World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Why not split teams based on skill instead?

4:03 pm, October 17, 2014 First off I'd like to say that I'm not saying this would work, I'm asking if it could, and if not why? I'm also not saying that the current system is broken or bad, I just had this opinion on how it m [..] View

T28 Concept Tank

5:03 am, October 10, 2014 Info taken from FTR   Because I love making comparisons I will be comparing the stats of the T28 Concept to the other [..] View

How to improve: Know your tanks and maps. (Not a basic guide)

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 Let's face it. Most of the people on this forum are not bad. They know the mechanics. They know all the weak spots. Map positioning. Spotting. Crew layouts. And all the other stuff. Those threads help [..] View

Expected damage per tank - WN8 query

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 So I keep hearing and have looked up the expected damage tables for WN8, but don't quite understand how that equates to a WN8 rating. If you nail bang on the expected damage in a tank what WN8 is that [..] View

Changes in Cazadores Clan

5:03 am, September 14, 2014 Hi dear community, given the current changes in Cazadores clan and to not give place to wrong ideas or doubts, I want to confirm this clan returns to its original course. Clan Cazadores was born in ea [..] View

Question about WN8 tank standars

4:03 pm, September 11, 2014 So every tank has an expected damage value, that damage is equivalent to what WN8 rating? I know there are other factors involved in the ecuation besides damage but roughly what would be your &nbs [..] View

Question regarding crew transferring.

2:01 pm, August 10, 2014 As you probably already know, when you re-train a crew member for another tank, they lose a lot of experience. What I wanna know is, what are all the factors that dictate how much experience they lose [..] View

Question on spotting mechanics

2:01 pm, August 5, 2014 I'm wondering if someone can help me to understand how the maximum spotting range of 445m factors in when you use equipment like binocs or coated optics that could extend it beyond that limit. [..] View

Tier 8 prems yum

2:01 pm, July 30, 2014 So with some current money I have I want to get a tier 8 prem that is both fun and makes a ton of cred due to this I have narrowed this down to three tanks a crew trainer also wouldn't be bad. T34 [..] View

Why arty is permanently broken

2:01 am, July 29, 2014 No other class has been repeatedly nerfed as much as arty, though no class is nearly as broken as arty. Arty has no place in pubs, it only fits into CW to break up turtle strats, it has no where else [..] View

Object 261, Bat Chat 58, or M53/55

2:01 am, July 4, 2014 I'm trying to decide on an artillery piece... I'm not a particularly experienced or dedicated arty player so if someone with more experience with these tanks could give their input, I& [..] View

Yet another Nooby Stats Question....

2:01 pm, May 16, 2014 So now that I'm actually trying to keep track of things I have a question on the workings of WOTLab. At some point do the percentages get adjusted by the introduction of other factors in the algori [..] View

Reasons why I have decided to quit playing WOT

10:05 am, May 5, 2014 For too long now I have delayed this decision because World Of Tanks is a genuinely fun game so naturally I got over my frustration.At Least then, now I have been getting a cycle of fun and stress wit [..] View

Good Old Classics

10:05 am, May 3, 2014 Hello again, Well now that I am back into playing WoT on a irregular basis, I figured that I would dust off a few classic tanks from a few months back. I took my crew out of my Jagdpanzer E-100, sear [..] View

Tips about using XVM: Common Courtesy

10:05 pm, April 29, 2014 Hello there. First, neg me. Then read. Statement For Those Who Will SkipThe Entire Skizzle XVM is like the weatherman in that it bases predictions off ofdata that does not account for all possible [..] View

9.x & Meta-game

10:05 pm, April 23, 2014 Ahoy folks, As recently as 8.11, the meta-game seemed largely focused around TDs + vision game (camo vs. spot). Now that 9.x has been released (for better or worse), we have all had a chance to kick t [..] View

GLD vs Stabilizers for American Heavies

10:05 pm, April 21, 2014 I've been a longtime russian and french heavy tank player, to go with a friend's IS-6 I bought the T34 heavy and almost instantly began the grind to the T-29. I've noticed that [..] View

Aiming tips

10:05 pm, April 19, 2014 Are there specific tanks, a specific range, or any other factors that make it so you dint have to completely zero in before pulling the trigger? I notice a lot of unicum streamers just find a target a [..] View

So...I'm getting frustrated.

10:05 pm, April 16, 2014 So I've been playing since June '11, and have been almost exclusively a solo pubbie type. Recently I've joined a clan, but it's just a couple of local friends, so not a [..] View

Let's have a talk about XVM's "Chance to win:" percentage.

