World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Which stock grind is less painful? T95 or T30?

4:03 pm, October 24, 2014 Title pretty much says it all. I've unlocked T30 and am grindind to the T95. Eventually I want to get both but I would like to have your opinions on which stock grind is less painful. I realized that [..] View

Top 20 Clans by Gold Revenue over Past 2 Months

4:03 pm, October 24, 2014 Top 20 Clans by Gold Revenue, with Data Collected Daily with WG API's     A few observations: wars are expensive. they hurt gold income corollary: current clan wars mechanics disco [..] View

Cleanest XVM

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 Just throwing this out there, because I'm looking for a new XVM setup - don't feel like customizing my own. Who's got the cleanest/minimalist XVM out there? I've looked at Jimbo's and it's nice, but I [..] View

The Bishop. Why?

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 So, I wanted to try something else and figured the FV304 would be nice. The Birch Gun was actually fun to play and the turret pretty cool. Then I got the Bishop. WTF is this thing? It has an incredibl [..] View

I just had the best game in my WoT Career

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 I'm insanely proud of this. Tier 9 game in my IS, 4 kills, 4.3k damage done, Mastery badge (wooh!) and ace tanker. 10k WN8. Makes all the rage quitting worth it! Thankyou /r/WorldofTanks, for putting [..] View

Fury ticket winners.

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 Did anyone else win a ticket to see fury from the contest. I saw it on saturday and then checked my email on monday and found out I won. Going to see it again tonight. I just wanted to know if anyone [..] View

The Grind - T37 Light review

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 This is my new way of reviewing tanks, including the grind from stock (albeit I only play a few games while stock) to help people that do not like to use free experience. Beware, as this is m [..] View

Enough with the Warnings... Your pissing me off

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 I appreciate that WOT is trying to better the game play but a blanket warning system when a person leave is bull. I don't pay and and play a game where someone "Warns me". Im a fifty year ol [..] View

M41 Walking Ammorack

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 But seriously, does anyone else feel that its ammo is a tad vulnerable? I played about 30 games 'tooned with my bud and he lost his turret more times that day than I have in over 4k games submitted b [..] View

IS-4, the Russian anvil

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 Many people overlook this tank simply because the stats on it are not really that impressive. I mean, we are talking about a tank with slow top speed, slow acceleration, a little clumsy on the turns, [..] View

OP Arty's need be changed and back on old FV215b (183).

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 The artillery has drastically changed, tier 10 can not be more than 500 hit points, the reason why I think it's fair to change it because arty remains hidden 90% of match time. It's stupid that a spg [..] View

9.4 Common Test 2 Issues and Reports

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 Greetings Tankers!   The 9.4 Common Test will be brought back online soon, and we would greatly appreciate your assistance in identifying any issues or problems you encounter. Screenshots, re [..] View

Why does the T71 has such "****" View Range?

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 I mean, it's supposed to be a scout and all, and it's put into Tier 10 games, yet it's view range is worse than just about anyone else it faces, thus it's easily seen, hence it can't scout like it sho [..] View

Have a free key.

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 Personally don't like the game but I know a lot of people do so here is a key. No idea what it is for but hey, first one to guess correctly what the "?" is gets it. VB5WD-HFBH?-FGVAE-43MEK- [..] View

Not sure what this battle result means

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 Game was winding down, we had tanks capping, I'm getting lots of near misses on my arty. I sight Rats73 (Hello fellow redditor) and he fogs, I shoot, shell is in the air and the game ends before impac [..] View

My thoughts on golden ammunition.

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 I understand that there are many different posts about people flaming and raging about the gold ammunition and i have also had my own share of rage. "Why are you wasting ******* gold rounds on a [..] View

Loading times and FPS

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 Ever since 9.3 any mod I install makes my game take an immensely long time to load, even simple stuff like a minimap mod to show the render distance. It also reduces my FPS to pretty sad levels (20-30 [..] View

Slow but steady progress

4:03 pm, October 22, 2014 Around a year ago, I started a thread about how I had started out this game just lol'ing around, and had terrible stats to show for it.  I had decided to learn to play, and had worked my way [..] View

Why Yinz Cost So Much To Run!

