World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




how to play well.

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 1. understand the roll of your tank and its strongpoints and weaknesses. a t-34 should not be up on a hill sniping , and a toaster should not be up at the front of a charge. don't ******* if your a sc [..] View

Looking for a decent Tier 6 premium.

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 So I am looking for a decent Tier VI premium tank. I have a few in mind, but I only have enough for 1 of them. Here is a list on my play style and opinion.   -I snipe a lot, but can go into m [..] View

What are your 3 LEAST favorite tanks in the game?

5:03 am, October 21, 2014 Mine would have to be the D.W.2, the grind was awful. No armor, practically no gun, no speed, and it was just useless. I see other playrs driving the DW2, and i feel sorry for them. The BDR, even thou [..] View

How to... duck?

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 Title asks all... exactly how do you play the duck (AMX 40)? It's been a long while since I last played it, and all I remember is that I hated it...   However, I've seen a few players (very f [..] View

How do you play a scout on a corridor map?

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 Used to be that I'd play scouts all day erryday and I could adapt to the map to spot tanks. However, more and more maps tend to have corridors and choke points which limit my ability to call out targe [..] View

Trying to find more suitable lines to go down.

4:03 pm, October 17, 2014 I'll admit up front, before I continue, that I'm not good at this game except in a select few tanks. I'm working on improving, but it's gonna take a while. Just below a 50% win rate, though, so I'm ge [..] View

How do I T20?

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 This seems to be one of the most popular tier 7 tanks among the playerbase, but I just can't figure it out. The gun is good, that's the one thing I like about it. I won't complain about the lack of ar [..] View

Lets Talk about the new Scouts!

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 Ah yes, with the influx of new scout tanks people have been throwing out "OP OP OP PLS NERF TEARS TEARS TEARS" in pretty much every game now. Lets take a deeper walk into this mindset, dis-s [..] View

Looking for advice on playing the (nearly) stock IS-8

5:03 am, October 12, 2014 I say nearly stock because I'm using the BL-9 for the obvious reason that I don't want to make myself suicidal before I've unlocked the IS-7. Anyhow I recently unlocked this tank and I'm having real t [..] View

The T28: Stat friend or Foe

4:03 pm, October 7, 2014 For the most part, I'm not a terrible player, I always try to learn how to improve myself and do my best to help out my team..... enter the T28 American TD  At the beginning of the O [..] View

What premium tanks are not good and need be reworked?

5:03 am, October 7, 2014 I been playing S.35 premium tank, and I am surprised that the tank gets into tier 5 battles. Problem is that the gun is so poor, it can't pen many of the tanks even with gold. I wished they would trea [..] View

Is the T14 the worst T5 heavy?

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 I've been driving this thing a while, bought it while it was on sale. At first it was fun, as the gun was kinda crummy but at least it was bouncy. I currently have a 55% WR over 318 battles. Lately, h [..] View

Lowe still needs preferred MM

4:03 pm, October 6, 2014 With the advent of the matchmaker tier range changes, all the new tanks, and various map changes to encourage brawling, the Lowe is suffering as a result.  Even with the most recent minor buf [..] View

Is there any reason to ever not fire gold in CW? (excluding weird stuff like HESH)

5:03 am, October 6, 2014 I'm in a pretty bad clan but we do do CW and some of the players have said that you shouldn't use HEAT against sloped armor, or that there are times where its better not to use gold. I know that each [..] View

Getting back into WoT

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 Hey, I've been away for awhile, and just got back into wanting to tank around. Right now, my biggest problem is that I'm not sure what I want to do next. I've got a LOT of Tier VIs unlocked, but I don [..] View

Playing in a good tank but having bad luck with it?

5:03 am, October 3, 2014 Hey Reddit, I was just wondering...are there any good tanks that you play but you have an okay record with it, or bad luck? I'm trying to grind with my T25 AT and I've just had the worst luck with it. [..] View

Tier list of tanks for tier 6 strongholds

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 Lately I've been doing quite a bit of tier 6 strongholds and encountering a lot of teams that seem to have no idea what they're doing. I'm hoping to write some guides maybe when I have more experience [..] View

Why exactly are the light tanks the ones that have the toughest matchmaking?

