World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Goodbye sound mods

4:03 pm, October 16, 2014 According to ftr, Wargaming is switching  engine sounds  from Fmod to Audiokinetic Wwise. What this means is that no sound mods (gun, engine, etc will work) Back to lawmower engines. [..] View

Battle Commander

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 Hi all,   I had a flash of inspiration this morning as my team was being massacred. Himmelsdorf, Tier 9 match: Our top tier 704, driven by a tomato, had rolled off the hill towards tank alle [..] View

Time to say goodbye to the jolly ol' french light tanks?

4:03 pm, September 25, 2014 Ouch. I'm outperformed by the new light tanks terribly, t37 beats amx12t, I know ALL the new tier 7's beat the 13 75 (and the t71 does too). I don't know about the AMX 13 90 but it's not look [..] View

Game player from China, North America server friends Hello, I love you

2:01 pm, August 12, 2014 Handsome uncle, you good In March this year,come here,fightingfor half a year,very happy to play Hereplayersarevery powerful,very good technology Unity,cooperation,coordination,friendly,funny,joy,p [..] View

How has the game been?

2:01 am, August 1, 2014 I have bee gone for a few months now after saying my goodbyes. I am now curious on what you guys think of the direction of the game. View

Say goodbye to kv1 sealclubbing-introducing new tier5 kv-1s

2:01 am, July 31, 2014 submitted by emanonR [link] [23 comments] View

WN8 doesn't account for damage upon spotting?!

2:01 am, July 26, 2014 So i just played a game where i vitally held off 5 enemy tanks and spotted them for others to shoot. I spotted 4500 damage and did 500. I saved the flank. spotted the crapout of them. And i'm accounte [..] View

Too Many Bad Players

2:01 pm, July 19, 2014 Yes. There have always been newbies or noobs or bad player but recently it's completely way out of control that it's ruining the game experience for me. It's just not fun anymore. I can't rely on anyo [..] View

Good-bye KV-4

2:01 pm, July 3, 2014 I really tried to like you but it just does not seem to work out. I know 40 games are not a lot to get each other better, but I spent free exp to unlock your turret and top gun, so I drove you close t [..] View

So, it seems I need more fish...

2:01 am, June 1, 2014 About a week and a half ago I made a goodbye post ( I had to leave the game because my abomination bootcamped [..] View

m10 wolverine good tank but goodbye...

10:05 pm, April 13, 2014 cutie will make any tank curl up and die View

I can't seem to leave it alone - VK30.1H

9:05 am, February 1, 2014 This tank just calls to me I was first attracted to it when I was getting my Tier 5 heavies.....bought it hated it and sold it Since then I got the T1- Heavy T-14 Churchill1 C hurchhill3and the [..] View

Hello, Chi To! Goodbye Hellcat!

9:05 pm, December 26, 2013 The new Japanese Mediums have been a lot of fun for me so far. The Chi To reminds me of when I first found the Hellcat. I have over 5,100 battles in my Hellcat and that number is pretty high because I [..] View

Goodbye RDDT5, Hello AURUM!

9:05 pm, December 11, 2013 Recently Damien decided that we needed a bit more uniqueness to the clan names, so less boring corporate naming and more fun exciting names. So we at Reddit 5 took the plunge! Our new clan name is Tea [..] View

First game today - My Streak may be over

10:05 pm, October 2, 2013 Not surprisingly I was blamed for the loss after being reluctant to move from my position after 8 or so of our tanks were dead literally as I saw 12:59 on the clock. Guess I can wave goodbye to tha [..] View

Its time to say goodbye...

10:05 pm, September 22, 2013 submitted by Afzelusion [link] [26 comments] View

Goodbye, Sweet Super Pershing.

10:05 am, September 19, 2013

I'm an idiot. Accidentally blew 200k on extra camouflage netting. Make me feel better, what stupid **** have you done in this game?

10:05 am, August 26, 2013 I'm a new player (3 days ~200 battles under my belt) and I thought (oh hey, camouflage netting great. Then when I went to detatch and reequip, somehow I didn't detatch. Goodbye 100k. . [..] View

We've had a great time, but it's time to say goodbye.

10:05 am, July 29, 2013 submitted by AGreatAdventure [link] [1 comment] View

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