4:03 pm, October 22, 2014 The T57 and T29 are two tanks that I don’t understand why they are so expensive to run.  I got the itch to run my T57 last night so I played approximately 15 games in it. I ran stan [..] View

Do people really think arty is OP, or do you think it is just an emotional reaction?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 For tiers 6-10: 12.2% of vehicles average over 1 ****/game, only 3.8% amongst arty. 41% of vehicles have over 50 percent winrates, only 38% amongst arty. Arty represent 13% of the tanks in these tiers [..] View

RDTT2 time commitments

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Hi, so I'm considering joining RDTT2 for strongholds. What I would like to know is what the time commitment is. My week is pretty spotty, but I can play on most weekend nights. Thanks! submitted by [..] View

Which gun to use on the T21?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Recently started playing the T21 and I'm debating which gun to use. The dpm on the 6 pounder absolutely destroyed tanks when i used it on the M7 but the increased pen on the M1A2 is huge. Any help is [..] View

[NA] Invite Code: WOTREDDIT - 7 Days Prem; 500 Gold; T2 Light Tank

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 After months of seeing post after post of people begging for invite codes, the mods brainstormed with Wargaming to come up with a solution. So here it is! A semi-permanent (depending on how well this [..] View

Tiger 2. What's so good about this tank?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Why do so many people like this tank? I don't get it at all. I've played it, and to be honest I thought it was going to be great before I played it. It's my second tier 8 heavy behind the T32, so I g [..] View

A writeup on light tanks [AMX12t edition]

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Ok, to address the kind of awkward pacing and formatting of this post, I actually wrote it as one 15,318 character post, but obviously that doesn't work too well with Reddits format. I'll link to the [..] View

Punish People Bumping Into You

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Two days in a row I have had to shoot someone for bumping into me while I was focusing fire and covering team members.  I would normally tell them off in chat but I'm perma'ed in chat. So I n [..] View

How can anyone actually be this bad?

4:03 pm, October 21, 2014 Was playing tier 7 game a saw a player with a non premium tier 6 tank who had a 36% win rate.  I suspected a bot, so I watched him for a while and moved near him and he appeared to be paying [..] View

Video Editor

5:03 am, October 21, 2014 Hello /r/Worldoftanks, I've been trying to put together a video recently but I'm trying to find the right program to do it off of a replay. So my question is can anyone recommend me or tell me the bes [..] View

[SPOILERISH?] Why didn't Fury use a Tiger II instead of using a Tiger I?

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 Not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, but you seem to be talking about Fury here. I just wanted to ask why a Tiger II (King Tiger) wasn't used in the movie as the main enemy tank consid [..] View

Help to identify this awesome tank!?

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 Hi everyone !   I'll appreciate if somebody can confirm if the tank in this picture is M4 sherman?. The pic It is taken in the desert  northern of Chile weird place that tank. &n [..] View

Earning credits in a CHI-RI

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 So I have been familiarizing myself with the Japanese 犬.... the Chi Ri.  It is big… it is somewhat slow.  It is an awkward medium since it is basically a light [..] View

Platooning: Not for everybody?

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 I've often read on forum posts that platooning is a good way to improve stats. However, I find that on the limited number of occasions I've decided to do so, my stats are WORSE than what I get solo pu [..] View

Looking for a better ambient sounds pack, can anyone help?

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 I'm getting back into WoT after a lengthy absence, and friends have told me to try out Aslain's XVM mod pack, which is fine, but I don't like the crew sounds that you can pick from in that pack. I re [..] View

How to set up a SBMM that is sustainable.

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 Previously there were discussions regarding the SBMM that it is not sustainable due to the fact that it renders the difference in WN8 between different groups to disappear. One way to do it is to crea [..] View

How to... duck?

5:03 am, October 20, 2014 Title asks all... exactly how do you play the duck (AMX 40)? It's been a long while since I last played it, and all I remember is that I hated it...   However, I've seen a few players (very f [..] View

Looking for a sound mod for my tank deaths. Something a tad more realistic than, "Pip Pip Cheerio, time to get out, lads!"