10:05 pm, April 13, 2014 Okay. So. I need to tell you guys this. Most of you probably know. Or know more and will correct me. But I see so much ******** in this sub about "XVM is always wrong about us winning or losi [..] View

Is it time we look at the +-25% RNG effect on penetration?

9:05 am, February 27, 2014 The shooting mechanics game is affect by the RNG in three aspects: Accuracy, Penetration, and Damage. I think damage RNG is another topic to discuss, but I do believe penetration RNG should be look [..] View

New team damage/TK system

9:05 pm, February 13, 2014 They have this in their Now Live info but not the patch notes, funny. Anyway, cut and paste and format magic. General provisions: The team damage and team **** control system has become slightly mor [..] View

Arty and how they earn Exp

9:05 am, February 11, 2014 Ok guys.... So I had a round with my GW Tiger that was just killer. I made great coin but got hosed on exp. So I sent in the video and 3 picks of the post game summery. In my ticket I explained that [..] View

DPM & TTK Formula

9:05 pm, February 8, 2014 This is essentially just a repost of my comment here, but I felt it deserved a wider audience. I see a lot of people multiplying a tank's damage per shell by its fire rate to obtain its DPM. Unfort [..] View

Help and Improvement

9:05 pm, February 3, 2014 Hey guys I have a couple of things i want to share, but first i am going to talk about what i do. I have been playing World of Tanks for about 8 months, and about two months in i decided to start stre [..] View

Improvement and Help

9:05 am, January 27, 2014 Hey guys I have a couple of things i want to share, but first i am going to talk about what i do. I have been playing World of Tanks for about 8 months, and abouttwo months in i decided to start strea [..] View

Should I play WoT?

9:05 am, January 26, 2014 Hello everyone! After stumbling upon WoT through a certain youtuber's videos (not sure if I can use his youtube name here), I became interested in the game and wanted to join. However, before [..] View

Help with Camo info and some math

9:05 pm, January 21, 2014 Hello tankers and this is somewhat directed to the math gurus of the game. I've been looking to figure out some camo calculations to improve my understanding of spotting. The problem I&#39 [..] View

Deciding between T34 or JT88

9:05 pm, January 2, 2014 I've been playing this game since February and started getting pretty decent recently (~1500 wn6) The only premium I currently own is the SU-122. I love that tank. Anywho... I'm consid [..] View

Applicable to playing a fantasy game?

9:05 pm, December 13, 2013 Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things TheyAvoid 1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves. You dont see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they've [..] View

How it Works : Accuracy, Aimtime, Dispersion... as impacted by skills/equipment/modules

9:05 am, December 13, 2013 This came up in an alternate thread, but required a more detailed explanation that I felt needed to be put out there, because there's apparently still some confusion and lack of understanding [..] View

DingBat's Threads o' Common Sense: Statistics

9:05 pm, December 9, 2013 Stats. Oh god. Stats. Virtually nothing else has the potential to cause extra long threads, bruised egos, whining, and intellectual dishonesty. I vowed to stay away from the topic, but rules are made [..] View

Should WG add the M51 Super Shermen and Shermen VC Firefly as prem tanks?

9:05 pm, December 1, 2013 History of the Super Shermen In 1953, an Israeli delegation visited France to examine the new AMX 13 light tank. The tank was armed with the high-velocity 75 mm gun CN 75-50, a development of the Germ [..] View

WG wants Esport then they should make it so

9:05 pm, November 18, 2013 1. RNG is something that influences many aspects of this game. It be Accuracy, Penetration values, Module Damage, and Damage rolls. When you have a difference between -25%/+25% on both penetration and [..] View

What is the point of having aim times on guns. When it appears nobody actually uses them.

9:05 am, November 15, 2013 It's just point and shot. Hell, sometimes it's not even point the gun in the directions of the tank you're intending to **** just spin your tank and fire a shot.  It will hit. 100% o [..] View

Why Camping is The New Winning Strategy

9:05 am, November 10, 2013 HI ALL Camping is slowly becoming the way to win games. A few patches and some not so good decisions by WOT has turned the game in favor of players and teams who adopt passive/defenesive postures. Off [..] View

Staying Frosty

10:05 am, October 21, 2013 OK so I'm bored, tired and I cant sleep due to the axe that is a calculus midterm hanging over my head so I thought I'd give my take on some issues that seem to affect a large amount of the player bas [..] View

M6A2E1 is now unbalanced needs a Fix

10:05 am, October 14, 2013 With all the new faster tankers, better armor and more pen power and TD's that can 1 to 2 shot it, it tier 10 Matcher maker and Gold rounds now being more standard.  I have been find [..] View

This game is just about as broken as it was 2 years ago

10:05 am, October 9, 2013 I've now played through much of the game and experienced most of what there is to experience. It's taken me more than 2 years to do so. I have come unavoidably to the conclusion that it has no hope of [..] View

Penetration loss over distance - Scratching the itch of curiosity.

