World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Just saw Fury and it made me think...

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 ...that WoT should implement a White Phosporous or other smoke rounds. Tanks popping smoke and then advancing would not only look awesome and be more "realistic" but could also help reduce T [..] View

Fixing Lakeville!?

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 I figured this might just go unnoticed at the bottom of the previous Lakeville post, but this seems to me like an easy fix to help Lakeville flow a li [..] View

A New Arty Suggestion

5:03 am, September 26, 2014 Everybody loves arty, right? No? Exactly the opposite, you say? Hang out on the forum long enough and you'll probably notice terms like "skycancer" and "clicker" being thrown aroun [..] View

What tier 6 should I play?

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 I'm newish to the game with just under 1200 battles now. My first 500 or so were horrendous but have been feeling much more comfortable recently. Stats in the last couple weeks include 55% wins and WN [..] View

Damage Farmer, **** Stealer, Idiot... I have been called all 3 of these lately

4:03 pm, September 18, 2014 I don't know why. All I am doing is trying to push the team to win by trying to do as good as I can on my own. Had a game in my KV-1 and was called a Damage Farmer because I pushed hard, driving the e [..] View

Caller looking for advice

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 Despite having played alot of games this is actually my first post topic on the forums. Simply put I need to be able to call better. I don't consider myself a bad caller, but at the same time [..] View

World of Tanks needs smoke grenades.

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 (Not literally smoke grenades) I'm still thinking about the finals I watched last night and now I think that occluding vision would make the game a lot more interesting. Some way of advancing [..] View

Map making, changing, and their effects.

2:01 am, August 12, 2014 SirFoch's video today really got me thinking about how Wargaming has been going about making maps lately and its effect on gameplay and general classes in World of Tanks. [..] View

Some Of These Old Photos Reveal About The Past

2:01 pm, August 8, 2014 152 mm Howitzer battery fires during Belorussian Strategic Offensive Operation (1944) A Matilda tank of the Australian 2/4th Armored Regiment on the Buin Road, Bougainville (1945) A Pan [..] View

Heavies are worthless.

2:01 pm, July 23, 2014 Just a discussion thread, I want to see what the community deems the heavy as. This is a tier 8 through 10 discussion, we all know new players are horrible at fighting heavies in low tiers since th [..] View

XP in Batcat 155 58 not always counting towards Advancing Down The Line

2:01 pm, July 3, 2014 Just noticed my batcat 155 58 xp is not always counting towards Advancing Down the Line - even when in top 10 high scores. 5th highest score on my team (won with 1764x2 xp) and 0 showing in mission [..] View

Best tier 8 tanks

2:01 am, July 3, 2014 Hey, I'm a rather new player and i'm having a couple of questions. I hope someone who has a lot more experience (i'm at 500 battles) who can awnser them :) what are the best [..] View

Pitched Battle Mode

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 I'm still quite novice at this game at little over 5k battles, and many may detest me as I have done over half of them as Artillery. However, I do feel that most of the maps feel rather small and not [..] View

Sand River. How do you use the Southern half of the map? (Includes diagram)

2:01 am, June 24, 2014 I got a little fed up with pubbies always dooming themselves on Sand River. Please let me know if you agree or not. The strategy below might be totally wrong, but it is my best opinion. Feedback, plea [..] View

Just had one of the weirdest mission glitch(but in a good way)

2:01 am, June 17, 2014 ok i was about to finish off my step 3 of advancing down the line mission in my t34. then died in game, so i close game knowing i will get my 100k credits for step 3. went on forum for a few min, then [..] View

Tiger Tank Advancing in Russia (x-post r/militaryporn/)

2:01 am, June 11, 2014 submitted by BrianPurkiss [link] [3 comments] View

Isn't the new month long mission for the t1E6 a little steep?

