement. However unless I'm at the top of the list there is no way I'm going carry the team. It seems so f [..] View

WoT for the Xbox

2:01 am, July 23, 2014 So I just played a couple games on my cousins account on the Xbox version. I've only ever played the PC version and I'm an average player (~1000 wn8 in 5k battles, I understand the arm [..] View

Comparables of incoming tier 10's

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 So in the recent Storm Q&A there were confirmed facts about a few tansk that will be, for sure being introduced into the game. The AMX 30 will be a new tier 10 French medium, the FV 4202 will [..] View

Arty - a dying breed

2:01 am, July 12, 2014 I just hada great game: - I was playing a teir 7 match as a tier 7 arty (a rarity) - I did not get the usual bot group heading out and camping the field while two or three scouts came in and ****** [..] View

Teams that throw games?

2:01 pm, July 9, 2014 Spoiler Have you ever felt like your team is throwing a game away? Some times I have to wonder how games go so one sided in complete land slides. The game above isn't a 100% land slide, b [..] View

Conqueror and FV215b Users, Are you happy with your tanks?

2:01 am, July 7, 2014 I started playing world of tanks again about a month ago after a year long hiatus and continued to grind my churchhill VII. Through many many games I've ended up with the Conqueror but still d [..] View

What is the most medium heavy tank, tier for tier?

2:01 pm, July 3, 2014 My bet is on the KV-1S. With a top speed upwards of ~55 and straight line speed around ~42, it has the speed of a medium tank of tier, excluding the Cromwell. It also has good straight line accelerati [..] View

One of those days

2:01 am, July 3, 2014 I could blame my team on this one but know If just one more of my shots penned him we could have won after a 4k game I cost us it. Its games like this that re [..] View

Any suggestions on the Tiger II?

2:01 am, June 29, 2014 I have played almost 200 games in this tank and still can't figure the damn thing out... I have tried a bunch of different ways to play the Tiger II and no one method is any better than the re [..] View

Recent WTH pics of the week.

2:01 am, June 10, 2014 First two. Who ran through the pumpkins? Next, stupid bot, you can't climb that bridge. Still not sure how this penned. Sadly that's it for now. I thought I had more, but I was [..] View

Caernarvon - how to play it?

2:01 am, May 27, 2014 People say to keep its front to the enemy because it has op fron armor. Well, i get penned anyway in a tier 8 max. They just go for lower plate. If i try to go hulldolwn they just pen the sides of th [..] View

PSA, when flanked in a heavy tank....

2:01 am, May 25, 2014 This may seem rather trivial, but I see this sort of thing happening way to much, so I'll give an example [..] View


2:01 pm, May 20, 2014 So I got to thinking a bit about gold APCR rounds in this game. What I was thinking about is, why do AP and APCR rounds do the same damage? AP had a small explosive round to do damage once it pe [..] View

Why do I constantly fail on my jagdtiger?

2:01 am, May 20, 2014 Guys, its just one of those days where I just wanna stop playing this game. I think I'm a average type of player. I played through the german TD line up to t9. I played the KV-1 -> IS L [..] View

Penned at silly angle?

2:01 pm, May 14, 2014 link to replay So, I was in my Pershing on Windstorm, and in the end I was ammoracked, 1v1 against a hellcat. After a long, drawn out duel in which we were 1-shot for the other, I sidescrape and the h [..] View

A-44 modules..

2:01 am, May 11, 2014 Where the hell is the engine placed in this thing? no matter where I get shot it will get damaged, also same with the ammo storage, every time I've been penned once will either damage my ammo [..] View

Fix Module Damage only

10:05 am, May 6, 2014 So, I recently started playing in an arty piece and noticed a handful of my shells be full absorbed by the gun and not do any damage but break the gun. I had noticed this in other tanks as well in my [..] View

Sprem Rounds and WoT

2:01 pm, May 5, 2014 There have been many posts about sprem rounds in this game. The pro's: - Expensive so wargaming makes $$ on selling silver/ gold packages & premium tanks. - Auto aim is a valid tactic. - Learn [..] View

Noob Myths

10:05 am, May 4, 2014 Having played for over 11k games, here is what I have discovered are the myths believed by noobs. As an arty,it is the responsibility of my allies to protect me. If I get shot, it is their fault. [..] View

My Tank Reviews

2:01 am, April 25, 2014 I am going to write a review of some of the tanks I have played here and add more later as I play new tanks. I am an average player with a good understanding of game mechanics as well. I am an older p [..] View

The 9.0 patch change to auto-aim sucks

10:05 pm, April 23, 2014 Amid all the CTD problems, and new HD tanks that seem to cause the CTD, I've found the most annoying thing about the new patch is the change to autoaim. Before it would lock center mass on a t [..] View

How to keep my KV-5 from dying?

