World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




How can anyone actually be this bad?

4:03 pm, October 21, 2014 Was playing tier 7 game a saw a player with a non premium tier 6 tank who had a 36% win rate.  I suspected a bot, so I watched him for a while and moved near him and he appeared to be paying [..] View

Fixing MM and gameplay

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 I'm not hear to waste anyone's time but for the number of battles i've played, whenever i have a good run, i have basically an fairly equal and opposite bad run. over at least 8k battles, my win rate [..] View

The XP value at end of game (premium questions)

5:03 am, October 6, 2014 Does this number change based on account-type, or does it always stay raw? Is it the base? Because in a prior thread about the maximum XP on the service record screen, I found out that that number is [..] View

[71_AC] looking for members for casual play

4:03 pm, September 23, 2014 71_AC is a multi-gaming clan. We accept any player that meets the following requirements: -18 or older -Tier 7 tank or higher -Uses Teamspeak   We do take part in strongholds when members wan [..] View

Things to do during count down

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014 1)  Look at the composition of yours and enemies team.    Is  Arty present?  - If its is not it not your tactics may be different.  If it is and y [..] View

Tired of arty taking the fun out of the TANK game.

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 Tried to get back into WOT, but again it is just no good.  Since the beginning arty mechanics have been a burden, cancer, plague, curse, what ever you want to call it to this great tank game. [..] View

How do I influence battles as a tier 8 light tank?

4:03 pm, September 18, 2014 My performance on my AMX 13 90 is far too dependent on the team. The moment my team secures an edge, I am a storm personified, solidifying the battle by assassinating lone targets. But when my team [..] View

Question regarding WN8 calculation?

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 Hello, I hope someone can help me settle a question that arose on the german language forum. A poster claimed that if you play different tanks during one session, the expected values are added togethe [..] View

MM Idea: Sometimes Perception > Reality

4:03 pm, September 4, 2014 First off, this isn't related to unbalanced tier matchups, that is, two tier Xs on one team and six on another, as to me that's fairly easy to fix in my mind.     No, this i [..] View

Tdacey's Replay Contest [NA Server]

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 Watch for instructions if you don't feel like reading... Hey guys! I can't stress enough how helpful everyone has been with my YouTube channel, and all the positive support and influen [..] View

Improving gameplay, I need help

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 Hi guys, I know that most of you read the title and thought: Oh no! Not another one! But actually, it is in some way. I'm here not to ask how to increase WN8, I'm here to ask how to in [..] View

A few questions for you strategic fellows:

2:01 pm, August 22, 2014 When you look at the minimap, what influences where you go at the beginning of the match, and how? If you're not playing up a scout, how far behind/ahead of the rest of the flank do you & [..] View

New player really frustrated

2:01 pm, August 16, 2014 Hi guys I'm a relative new player to WoT with just under 1k games. Recently I've been experiencing some horrible games where I just feel powerless in helping my team win. No matter how [..] View

FV 4202 Switch

2:01 pm, July 30, 2014 According to Evilly, via FTR, the owners of the FV 4202 will get it as a tier 8 premium tank... Block Quote recently (27.7.2014), there has been an interview with Anton Evilly Pankov, main op [..] View

Is the BC 25T too powerful?

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 I've been noticing a trend lately, an increase of BC25ts. What I've also noticed is their ability to really influence battles. Sure they have no armor, but that speed, camo, view range, and the abi [..] View

Why arty is permanently broken

2:01 am, July 29, 2014 No other class has been repeatedly nerfed as much as arty, though no class is nearly as broken as arty. Arty has no place in pubs, it only fits into CW to break up turtle strats, it has no where else [..] View

Programmers, R&D and other positions of influence

2:01 pm, July 12, 2014 Some may take what I am going to say as a rambling rant, but don't be fooled by fools. This will be a wall of text, and if you honestly have care for the product you sell, you will want to read to the [..] View

Noob to noob random musings

2:01 pm, July 5, 2014 Seen and talked to a few other new players online, and a few of you have been discouraged. So random musings... Read the guides. Yeah everyone mentions this but it can't be emphasized enough. I ac [..] View

1. What do you think of mid tier German heavies? 2. How do you decide when to move?

2:01 am, June 26, 2014 1. I figured I'd try to save some thread-space by asking 2 questions on the same thread. The first question is about German heavies from tier V to VII. I know the the tier IV DW2 isnt well liked, so I [..] View

How to force my mate to take cover once in a while?

