World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




wot jihad edition

5:03 am, October 4, 2014 submitted by ragman95 [link] [91 comments] View

Suiciders? Serballah has the answer. Jihad tanks.

10:05 am, April 24, 2014 Every match one shall see players in light tanks ******* charge to the enemy. It is such a waste of a potential soul. But fear not Serballah shall show you the way. The way of jihad tanks shall bri [..] View

So where is this nerf to arty accuracy? Autoloaders!

10:05 am, July 19, 2013 Wow so once again had a batchat point and click I win dumps 4 rounds on me as fast he he could fire and figure the odds everyone hit!  I mean why should a hill between us, his spotte [..] View

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