10:05 pm, April 22, 2014 So I know people are gonna tell me 'HIDE YO R2D2' but the issue for me isn't R2D2. I can hide it just fine, and barely anyone aims for it anyway. Instead they're aiming elsewhere, and they're penning [..] View

T-44: Worst tier 8 medium, or worst medium in the game?

10:05 pm, April 22, 2014 I am pretty sure this thing is literally a load of crapwrapped in a coat of that vile substance that accumulates at the bottom of a grease fryer. It is by far the most impotent, [edited]and incapable [..] View

Tips for the M7/T21 grind?

10:05 pm, April 14, 2014 These things are paper tanks. They have firepower (But not penetration) and speed, but not much else. Has anyone developed a playstyle to maximize their effectiveness on the field? I usually play medi [..] View

Hull down problems with the T34.

9:05 pm, February 27, 2014 Ok so we know going hull down can make certain tanks nigh invincible. But RNG doesn't seem to like this and pulls out all the stops to make doing so a living nightmare. So lets go through the [..] View

My Opinion on the T26E4 Super Pershing

9:05 am, February 22, 2014 Okay. So. After some serious thought into whether or not I should buy this tank, being a $34 investment that I want spent wisely, and being that I've never played this tank prior to the armor nerf, I [..] View

Comet hull-down effectiveness

9:05 am, February 20, 2014 Does anyone have tankviewer, tank inspector, and can tell me how thick the gun mantlet on the Comet is? Because I just had a QQ moment that caused me to rage quit after a particularly hard streak of Q [..] View

IS-8 why is this not a tier 5 or 6 light or medium tank?

9:05 pm, February 3, 2014 How does anyone play the IS-8 successfully?? I'd really like to know because I have one now and wish I didn't... I'd rather bring an M3 Lee to a tier X battle than the IS-8, I'd survive longer and [..] View

This may sound ungrateful (T-95)

9:05 pm, January 14, 2014 To all those getting behind a T95 to try and push it. Please don't bother, ever! You will be adding at most 2km/h, but whilst doing that you are removing yourself and therefore an extra gun fr [..] View

Help me KV-4

9:05 am, January 11, 2014 So I recently got the KV-4tress. Im bad in it. Seems like no matter what I just get penned by everything, I know most of its armor is flat, but even when angling/sidescraping? I just need some tips to [..] View

Help me like the Chinese Premium 112

9:05 am, January 6, 2014 I really want to like this tank, but I am just not getting it...The T 34 3 even though verylackluster compared to other Tier 8 meds, I can actually make it work...but the 112...not so much... I tri [..] View

XP Awards, anyone able to explain this?

9:05 pm, December 29, 2013 Look at the two XP scores below, and compare me in the KV to the Church:- I scored higher on damage Ihit more times however we penned equally ( I was using the 57 on the KV) He took more hits and [..] View

Super Pershing - great tank for morons

9:05 am, December 28, 2013 I needed to train some American crews fast, so I took advantage of the sale and bought me a Super Pershing. I'm a terrible player, yet in only my second game playing that tank, I had a delightful e [..] View

Has Armour lost its relevance in this Armour game?

9:05 pm, December 27, 2013 It seems to me that vehicles that rely heavily on armour are becoming much less successful. With the ready availability of premium rounds, vehicles that used to be able to slug it out are taking serio [..] View

T110E5 seems weak, thoughts?

9:05 am, December 8, 2013 I got my first tier 10 a few weeks ago on the advice of some fellow clan mates: T110E5, and based on my first 100 games or so on it, I don't have a good impression. It has terrible armor (I co [..] View

Well I am sorely regretting this buy

9:05 am, December 3, 2013 So I bought the KV-5 and IS-6 bundle and while I did like the IS-6 despite it's pen because of it's maneuverability and troll armor (still could use a pen buff imho, maybe to ~195), the KV-5 is extrem [..] View

DISCUSSION: Will the STB-1 render the Leopard 1 obsolete?

9:05 pm, November 29, 2013 I've been hearing a lot of people talking about the possibility of this, so I figured, why not? I gathered together all the resources I could and put together as clear of a comparison as I pos [..] View

Just got my first tier X, and having some trouble...

9:05 pm, November 29, 2013 So, I purchased my E 100 just yesterday and I'm having a big trouble with it. Basically, my armor seems like its not there. First of tall, this tank is such a ******* gold shell magnet, that e [..] View

Daily Discussion/ Buff that tank: The Chinese 113 and it's replacement/ potential buff

9:05 am, November 14, 2013 So we all know that my precious 113 is one of the worst Tier 10 tanks that you can get, and is easily the worst tank in the line of chinese heavies. that being said, I want to kind of bring up a discu [..] View

Tiger Two Wat Do?

9:05 pm, November 7, 2013 Recently got to the King Tiger and i have the turret and the second gun, however I can't seem to make this tank work. Sidescrapeing ends up getting me penned at ~175* angles on the hull and tu [..] View


9:05 am, October 30, 2013 Nerf the OP tiger because it got buffed and now its OP. - Its dpm is way to high. The german crews of the war were the worst and this should be reflected in game by having at least a 10 second reload. [..] View

OMG why is KV4 in the game?

