4:03 pm, September 18, 2014
I just recieved two emails from Melly Balgün. The turkish (?) host of Gamescom stream. One had a bonus code of 7 days Premium, 1000 Gold and T-15 Light Tanks (Which I already owned and got 90 [..]
4:03 pm, September 13, 2014
Hello. Can someone please help me get a XVM mod that shows 3 things: wn8 rating (4 digits - with colour). Win percentage (global). And lastly the number of battles played. Thats all I need. No cute ic [..]
9:05 am, January 25, 2014
Oh that is EASY!!!
I'd equip a beer keg. It would be -10% to all crew skills but my crew would be very happy!
Ok.... Fine.....
How about a new turret drive for 10% faster turret rotation.
10:05 pm, May 27, 2013
submitted by Shizrah [link] [8 comments]