4:03 pm, September 25, 2014 Okay so Im a very new player(around 150 battles) and Ive played light tanks almost exclusively. I read some things on wiki, a little bit of the forums etc. and I realized that light tanks can have ene [..] View

Grinding under-powered tank lines, should I just give ?

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 I have left the comfort of my gaming pc for the week, and being the OCD WoT player that I am, I decided to lurk the forums and /r/WorldofTanks for the past few days, reading both current and older pos [..] View

Face Off: T-25 vs T-34

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 Discounting credit making and crew training experience, which tank is the better medium in your opinion, and why? The T-34 has a better traverse, better dpm, and better accuracy. The T-25 is faster, w [..] View

Grinding guide - how to avoid losing streaks

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014 Hi tankers.   I've been reading lately about fellow tankers bemoaning losing streaks. I think we all have experienced losing streaks and know how they affect our mood. But when I read about l [..] View

ELC AMX Playstyle

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 I recently free-exped past the AMX 40 and onto the ELC. I'm currently using like a tank destroyer because it has no armor, but a good gun. I see people go scouting in it, but I'm not confident enough [..] View

Here are a few problems I have with the game...

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 First of all, let me say I love the game. However, that being said, I have a few issues with the over all game mechanics.   1. When a tank is hit in the front, front armor, why does that disa [..] View

Does Wargaming Hear Us?

4:03 pm, September 20, 2014 When there some tanks that seem to be really bad, like the Sturer Emil, or some that need just a slight buff like the AMX 50 120, does Wargaming even care?  For example, the [..] View

Buff my tank - does Hetzer need a buff?

4:03 pm, September 13, 2014 This tank was and i supposed still is a favorite of many.  Derp gun, trollish armor, nice looks.   What  not to like?   Well the view range. It has meager  [..] View

I can see the future cries "new US Lt is OP!"

5:03 am, September 7, 2014 Seriously they will change how we will look at LT.   With nice speed, autoloaders, some armor, a lot of glass hull tds's will feel the hurt  View

9.3 Lights - How would YOU rate them?

5:03 am, September 7, 2014 On a 1-10 scale, how would you rate the new lights?     1- awful 2- bad 3- meh 4- neutral 5- decent 6- good 7- very good 8- excellent 9-  overpowered 10- gamebreaking & [..] View

Armor confirmed, 102 mm thick

4:03 pm, September 3, 2014 In this previous post sharing pics of pierced armor, there was some question about the thickness of the armor, as well as the caliber of the embedded round. I sent an email to the Tank Museum in Bovin [..] View

nasty surprise tanks

4:03 pm, September 2, 2014 People usually disregard  Russian  T28 for being a  barn with paper armor,  AMX 40, a duck looking French so called light with weak gun, and M3Lee which has a rep f [..] View

Churchill 3 how to play it?

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 I just got the Churchill 3 and despite its epic hull armor, the tank really isn't that good. I made a post on whether I should get it or not, most said yes but it's not doing much for me. Gameplay tip [..] View

What tanks are favored by the current game mechanics?

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 I'm trying to decide what line I should focus on as I'm grinding a lot of different tanks right now, and I have less and less time to screw around with tanks I don't particular [..] View

M4 Sherman VS Panzer 4H(FLEXIBILITY)

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 I saw an arguement today in the NA server chat ebetween people who like the M4 and the Pz4. So I decided to send those guys the link for this thread. I personally like the M4 Sherman because it has b [..] View

Brand new to the game. Read through the guide, but I feel I need a video to help. Anyone know of a basic rundown of upgrading (researching?) tanks, crew, getting new tanks?

2:01 am, August 22, 2014 I often see many videos trying to ELI5. I saw one on Hawken and it helped immensely. Anyone have any YT videos they would recommend for a basic understanding of the game? Please :) This game is fun f [..] View

The Big List: Vehicles that should be included in WoT some day

2:01 am, August 22, 2014 The following is a list of tanks from currently in game countries, in Alphabetic order, that could at some point be put in to World of Tanks. I am not including vehicles, such as the M56 Scorpion and [..] View

Most "flexible" medium tank.