9:05 pm, October 27, 2013 That thing is beyond op. It cannot be penned and it has the best gun in the game discuss. View

KV-13/Moving along

10:05 am, October 25, 2013 Hello again, Well I decided that I want to begin grinding at IS-7 line. Instead of starting way back at the KV-1s(and grinding out 50K), I realized that I had saved some of the XP on my KV-13(was hopi [..] View

Which Tank Tree to pick?

10:05 pm, October 18, 2013 Hey, I've recently been playing WoT again. I'm and off and on player, not really that good but I'm getting tired of getting penned, so I was wondering if there was a Heavy Tank [..] View

Question...FV 183

10:05 pm, October 14, 2013 1873 Damage, 1 shot to an E-100, thoughts? Concerns? When it happened to me last night I was absolutely dumbfounded...and no it did not Ammo Rack me, it ****** my driver, and destroyed one of my trac [..] View

M6A2E1 is now unbalanced needs a Fix

10:05 am, October 14, 2013 With all the new faster tankers, better armor and more pen power and TD's that can 1 to 2 shot it, it tier 10 Matcher maker and Gold rounds now being more standard.  I have been find [..] View

Just another guide on how to improve

10:05 pm, October 10, 2013 We all like to win and i think that most of us always try to get better at thing that we like, so i made this guide hoping it can help you -Don't rush to higher tiers (i.e. getting a prem tank that do [..] View

This game is just about as broken as it was 2 years ago

10:05 am, October 9, 2013 I've now played through much of the game and experienced most of what there is to experience. It's taken me more than 2 years to do so. I have come unavoidably to the conclusion that it has no hope of [..] View

Help with the IS-6

10:05 pm, September 25, 2013 I got the IS-6 recently, and Ive played about 25 battles in it. But I dont think Im very good at it. Everybody says its got amazing armor, but I feel like I get penned very often. The 3 sided front of [..] View

Buff or Replace Maus...

10:05 am, September 16, 2013 Frankly this tank since i have had it for the past year has been nerfed to the point where it is now not only one of the worst tier 10s in the game which i only keep in my garage to look at and avoid [..] View

Premium ammo has to be changed for gold only again.

10:05 pm, September 3, 2013 I came here because I think this "experiment" called premium ammo for credits was a disaster, I can upload tons of replays when you only heard the burning metal on your tank after the enemy [..] View

IS-4 Dilemma // advice need

10:05 am, September 2, 2013 Does this tank ever bounce another tier 10 ? Everybody shots the driver hatch normally, the sides are penned even when in angle and if tanks have a higher position they just nuke your whole frontal pl [..] View


10:05 am, August 24, 2013 Whats up with this tank? How are people able to impossible pen sections of armor at extreme angles when it should physically bounce? Was playing a match where it was me against a Pershing and I was ha [..] View

The Role of the E-75 German Heavy (Tier IX).

10:05 pm, August 6, 2013 I would like to open with: I just started playing the E-75 (~50 battles) This is not a whining post I skipped the grind for the turret and gun with free xp and am using the suspension equipment until [..] View

Someone, please... How do i play with the Churchill VII

10:05 am, August 3, 2013 I have over 8k battles and 55% winrate or more on my recent tanks. But this tank is just... Unplayable! No matter how hard I sidescrape, I always get penned, even at seemingly auto bounce angles. And [..] View

Known topics: Buffing the Jerries

10:05 pm, July 29, 2013 Hello everyone, Adinias here with some known topics of today. I would like you - yes you, the person reading this - to share this with everyone who you know that plays WoT, this topic is very importa [..] View

Tips on playing the IS-6?

10:05 am, July 29, 2013 I'm seriously starting to regret getting this tank.  I am being penned by everything thrown at me and I can't pen anything either.  I would, at this point in time, [..] View

FV 215b (183) review and discussion.

10:05 am, June 30, 2013 So I just got this tank and I thought I would share my opinions on it for anyone who is considering getting this vehicle. Here are my stats through 95 battles. 71% win rate 3060 Average damage per ga [..] View

Secret Tactic #2 Dont angle

10:05 am, June 17, 2013 Conventional tank wisdom says to angle your hull 45 degrees in order to take a hit better There are some situations wherer  this is wrong. If you know for sure that you are going to [..] View

Is the second turret on the persh worth getting?

10:05 pm, June 11, 2013 I know it gives a bit more health, but does it make a massive gameplay difference? Like does it get penned all the time like stock one? View

Very BS gameplay

10:05 pm, May 24, 2013 I don't know why WG has to keep ******** with every damn tank and gun. This penetration no damage **** has gotten way out of hand and the damage system/model is a complete joke. After reviewing the re [..] View

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