2:01 am, June 4, 2014 the requirments for it is "complete: advancing down the line part 3 28times" Which that mission is get a total of 15kxp once per day. 15,000 x 28 = 420k xp for a tier 2 tank. thats m [..] View

advancing up the line is buggy

2:01 am, June 4, 2014 just finished a match with my 155-51. win, in the top 8 "no mission available" statement in the bottom section. View

New User

2:01 pm, June 3, 2014 As a new user, I've gotten a LOT of help... in 2 weeks, I've been shot and disabled by my own side at the fight start that it's more of a reliefe when the fight is over instead of exciting. I've also [..] View

Starting out: settling for a tank line

2:01 am, May 12, 2014 Hey, So i've been playing for a while now and I think it's time to settle for a country. I'm looking for a good scout tank and/or arty. So any ideas? I've been advanci [..] View

HB of 1940

10:05 pm, May 6, 2014 Battle of Hannut 1214 May 1940 The first tank on tank battle of WWII very important historical scenario for a game like WoT. Game would be Assault with France being the defender and Germany attacking [..] View

Hidden Village

10:05 am, April 30, 2014 So for 3 weeks I have been observing my game plays on Hidden Village. In my personal opinion the north side is far harder to win than the south due to one major issue, the players. On the north side i [..] View

A simple guide for the uninformed

10:05 pm, April 22, 2014 I've been seeing a lot of people lately needing a little advice here and there on the forums, so I figured I'd make a simple but effective casual's guide for the uninformed. I'll outline some of th [..] View

Solo Training Mode

10:05 pm, April 11, 2014 Back in the a hunnerd years ago a bunch of us played a game...THE game Tanarus...the first team-based fps-tank battle game ever...we all still miss that game alot! We were talking about [..] View

PSA 5xp weekend

10:05 pm, April 11, 2014 IMO, use this 5x bonus to generate free XP on your elites, converting with gold. You can then use them to NOT play stock tanks, free XP the modules. That will get you alot farther, with more fun, then [..] View

tier 3 tanks in tier 5 battles

10:05 am, April 11, 2014 have been playing a lot of tier 3 lately trying to work my way through the Chinese tech tree. however, i find myself advancing quite slowly due to the fact that i am constantly being put into tier 5 m [..] View

A satisfying game.....

9:05 pm, March 2, 2014 Just had to post.... lol. Actually, one of the reasons I post this also, is my game is changing with my TD's. While getting used to my TD's, I would find a vantage point and wait for the enemy to [..] View

Question about current missions

9:05 pm, March 2, 2014 As you can see, the mission 'checkpoint' is unavailable, because according to this I haven't met its requirements yet. However, its requirement is "Complete mission 'advancing up the line III [..] View

[NA] New Monthly Mission! Advancing Up the Line! Tetrarch as a Prize!

9:05 pm, March 1, 2014 I just logged in and saw the new monthly! In pictures: Summary Any tank can be used. (Doubles are included) 15,000 XP a day to get 175,000 credits 15,000 XP a day seven times [..] View

Mission Checkpoint - broken?

9:05 pm, March 1, 2014 Advancing the line Part III shows completed, but Checkpoint shows "unavailable". It seems that once Part III is accomplished then Checkpoint should show 1 of 7 completed. Is it broken [..] View

Wotlabs forum community mentoring program

9:05 pm, February 27, 2014 For those of you wondering how to get "gud @ tonks", wotlabs has a community mentoring program. Basically unicums are willing to take time out of their day to watch you play and teac [..] View

OK, this is a new least for me

9:05 pm, February 3, 2014 So, there I was on Pearl River. Our spawn was on the north side of the map. I was top tier in my IS, so I went to the small town to the west of themountainin the center of the map. About half way t [..] View

What next?

9:05 pm, January 15, 2014 For starters, I am pretty sure I put this in the wrong spot, so if the mods could move this please? Ok, so soon, I will be getting my 121, and I'm left thinking 'what should I get next?'. I've got [..] View

Thank you KV-2

9:05 pm, January 9, 2014 Okay so I had a great match in the KV-2... not really for damage, but for that disturbing feeling you get when you're a T6 alone with a T28The replay isn't around for some reason. In my replay fol [..] View

T-150 or KV-1S?

9:05 pm, January 4, 2014 Alright, guys, I've got a bit of a dilemma here, and I should defer to your collective knowledge. You see, I've got a KV-1, and I'm wondering if I should embark upon the KV-1S [..] View

Looking for clan to grow with

9:05 pm, January 4, 2014 I've been playing for a few months now and am starting to get the fundamentals of the game down. Have been solo pubing this whole time and am interested in finding a clan that is advancing to a clan w [..] View

Can't keep a tank

9:05 am, January 3, 2014 I know a lot of you keep tanks that you really love, but I just can't do that. I've had tanks that I love like the m46 patton but in the end, I just couldn't keep it. I always [..] View

Advice on advancing to IS-3

9:05 pm, December 28, 2013 Greetings WoT subreddit! Got the IS on sale a while back, having had tons of extra XP on KV-1S. Done with the grind for IS-3 now, and very keen to try it. Still short a few thousand credits, and want [..] View

Being a oneshot certainly makes things interesting

9:05 am, December 23, 2013 YouTube Battle results Seeing as it's always my platoon mate who posts these things and he wasn't gonna upload this I had to do it myself. Early game it seemed pointless, didn' [..] View

Why does it feel like my tank is painted to look like a bulls eye?