2:01 pm, August 18, 2014 Now a good understanding player in World of Tanks, I would say (in my honest opinion), that medium tanks are the best "flexers" or "adapters", "situation shifting" that a [..] View

T-62A Deep Comparison between Obj. 140

2:01 pm, August 16, 2014 So I replied to someones post about him not sure about choosing the Obj. 140 or the T-62A. So I spent literally 30 minutes pampering this reply and thought that it would be good enough to create a top [..] View

A lot of talk about light tanks lately..The fact is..they are very much under-classed because of mediums.

2:01 pm, August 13, 2014 First off, before I get more into why light tanks are semi useless...WG has taken a total turn against light tanks just with the maps. This has been discussed so much. The most obvious example is Seve [..] View

Knowledge Base for WoT (Android App)

2:01 am, August 10, 2014 >> APP PAGE << Images Don't know how many of you have Android phones, but here's a very useful app that you should check out. This app has excelle [..] View

Very surprised at how much I enjoy this tank.

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 I am mostly a TD player and usually feel that medium tanks are under powered and watered down versions of heavies. (I do understand the mediums role, it's more of a sentiment than actual reasoning). [..] View

DW2 needs a buff

2:01 pm, August 7, 2014 What exactly is the point of the DW2? The thing has nothing that makes it worth the effort of going through it. The gun pen is terrible even with gold, the gun accuracy might as well not even exist wi [..] View

Are the only people who complain about SPrem (Gold Rounds)...

2:01 am, August 6, 2014 ... All heavy drivers who rely on nothing other than their armor to see them through a match? Last time I checked, terrain, rocks, some walls, dead tanks, your teammates and just-not-being-where-th [..] View

KV-220, just bought one and played 10 games, impression

2:01 am, August 5, 2014 Dear rddtrs! long time reader here, barely posted anything, but i'd like to share: The Kv-220 is an absolute beast of a tank! good speed for a heavy, good hull armor, a gun adequate for close [..] View

Jpz E-100 = Roadblock

2:01 pm, July 31, 2014 Whoever says the Jpz E-100 can't be used as a glorified road block is doing it wrong. Not the most damage ever blocked by armor, but when you almost triple the hp of your tank.... For all the n [..] View

Help. Jagdpanther II.

2:01 pm, July 31, 2014 Upon completing the Jagdpanther (amazing beast of a tank) I had the choice of two lines, the Ferdinand, and the Jagdpanther II. Looking at those, I clearly saw the capability differences. The Ferdinan [..] View

Should the E4 get an armor buff?

2:01 pm, July 31, 2014 If I remember correctly, I've heard that the T110E3 is getting an additional 35MM of armor somewhetlre, great. Make it even more of a pain in the [edited]to pen. I've heard that in the past the E4 [..] View

[Arty] How is the St. Pz. II supposed to compete with the Pz. Sfl. IVb?

2:01 am, July 30, 2014 The St. Pz. II has a Tier 3 gun at T4, while the Pz. Sfl. IVb has a Tier 4 gun with superior firerate, damage, range, accuracy, aiming time and weight (For the people that care about that kind of thin [..] View

Is the BC 25T too powerful?

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 I've been noticing a trend lately, an increase of BC25ts. What I've also noticed is their ability to really influence battles. Sure they have no armor, but that speed, camo, view range, and the abi [..] View

WoT Guide for all colors of WN8

2:01 pm, July 27, 2014 I'll go ahead an mention that /u/damienjaxx tempted me to do this by offering the possible banning of attention whoring posts that I hate, but hey, everyone benefits right? This is a relativel [..] View

ARTY, and the lack there of

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 I have posted several time on this matter, within the arty page, but to no lack luster. So I am going to put it here into the general discussion.. WG has been reducing the ability of artillery, due t [..] View

Comparables of incoming tier 10's

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 So in the recent Storm Q&A there were confirmed facts about a few tansk that will be, for sure being introduced into the game. The AMX 30 will be a new tier 10 French medium, the FV 4202 will [..] View

[Blitz] how would you compare the US, Russian and German medium tanks? How about the heavies?

2:01 pm, July 13, 2014 For example, Russian meds might be fast and have a big gun, but no armor, etc. German meds might have lots of hp, but crappy guns. What do you think? submitted by IAMARobotBeepBoop [link] [3 comme [..] View

How to M7?