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 My tank is spouting flame, a complete wreck, panels all askew and all hatches blown wide open. It's a white-hot furnace inside. And my captain's telling us that "We've had it" and perhaps we [..] View

What happened today while attempting to pay for a Fury Bundle (WG Fail)

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 So I recently decided I would buy a Fury bundle with the $100 package. I went to gift shop, and double checked the amount of money I needed and the payment method, which is MyCard. (MyCard is like a e [..] View


4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 Greetings and salutations, fellow tankers!   Just a noob trying to make the games more pleasurable.   Just played a game where I saw a player play an amazing game, yet upon checking [..] View

Is premium really all that better than standard AP?

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 I had one of my best games ever yesterday in my Cromwell.  I forget the exact number but I did dang near close to 2,000 in damage.  I loaded only AP.  I have been loading 2 [..] View

The new OP WN8 farming?

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 Any old hand at this game will remember the 105mm HEAT spam PZ IV / M4 farming that was rampant from between when premium shells became available for credits until 105mm HEAT pen got nerfed from 150 t [..] View

Game doesn't load after clicking Play

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 Morning everyone,   I'm not the most technically inclined, but often whenever I click Play from the launcher, it can take up to 15 minutes for the game to actually load.  I wonder if [..] View

Need help with Some tanks

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 Hey all, I need some help with some tanks. Thanks for any reponses M3 Lee- play it as a Medium or TD? The Pen on its gun is shocking so not quite sure what I'm meant to do Hetzer- I play it with derp& [..] View

Fury Movie review - from WoT player

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 I watched Fury tonight at the theater. I thought it was a good war movie - does not glorify war at all, yet still has several good very graphic battle scenes.  Not preacherly anti-war either [..] View

Ughh, just had a teammate fail at trying to TK me

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 After calling out an allied KV-5 for camping by telling the enemy team that KV-5s are the best sniping platform in the game, he started talking smack and did the usual "ur bad" and "now [..] View

Light Tanks should require less exp to unlock(repetitive/boring gameplay)..

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 Light Tank by far the least played and very difficult to acquire experience due to lack of damage and bad pen. Here is an example of what is wrong with Light tank lines. Aufkl Panther cost like 43,100 [..] View

How should I play a bottom tier heavy?

4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 My armour is useless, my speed is non-existent, my gun pen is not up to scratch, my health pool is 75% of my enemies, i'm too slow to go after lights and meds, my view range is too poor to spot anythi [..] View


4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 Hello ! Finally,after a long time,here's the 17th episode ! After watching this,your faith in humanity will be restored ! Also,you'll be able to see Techno Churchill III :P ENJOY ! [..] View

Is my PC failing?

4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 I know my current, soon to be replaced, PC has the performance of a toaster and I'm always barely getting playable frames even with maximum optimization. It was however always running stable and I've [..] View

Nooby player hoping to improve a little

4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 Well, the 1st 3k battles are all fun and games. But now, I'm looking to get a little better at the game. I know the basics, hulldown, peek-a-boom. side scraping, flanking, circling ETC.  I fe [..] View


4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 HEllo !   Finally,after a long time,here's the 17th episode ! After watching this,your faith in humanity will be restored ! Also,you'll be able to see Techno Churchill III :P &nb [..] View

Why arty cannot be removed

4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 To start off, I'm not saying arty makes me think rainbows and butterflies. Most of the time, arty is just that annoying brat, the one who hits you but you can't hit back. I don't even play arty. But, [..] View

Clan RARTY is recruiting.

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 Hello and Greetings from Clan RARTY. If you are reading this you are likely a person looking for a clan and as it happens we are a clan looking for people. We are an amateur MLP clan concentrating on [..] View

Is the Schmalturm worth it as a German medium crew trainer?

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 With the upcoming EU 30% sale on the Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm, should I buy it as a German medium crew trainer? It'll only cost 2625 gold, down from 3750. I've looked at reviews on the Panther/M10 and i [..] View

A43 line vs T-34-85 line?