10:05 pm, October 3, 2013 AP and APCR rounds lose penetration values over distance. The average value you see on the information card is only true up to 100 meters, at which point the value begins to decrease linearly out unti [..] View

Boosting the Stats that matter

10:05 am, October 2, 2013 So I hear that effiency isn't really important anymore, and that WN7 and WN7 60 are really important. What are the key factors that affect this stat? What key factors affect it the most and after 1500 [..] View

[CW Discussion] How much training does your clan do for CW battles?

10:05 am, September 29, 2013 How much training do you think a clan needs to do for CW battles? What kind of training gives the best results? (both long term and short term) Hey guys, Another interesting CW discussion that we (Fo [..] View

MM proposal

10:05 am, September 12, 2013 Seems that more than half of forum goers (not at all a random sample of players of course) want skill based MM. Or something like that, they are loud in any case. Opponents to skill-based MM are vigor [..] View

GamesCon Q &A

10:05 am, August 25, 2013 today, we have something interesting. As you probably know, I was not able to go to the Gamescom this year, but others did in this case it was one player, who wished his nickname to remain anonymous, [..] View

Serb Facts August - "Stalin's Summer of Rage"

10:05 pm, August 19, 2013 Sorry about the wall of text, but I figured we would have different opinions as to what is important/unimportant. So I've gone ahead and copied and pasted everything and bolded the the interesting tid [..] View

For a given tier 6+ tank, what's your estimate for % of battles played by the playerbase without the top gun and 2nd turret?

10:05 pm, August 14, 2013 Players sometimes say during the countdown to the start of a battle that they're stock, i.e. playing without the top gun and 2nd turret. So this makes me wonder, what % of games for tanks at t [..] View

Matchmaking Fixing?

10:05 am, August 9, 2013 So, i happened to stumble upon some of these... half games, and other messed up junk. I sent wargaming a complaint about 3 weeks ago, just got a response not too long ago (they took forever to tell me [..] View

Question on damage calculation

10:05 am, August 3, 2013 I've watched a lot of tutorial videos and spent a lot of time on the various WoT wikis but couldn't find an answer to this simple question. *What factors into the amount of damage that [..] View

Why do people care so much about stats, win-rates, etc.?

10:05 am, July 15, 2013 In public matches, where you can't control who's on your team, what tanks they drive, and many other factors that simply aren't controllable in random battles. I've pla [..] View

[PSA] Refresher Post on Game Mechanics

10:05 pm, July 10, 2013 Matchmaker WoT Wiki Matchmaker Chart Imgur Rehost One of the biggest factors in any match, it is vital to understand the matchmaker and how it places you in a match. Penetration Mechanics Youtube Drop [..] View

A bit of insight from a Fun Loving Player on the artillery issue

10:05 am, June 19, 2013 Over the years Players have begged, pleaded, groveled, raged, cried, threatened, hated, whined, complained, roared, demanded, vented, ranted and blustered about Artillery. Over the same years, Wargam [..] View

Suggestions for buffing tanks.

10:05 am, June 12, 2013 I was looking through my garage and I remembered that I had a Pz S35. I decided to play with it for once but then I was reminded of its MM. It does not have special match-making despite it having such [..] View

Preliminary Stage 2 Announcement

10:05 pm, June 11, 2013 Oiriginal Link Greetings Clan Warriors! Once the first stage of the new Clan Wars campaign has come to its end. It will be time to initiate the next step and launch the second stage, Rise and Fall. Fi [..] View

Observations on 'carrying your weight' in a battle.

10:05 pm, June 5, 2013 I generally follow the rule of 'do your own hp in damage' as a rough measure of having done my fair share in a battle.  Lots of other factors are important in a game of course, but t [..] View

Good players can *still* carry bad teams regardless of tank

10:05 pm, May 22, 2013 Minutes ago, i was in a match that seemed that everything would be lost _ Im not artyllery meister...  neither i think arty is UP nor OP, unicorns expect artillery just to sit there [..] View

8.6 camo changes

10:05 pm, May 20, 2013 Taken from FTR: __________________________________________ Vehicle camo changes Our camo system with multiplying visual camo coefficient and camo net coeffici [..] View

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