2:01 pm, July 10, 2014 So I recently got the M7 and free XP'd to the best (imo) gun, the one that has the best rpm and highest pen. I've found that for the armor and gun, it is just to slow for what it needs [..] View

Daigensui's Rescript: Damn the Armor, Full Penetration Ahead!

2:01 pm, July 9, 2014 This is Part 2 of the Japanese Tank Destroyer Series, dealing with the concepts and prototypes of thinly armored tank destroyers developed by the Japanese. Due to the rather sprawling nature of the de [..] View

Why oh why do people insist on firing HE with random tanks?

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 The tanks that I have had shooting high explosive at me are quite varied. Ranging from the T71 to the Borsig. Always someone who is orange or worse on XVM. So clearly it is a lack of experience right [..] View

A guide to the IS-3

2:01 pm, July 8, 2014 Good Day Tankers! As you can see by the title I am writing a guide for the IS3. I have around 170 battles currently logged in this beast of a tank. Without further ado, lets get started. Contents: [..] View

What tank looks great on paper, but is otherwise terrible?

2:01 am, July 4, 2014 I believe the Amx 40. It has a speed limit of 50 kmph and good armor, what could possibly go wrong. submitted by Auntlake [link] [53 comments] View

STA-1 Discussion

2:01 am, July 4, 2014 Pros: The DPM is (tied with Indien) for the third highest of any medium tank at tier 8, only being surpassed by the Object 416 and Panther 2. Decent gun handling, especially with Vertical Stabilizers [..] View

Object 261, Bat Chat 58, or M53/55

2:01 am, July 4, 2014 I'm trying to decide on an artillery piece... I'm not a particularly experienced or dedicated arty player so if someone with more experience with these tanks could give their input, I& [..] View

So How do you fight T7's in a KV1?

2:01 pm, July 1, 2014 Hey all, post in another topic got me to thinking, the community is great for information so I figured I'd ask here. Not looking for detailed plans , but generalities to improve my gameplay. I hav [..] View

1930 AEM CHAR DE CHASSE - a low tier French tank destroyer?

2:01 pm, June 26, 2014 (I'm aware that Wargaming isn't planning to add in any new tanks for a period of time, but I still like to discuss changes even if they wouldn't be implemented for a while even if they actually did pr [..] View

Best Tier 5+ Premium Credit Making Tank?

2:01 pm, June 22, 2014 So I really need a good credit making tank right now, I need it to have some good armor, a good gun, that can pen a KV-1, I was considering a TOG2 because the TOG is such a trolly tank, I was also thi [..] View

Balancing the new British Medium/TD line (FV 4005 Stage 2)

2:01 pm, June 20, 2014 Hello everyone, Commander_to/Adinias here. Now, you may or may not have read it on the For the Record blog, but the British firefly line will become a TD line from tier 8. Balancing will not be [..] View

What IF?

2:01 am, June 19, 2014 What if Wargaming were to limit the amount of KV-1S's to a battle from infinite to maybe no more than 3 or 4 per team? I mean come on, getting in games with 6+ on each team is a little bit excessive a [..] View

Why Artillery Needs to Get Buffed and How to Get Over It

2:01 am, June 12, 2014 Okay, so I've been playing this game since May 16th 2011. I have been around since 0.6.4. I'm not posting this for thumbs up because it sure as heck won't be because the average player in the game wou [..] View


2:01 am, June 9, 2014 Does anyone else love the Chi-To? Despite it's complete lack of armor, large size, and weak engine I've fallen in love with this tank. The gun has allowed me to have some of my best ga [..] View

VK 45.02 A This Tank...

2:01 am, June 9, 2014 So I recently unlocked this Tier 8 German Heavy, and I've gotta say that while I haven't unlocked many of the better pieces of equipment for this tank, right off the bat I am extremely disappointed. S [..] View

Comprehensive Ammunition and Damage Rework

2:01 pm, June 7, 2014 This is going to be a long one, so let me break this down. Ammunition Changes First and foremost would be the move to a system comprising a total of nine different ammo types(ten if you want to [..] View

Does E-50 have the worst stock grind ever or what?