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 I'm currently on the T-34 Russian Med and was wondering which med would suit me better. I am looking for fast flankers like the M7, Cromwell, Crusader, etc. I am less interested in another T-34 like t [..] View

North American invite request. Thanks!

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 Hi everyone. I hate making a thread about this as it seems like I'm begging (which I clearly am) but I was told it would be a good idea to ask for an invite before I registered an account. So if some [..] View

Fury... a bit disapointing

4:03 pm, October 17, 2014 First of all I hope the movie is better than the premium tank.. Second why do my crew members have the same name? all of them have the name "Name" Third this catches fire like crazy guess it [..] View

Advice on getting into heavies

4:03 pm, October 17, 2014 I just crested 2000 battles yesterday and have been playing with lights, mediums and TDs and have been doing so-so. I have been watching you-tube and reading the newbie guides daily. Most of my experi [..] View

Why do I just **** at this game? Help!

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 First off let me say that I love WOT. Such a great game and I have fun playing it....But man am I bad at it. I try to use tactics for the tanks I am in and not rush out there, but i rarely get kills a [..] View

Developers' Q&A session in WGKR 16.10.14

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 source : summary Alexander Tarasevich - Game & UX designer Alexander Derkch - CW programming manager For the reward of the personalised mission [..] View

The problem with matchmaking...

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 Isn't that you get completely lopsided battles. Sure, if one team is far more skilled than the other, the skilled team is probably going to win. The problem is that MM sucks at balancing vehicle types [..] View

What were people expecting from the Fury?

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 I've seen so much hate from it in game from players. Saying it sucks, worst premium ever, etc. It's rather amazing to me. Makes me wonder what they were expecting from it. I mean it's not exactly the [..] View


4:03 pm, October 16, 2014 I feel buoyant this I just dropped a load.   ARL v39 is finally elite!  AND immediately sold!  FLUSH!  Fitting that it took 3 matches to get the last [..] View

Tiger II weak spots?

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 This is probably a relatively noob question, so apologies if it's annoying. In any case, every time I battle in my Tiger II, I seem to get raped pretty hard. When I look at my tank, I can never seem t [..] View

How to get ONLY hitlog?

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 Hi there, I really like the mod: Hitlog that comes with XVM, however, I don't like most of the mods that come WITH xvm, like the vehicle icons and colors that comes with it, or the xvm stats and win r [..] View

top 5 tanks are NOT balanced. needs a fix. ASAP!

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 tired of playing 3 tier 9 top tier mediums vs 5 top tier 9 heavies on your 3 route maps, where the mediums cannot flank the damn heavies. this has been a problem since 8.3 please fix this!   [..] View

T-54 Lightweight hidden nerf - no camo bonus while moving

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 Pardon this repeat post, but the original didn't get much feedback.   heavymetal1967, on Oct 08 2014 - 09:38, said: Hopefully this is the result of bad testing or some other glitch.&n [..] View

Need a garage filter mod!

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 Hi guys,   I know there is a vanilla filter for WoT, and I am totally fine with it. Besides from the fact, that It keeps disappearing, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but yeah, It [..] View

Leo On Track: Guide+Replays

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Preface: My stats in the leo, A wonderful (very generous) benefactor on reddit is gifting me a fury e8 if I do a leo 1 guide as well as guide him a bit in game, so here [..] View

Why grind for a Tier 10 vehicle? Are Strongholds important?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Hi everyone! I'm currently sitting at Tier 8 in the french heavy line and decided to grind different lines first, because I don't earn any noteworthy money while playing the AMX 50 100, mostly because [..] View

Clan help

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Not sure if this is appropriate to ask here but - I applied to join one of the reddit social clans and.... nothing happened. Does this mean my application was refused? Was it just not picked up? Is it [..] View

Let's talk about Wargaming Customer Support and why it's the worst in the business.