2:01 pm, June 23, 2014 I often party up with a real life friend. He is a very intelligent guy usually, but when it comes to WoT he seems to not grasp the concept of avoiding damage. He is quite happy to roll out from around [..] View

Vent: Fake Content Spreaders

2:01 pm, June 17, 2014 I just went to the Wikipedia page of the German E series vehicles and found that some Weraboo had edited the page to have the GW E-100 and JPE-100 included as part of the description of the E-100! Sho [..] View

2-month break from WoT and...

2:01 am, June 14, 2014 ...i was so happy but my stress level and rage is coming back faster than ever after 2 gaming sessions. the game is giving me ulcer again -_- i may yet still quit... but aside from that. my skill [..] View

Skill Plateaus

2:01 pm, June 13, 2014 Salutations fellow tankers. I'd like to hear the stories of how you guys faced skill plateaus and managed to overcome them gradually. Here's my story. I derped around like most new ta [..] View

I loled at my spotting

2:01 am, June 1, 2014 My best damage in spotting in a long time, Start of battle I went into my super sneaky bush and spotted for my team. Ending resulted in almost 9k spotting. Shame spotting dmg does not influence your w [..] View

Got rid of my mediums

10:05 am, May 6, 2014 Hello again, Well after yet another sub par 500 damage game in my Pershing, I finally decided to check my medium stats in a fit of rage. My overall win rate % in my Pershingwas an astonishing abysmal [..] View

HIgher Skilled Players Like Artillery Less - Confirmed, But Why?

10:05 pm, May 3, 2014 A note to moderation: Again, I see nothing wrong with this post. I'm not calling out any individual (the chart shows ambiguous data points). I'm not jumping to hyperbole, nor attempting to incite un [..] View

Tips about using XVM: Common Courtesy

10:05 pm, April 29, 2014 Hello there. First, neg me. Then read. Statement For Those Who Will SkipThe Entire Skizzle XVM is like the weatherman in that it bases predictions off ofdata that does not account for all possible [..] View

wot 0.9.0 bug

10:05 pm, April 26, 2014 Hello everyone, just downloaded the new update and when i get into battle, they are some things that are weird and were not like this before, like the top bar instead of the shape being green and red [..] View

Anyone else getting massive freezes/(not so-)microstutter?

10:05 am, April 26, 2014 I've seen all kinds of issues with 9.0 pop up, but I haven't seen a single mention of my issue yet. My average fps is the same as in 8.11 and I haven't had a single crash, but [..] View

What should Wargaming do to light tanks?

10:05 am, April 26, 2014 "- details on LT buff will be disclosed later, the goal of the buff is to make the LT class more popular and easier to play" Light tanks i [..] View

[Discussion] Arty - We're all clickers

2:01 pm, April 20, 2014 What is to follow is a counter point to all the hate surrounding arty. I also hate arty at times, though for different reasons. I will be addressing issues I have with the general WoT community, what [..] View

Does WoT have any good examples of maps that are not mirrored, but retain good balance?

9:05 pm, February 27, 2014 Just like the title. It seems that for most WoT maps you can draw a (not necessarily straight) line through the map and both halves will contain identical, or at least very similar features. Does WoT [..] View

Understanding Skill based MM

9:05 am, February 11, 2014 Skill based MM in random games has been, and probably always will be, a hot topic. Alas, many people do not understand the intricacies and difficulties of such a system and thus have flawed assumption [..] View

The upcoming TD Nerfs

9:05 am, February 10, 2014 So is everybody looking forward to upcoming TD nerfs? Im looking forward to unlocking the new King of the hill TD the E-100 :D Now that all the 850 dmg guns are getting nerfed to 750 the E-100 is basi [..] View

Overhead & Sniper view, Tanks & SPGs

9:05 am, February 9, 2014 As experienced players know, one can use an 'Alternate View' in the game. SPGs have an Overhead View. Tanks & TDs have a Sniper View. However, SPGs/Arty can not use 'Sniper View' even by zo [..] View

Make Random Battle reward system purely individual.

9:05 am, January 25, 2014 The fact is that team play is virtually nonexistent in random battles due to the fact that they are well..random, the player should not be rewarded or punished by the random teams he/she will receive. [..] View

TANKSTATS: Top five tanks used per tier in recent battles (with end of September reference)

9:05 pm, January 17, 2014 Hi, End of September last year I did a post showing the then top five most recently used tanks. It sparked some interesting discussion and a lot has happened since then. I've recently reached [..] View

Am I progressing properly as an Artillery player?

