2:01 am, August 25, 2014
In the missions and events page the on track event discount is listed as ending on Friday August 29 with no time. The others are listed as ending on Monday September 1 6:20 am. Does anyone know why? [..]
9:05 am, December 23, 2013
I have supported you WG for most of the stuff you do but really cutting a time 2 event short by 3 hours. And to do this at christmas time. I want the 8.10 patch and I am not alone. But I had stuff all [..]
9:05 am, December 3, 2013
I'm probably the most impatient person that plays this game and honestly, I don't even know how I can keep a 1500+ wn7 with the mindnumbingly stupid **** I pull every game. I know my [..]