9:05 am, December 13, 2013 It seems that no matter what tank I'm in, not matter what tier, and no matter what my position is, I am always the artys primary target. I have started to go out of my way to find positions th [..] View

Tundra Help

9:05 am, December 12, 2013 I'm having issues playing Tundra map very effectively in tanks that lack good gun depression and/or frontal armor..... these tanks can obviously go to the 9/10 area (red circle) and brawl it out with [..] View

Major Qualification, Skills and Perks dilemna

9:05 am, December 7, 2013 I am Currently in a Marder II and have been for some time. I had tried the Hetzer, but really just didn't like it. So, I went back to my Marder II...And, I took my crew with me through all that. It is [..] View

Worst gun ever? My vote is the 122mm U-11

9:05 am, December 2, 2013 Just bought the KV1S on Friday and since the 122 U-11 was researched from the KV1, I mounted it instead of the stock 76mm Zis. Literally could not hit the side of a barn. I tried to blow away some co [..] View

Gift Shop Fix

9:05 am, November 24, 2013 Wargaming, you know I love you. And if you didn't know, you will soon. The new look of the premium tank shop is nice, but sometimes the spelling in vehicle descriptions just devolves into engrish of t [..] View

How do you win pub games as arty?

9:05 pm, November 19, 2013 I've been trying to grind out my su-8 this morning and so far the same thing has happened 5 games in a row. Game starts, enemy ELC-AMX runs entire map and kills us arty. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I t [..] View

A justification for harming a teammate?

10:05 pm, October 22, 2013 I'm currently encountering a player in the mid-tiers on NA East who is driving a T1 Heavy and trying to provoke people into teamkilling him. On Mountain Pass's ice road he parked behin [..] View

"shooting HE from my e-100 guarantees damage"

10:05 pm, September 26, 2013 I don't typically rage, but this threw me over the edge last night. Setting: South Coast, north side. In my 704. Platoon mates: "Dundalk" and "the_blonde_bullet". Head to the bea [..] View

Foch 155 OP? Nah....

10:05 am, September 11, 2013 Last game, Abbey map, low east road, north team. The enemy has a F155 played by a XVM-blue-rated player. I knew that if my E100 is advancing from north to south, I might meet him or 2 of the other bi [..] View

Who is the true king of holding a corner?

10:05 am, September 3, 2013 Thread title.  Pls take into account how well the tank can actually defend/hold the corner (as in, eventually wither down the enemy tanks advancing onto it).  So es [..] View

PSA: Don't rush

10:05 pm, August 27, 2013 This is likely going to be about as Quixotic as my avatar suggests, but I'm going to go ahead and say it. This game is not a sprint to the finish, but it is a journey.  It's best tak [..] View

Looking for someone low tier to play with. (T4 is the highest I own)

10:05 pm, August 6, 2013 I'm new to the game, and I'm currently advancing up the German Panzer 3 line. Anyone fancy platooning with me? My highest tank is currently tier 4. submitted by Fuck_everything01 [ [..] View

XP Gained from Elite Status tanks should be free or redistributable xp

10:05 pm, June 30, 2013 An idea - make it so XP accrued on an elite status (everything unlocked) tank become free XP - assuming accelerated crew training is not enabled, obviously - to be redistributed to other vehicles. I f [..] View

Karelia hill decisions

10:05 pm, June 27, 2013 Karelia south hill is very important for controlling map, but sometimes you can't get up there before enemy arrives, or going up will get you ****** anyway. When do you take the risk, when do you rule [..] View

Solid Tier 10 Performance

10:05 pm, May 22, 2013 I haven't been playing Tier 10 for long, and this is my best performance so far. I was huddled against the north side of the central hill in an arty safe spot with backup from the IS-8 and art [..] View

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