9:05 pm, January 14, 2014 Warning: Opinions. Yours, mine, theirs. Share your thoughts but don't be a 'tard about it. I'm relatively new to this game, with less than 2,000 battles under my belt. As of late, I've found that [..] View

Stats are going up, but I feel like I'm playing worse; Analysis of a failcarry(wip)

9:05 pm, January 14, 2014 I often see posts here, well, not often, everyday, that basically show how X team sucked and how they were uncarriable scrubs who uninstall. First off, these get old extremely quickly(pubbies are bad, [..] View

tankaversary. 1 year, 11111 battles later. p3

9:05 am, January 13, 2014 conclusions: . if won/lost numbers are your thing - beware the weekend grinds! 20 battles or 3 losses in a row is probably the best policy here. i would also recommend trying not to force a tank on [..] View

New Perk for Loader

9:05 pm, January 10, 2014 New Perk for Loader Given how much skills is available for Loader, and not mention in top tier tanks tend to have 2 loader which eat up perks faster. I propose one more Perk for Loader. Qual [..] View

I need a little help with the ELC AMX.

9:05 pm, January 2, 2014 Hello! I recently free exp'd the last 15k to get past the (horrific) AMX 40 and I now own the ELC AMX. As I have quite a bit of free exp I also unlocked all the modules. My problem is that I h [..] View

Which med to go for? Obj. 140 or t62?

9:05 pm, December 28, 2013 I'm on my way to the T-54 (60k exp left). So far, I wanna know which tank is "better". The T62a or Obj 140? I didn't play the 140 on the test server, but I read, that [..] View

T95E6 and a fix for some of the most fundamental problems of WOT.

9:05 am, December 28, 2013 Many of you probably follow the popular blog: have probably noticed the leaked pictures of the new American tier 10 medium tank, the T95E6. Yesterday it was reported that th [..] View

lost 5% w/r in the last 60 days

9:05 pm, December 21, 2013 It's not even due to a bad w/r in 60 days. It's due to a bad w/r in the last 3 weeks, that's been so bad it's dropped everything. I haven't managed to get over a 40%. no matter how hard I try. I ca [..] View

Quick PSA about Lakeville valley

9:05 pm, November 26, 2013 Just don't. You have no influence on the battle from there, as you can't shoot anything unless you crest the ridge, which will get you shot by everything on the other side. Doubly so for encounter, w [..] View

WG wants Esport then they should make it so

9:05 pm, November 18, 2013 1. RNG is something that influences many aspects of this game. It be Accuracy, Penetration values, Module Damage, and Damage rolls. When you have a difference between -25%/+25% on both penetration and [..] View

Personal influence in tier X?

9:05 pm, November 10, 2013 I find tier X lately to be more of a enigma than any other tier.   Those of you that regularly play tier X how do you feel about it?  The X5 weekend has got me frus [..] View

Open Letter

9:05 am, November 8, 2013 Well I figure this time I'll post something. I've tried to come back to this game after several breaks. I really *want* to like this game however there are quite a few flaws. Training For the sake [..] View

DingBat's Battle Reviews #9: Getting By With a Little Help From My Friends

10:05 pm, October 25, 2013 There's been a long running debate on how much of an influence a player can have over a match. I'm a little surprised by it, but there it is. This replay isn't going to clear up that debate, but what [..] View

Guide to Adequate Map Positioning (Cliff)

10:05 pm, October 21, 2013 I'll start with a standard disclaimer. I'm not a pro. There may be other spots to go to on maps that a great player can wring some benefit from. I'm just going for competence. If you go to a place I s [..] View


10:05 pm, September 29, 2013 Positive Reputation points You give them when you agree on their opinions or when you like what the thread/comment is about. You use these points as a positive token of your likings to whatever thread [..] View

Quick question about WN7

10:05 pm, September 25, 2013 So i looked at some stats today, and noticed that your average tank level influences your WN7-rating. Now my question is, is my average tank level really the average level of the tanks in my garage, o [..] View

I'm having serious conflictions over this game.

10:05 pm, September 25, 2013 <- my stats. I mostly play heavy tanks and light tanks with low pen rating, and I generally only ever act as a scout (the good kind, for the most part) or a &am [..] View

How Does One Remove "Followed" Threads?