2:01 am, June 7, 2014 No gun, no engine, no turret armor, and heaps of XP needed to unlock all of that while battling tier 10s. How the **** can you be even moderately effective with any consistency in this vehicle? I skip [..] View

Is the Panzer IV Hydrostatic any good?

2:01 am, June 5, 2014 It looks like a low-armor, slow Panzer IV on paper to me. submitted by CookieMan0 [link] [6 comments] View

Which tank has the strongest frontal turret armor in the game?

2:01 pm, June 4, 2014 EDIT: Including angles, spaced armor, etc submitted by joonik [link] [22 comments] View

Stat warriors, what are your tactic/strategies .....

2:01 am, June 1, 2014 get thru the summer school vacation disaster? I am not into stats but do change up my use of certainarmor, tactics, etc,when the epidemic has hit. View

Chi-ri needs a speed boost

2:01 pm, May 31, 2014 As a t7 that sees t9s a lot, and has no armor. It is sure a slow tank. It doesn't allow for much to any flanking to happen. Sadly, with a low pen gun in t9s, you can't do anything if you can't flank. [..] View

Review of T8 TDs

2:01 am, May 26, 2014 I want to talk about my experiences with the T8 TDs I've played so far. T28P JPII RHM SU-101 AMX 48 Let me start with my favorites. The JPII is my all time favorite TD with the RHM being secon [..] View

After 52 games in my Chi-to

2:01 pm, May 25, 2014 I now have to admit, while it's one of the tougher med tanks to learn to play well, I've gotten a lot better at it. When I first got it, I hated it. Even when maxed out, i hated it. But after 52 g [..] View

PSA, when flanked in a heavy tank....

2:01 am, May 25, 2014 This may seem rather trivial, but I see this sort of thing happening way to much, so I'll give an example [..] View

Make shots to gun shields / "warts" zero damage penetrations

2:01 am, May 23, 2014 In real life, gun shields were added to the front of many tank destroyers to protect the crew from small arms fire from enemy infantry. This usually meant that the bigger the gun shield the better. [..] View

hetzers vs. marder 38ts and stug 3Bs.

2:01 am, May 18, 2014 I am a proud owner of a Hetzer. In my opinion, it's the best TD in the fourth tier.Sloped armor, decent mobility, and not to mention an DERPgun. However, in recent updates, the Hetzer has been essenti [..] View

Pay to win this... pay to win that

2:01 am, May 17, 2014 General Chat Bystander : So yeah lube is very important. ... ... Best_Player_NA : HAY GUYS, BUY HEAT SHELLS, BYE ALL PREMIUM TANKS, AND CONVERT FREE EXP. YOU LOSE SKILL BUTT YOU WIN THE GAME AL [..] View

Clan Scottish and Finnish Special Armroed Service is recruiting

2:01 pm, May 16, 2014 When fighting the Arabs, the black watch highlanders advanced so fast that the rest of the division couldnt keep up, leading the commanding officer to remark, highlandersD*** all that initiative! Si [..] View

The Cult of the Duck

2:01 pm, May 12, 2014 As of this post The Current RU Winrate for the AMX 40 is... 49.06 % (wth!?) There is a reason I bring this up. The AMX 40 is notorious for it faults to a point where it is frequently labeled &q [..] View

More Q&A via ftr

2:01 pm, May 9, 2014 Not sure if this was already posted, search failed on me. info via Todays QA will be mostly about patch 9.1 you probably already saw the preliminary p [..] View

Why the tiger's nerf is justified.

2:01 am, May 8, 2014 Ever since the tiger's buff, the tiger's dpm went through the roof. Because of that, the tiger pretty much out plays the tiger P. The extra dpm on the tiger is RIDICULOUS and needs to be toned down. [..] View

Should i keep the "Sky Cancer"?