10:05 pm, September 20, 2013 How do I "unfollow" or otherwise remove a thread off my "Threads I Participated In"? I'm not talking about the "Follow This Topic" that you can click on in the top right [..] View

Why is win/loss concidered the yardstick of how good a player is?

10:05 pm, September 17, 2013 Okay im still new with just over 1500 games played my question is aimed at the bottom tier public matches where my limited experience lays, the way i see it is luck is the only deciding factor in win/ [..] View

Immediate NERF is needed!

10:05 pm, September 4, 2013 Idiots and morons need to be nerfed, now! Their influence on the match is just too great! No matter how smart or how well I play, there's nothing I can do if my team's morons and idiots potato in fron [..] View

[Question] Does your gun influence MM

10:05 am, August 26, 2013 This is probably a stupid question and/or superstition but whenever i put a top gun on any of my tanks i notice i get put into higher tier matches. Does the gun influence this or do I always just have [..] View

GamesCon Q &A

10:05 am, August 25, 2013 today, we have something interesting. As you probably know, I was not able to go to the Gamescom this year, but others did in this case it was one player, who wished his nickname to remain anonymous, [..] View

I need to get out of my system that WoT MM is not rigged.

10:05 pm, August 12, 2013 I apologize in advance for the upcoming rant. I write it mostly for myself, to feel better, but I do have a faint hope in my heart that it is a decent read. I understand that a losing streak is painfu [..] View

What has happened since 8.7 update? (regarding team quality).

10:05 am, August 9, 2013 Alright so I don't know what has happened but since 8.7 went live, things just seem to be absolutely crazy. The first weekend it was fine and I was able to influence the games and help win, and got my [..] View

Question on damage calculation

10:05 am, August 3, 2013 I've watched a lot of tutorial videos and spent a lot of time on the various WoT wikis but couldn't find an answer to this simple question. *What factors into the amount of damage that [..] View

Does the tier of modules influence the MM of a tank?

10:05 pm, July 28, 2013 For instance, if a tier 5 medium (considering it is running solo, and no premium tank preferential MM) upgraded to a tier 6 gun, would it tend to get more matches on the higher end of its MM spectrum [..] View

An Average Player's Lemming Rush Guide

10:05 pm, July 23, 2013 Some may click this and expect a short, sarcastic rant about the "summer blitz" of baddies. Nope. That's not useful. I would have posted that in off topic. This guide is in response to being [..] View

Reveal the Chinese world of tanks

10:05 am, July 9, 2013 Because I can't send photo, so if you want to look the picture, enter the following website please: means download) May you haven' [..] View

Why you can carry - A guide to mindsets

10:05 am, July 9, 2013 Before I begin, let me give you a little background knowledge about myself. I am currently maintaining a 49% win-rate. I have been studying the forums, wiki, etc for a while now and constantly improvi [..] View

Lessons From History #4: The Bladensburg Races

10:05 pm, June 21, 2013 While the term psychology would not arise until well after the Age of Muskets, that didn't mean that the military men of the time didn't have some understanding of it. Indeed, if you read them, you wi [..] View

Know this - what to do about "troll platoons"

10:05 am, June 20, 2013 Do nothing and here's why.. Is it  the common practise on RU and EU servers as well I think to hard lesson (****) the troll platoons? Apparently these platoon players either don't [..] View

I used a hack today!

10:05 pm, June 16, 2013 Won 94% out of 50 battles today. I just want to apologise to everyone I met in battle. I shouldn't share this information with you but the hack is called BACON. I had several rashers today and clea [..] View

How to: Scouting

10:05 am, June 14, 2013 Howdy folks Lately I have been seeing a lot of new players that struggle with finding the right way to play a light tank, and a lot of people on the forum and in game asking about this 'scouting' thi [..] View

8.6 camo changes

10:05 pm, May 20, 2013 Taken from FTR: __________________________________________ Vehicle camo changes Our camo system with multiplying visual camo coefficient and camo net coeffici [..] View

Win Rates?

10:05 am, May 16, 2013 I see folks requiring "win rates" above certain numbers ( eg: 45%) to qualify for membership or for platoon joins. But since we join battles with teams made up of random players not of our c [..] View

Looking for pointers

6:30 am, May 16, 2013 Hi All, Just cutting right to it. I picked this game up in January and it's the #1 game I enjoy playing. Have racked up 3290 games since then, and try to add 20-30 quality games/day on average. I'm [..] View

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