10:05 pm, May 5, 2014 The FV304 is an actually fun Arty to play, nimble, with amazing gun ark and accurate however, not everything is "la vi en Rose", it has the shortest range, almost like the renault [edited [..] View

Solo Mediums

10:05 am, May 5, 2014 Hello again, Well seeing that all of my tier 10 tanks are either heavies or tank destroyers, some time agoI decided to try and grind some tier 10 mediums. I decided to go for the M48 Patton and the O [..] View

Ram II's First Carry

2:01 am, May 3, 2014 The Ram IIis the ultimate Tier 5 pub-stomping medium. With its good frontal and side armor, and its rapid firing 6pdr gun, the Ram can challenge just about any Tier 5 tank it wants. I wanted to actu [..] View

On the right track? (Long)

2:01 pm, April 30, 2014 Hello everyone, I am currently working on going from Tier 4 to Tier 5, grinding XP on my DW 2 to unlock the VK 30.01 H, and I'm wondering if I'm a little worried that I might be on the wrong track. [..] View

The 5 Simplest Habits to Success

10:05 am, April 27, 2014 I'm writing this as a follow up to an older thread, "The Top 10 Mistakes for Newcomers to Avoid", link here: [..] View

What should Wargaming do to light tanks?

10:05 am, April 26, 2014 "- details on LT buff will be disclosed later, the goal of the buff is to make the LT class more popular and easier to play" Light tanks i [..] View

"Damage blocked by armor" is **** and should be changed back

10:05 pm, April 24, 2014 I have no idea why they felt the need to change Potential Damage to this new system, but it's complete ****. "Damage blocked by armor" apparently doesn't register shells that penetrate spac [..] View

T14 , Pos, Junk or good?

2:01 pm, April 23, 2014 So what am I doing wrong? It feels like a HEAVY with No Pen, No real Armor, no speed, and no maneuverability. After a few battles in a T14, 28 , I have noticed it does not PEN an AT 2 at all, It takes [..] View

A simple guide for the uninformed

10:05 pm, April 22, 2014 I've been seeing a lot of people lately needing a little advice here and there on the forums, so I figured I'd make a simple but effective casual's guide for the uninformed. I'll outline some of th [..] View

Finding a good premium tank

2:01 pm, April 22, 2014 So I've be doing a TON of research about premium tanks unfortunately a lot of the information is dated 2012-2013 with no new information being released near the end of 2013 or even 2014. I'm not sure [..] View

I have a few questions.

10:05 pm, April 21, 2014 I recently purchased a Tier 6 Tank Destroyer, the German Jagdpanzer IV and installed the 88mm gun on it. Suddenly all goes to hell. I would by no means consider myself a skilled player, but how the he [..] View

Your personal favorite T9 and T10 tanks, and why?

2:01 am, April 21, 2014 I've read reviews, etc - But I'm curious as to what your (as a member of the Reddit communities) favorite t9 and 10 tanks are. I'm in the position of unlocking almost any T9 ta [..] View

If the D. W. 2 is a heavy, shouldn't the AMX 40 be a heavy too?

10:05 pm, April 20, 2014 AMX 40 is slower, heavily armored, and has a better gun, yet the DW2 has less armor, is faster, and has a much worse gun. I know that historically the AMX 40 was a 'light' tank, but re [..] View

Someone call the WAMULANCE for me.

10:05 am, April 20, 2014 It's frustrating!! i keep getting my Cruiser III matched against Pz 1c'a which take me out in less than one second and i cant penetrate their armor, So i buy a Pz1c and the the game matches me with ti [..] View

Pz. IV H Side Skirts

10:05 am, April 19, 2014 As we all know, side skirts have been slapped onto the Pz IV. This tank is now impervious to all forms of 105mm derp from the side. With the skirts, tracked, and a turret mostly covered with spaced ar [..] View

The current demise of Heavies.

10:05 am, April 18, 2014 inb4 100+ Neg Rep Storm. So over the past couple months, I've been noticing a bit pattern. Here are a few games I've extracted after perusing through my screenshots folder. The Pattern Game 1 [..] View

Can anyone explain this mod to me?

10:05 pm, April 17, 2014 By its name, I understand what Melty's Effective Armor Calculator (part of MeltyMap's MathMod) does, but I really don't understand it... when I point my gun at a tank, does it [..] View

Things I've Learned By Playing For 2 Weeks...

10:05 am, April 17, 2014 So I know this is usually a place to post guides on specific gameplay mechanics, or individual tanks, and usually filled with experienced posters who have a few thousand battles. I'm not one of those [..] View

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