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 If you've dealt with almost literally any other AAA caliber game's customer support you'll note that the experiences are usually positive. If you have a legitimate issue they will likely help you with [..] View

Stug IIIV saveable?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 I was playing the 38T for some time, after getting off the Marder II as rapidly as possible (it does less damage per minute than a PzI). I had great luck sniping with the 38T, but was very frustrated [..] View

Playing with friends

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Ok I have been searching up and down the forums for this but can not find my answer. Why are you not able to specifically have some of your friends play against you on the enemy team? I have a friend [..] View

What to do with the "free" Fury crew?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 This is if you are running a US med line and have a crew to grind in it.  Obviously if you don't have a US med crew to put in it the free crew comes in handy.  But for those of us wi [..] View

Wardaddy bags his first Tiger and gets Ace+Fury review

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Like the title says, I just got ace in my brand new fury tank and brought home my first Tiger pelt.   1988 damage done 1694 assisted 3 ****** 6 more damaged for confederate 41,451 cr [..] View

Need help...

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Got a WOT problem. I know there are better places to ask such as the forums but I've been there and I have created a support ticket too, all I have received is useless help. Basically I don't have a r [..] View

Is it just me, or are lights and medium tanks out-brawling heavies more and more?

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 I'm not great, but I'm a better than avg. player (51% wrate, 1020 eff.) and I'm getting wrecked in my heavies by lights and mediums. LTTB? T-34-3? "No big deal, I'll just rip through your heavy p [..] View

Groove is now looking for casual players.

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Hello, I am here to announce that the clan Groove is now recruiting. The goal of groove is to present a casual place to play on the weekends. I as commander welcome anyone interested in joining, no pa [..] View

92nd field Artillery aka The Red Devil's

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Hey guys i didn't know where to post this on the forums. This is my first time posting. So here is my request/suggestion. I was curious whom i would  have to talk to about requesting the Red [..] View

Black Knights of False Order recruiting anyone welcome.

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 Black Knights of False Order is a friendly clan who will give anyone a chance. our goals are to overall improve as players (everyone can always improve and improvement should always be a goal), and al [..] View

How Have You Changed Over Time?

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 Man.... I don't even know where to start. Over the past year the way I play WOT has changed so much I don't even know how to place what changed.  Look at me say, 12 months ago and I wasn't mu [..] View

When am I allowed to move up a tier? And a bit of crew training.

4:03 pm, October 14, 2014 Ok so I'm learning and playing the game.  I'm around tier 3-4 through earning but also purchased a pack of 3 tier 5 heavies a couple weeks ago.  I'm not great with those and I know i [..] View

Balance of the Hellcat

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 The Hellcat seems to be a hot topic in WoT as some tier 6's are better than the rest and used for pub stomping. Like the old KV-1S, Hellcat, Su-100. etc. Tanks with big guns that can carry games. Now [..] View

13 75 Crew conundrum.

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 So, I did well in the AMX 12t, finished it with a 56% win rate. However, I'm doing rather poorly in the 13 75. Use of the search function reveals I've been playing it wrong, using it as a passive scou [..] View

Low GPU usage?

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 Hello everyone, I've upgraded to a new computer with a MSI GTX 980 but in world of tanks I only get around 40% GPU usage while other games run near 100%. I am on the latest driver but have not used a [..] View

Loading screen lockup

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 Good day,   After taking a hiatus from the game for a week, I logged on to find a new update. So, completed that and logged onto the game. First thing I noticed was no sound in the garage. Ch [..] View

What was the weekend mini-patch about?

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 I was away this weekend and just now opened World of tanks.  Evidently there was a small patch sometime over the past three days as there was a small download before the software would open.& [..] View

Which heavy line is the funnest or best all round tank (mobility, armour and damage)

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 I have the tiger 1 and it's the furthest line I'm in so far with only 1k games, I love the tiger 1 historically but in the game the IS line destroys it seems, is it about playstyle or is there clearly [..] View

Question about ventilation

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 In "Brothers in Arms" perk description, there is a mention this perk is cumulative with the effects of Improved Ventilation.  In some of my tanks, i have crews with 100% brothers in [..] View

What does WN8 refer to?

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 I often see this but must have missed what it means and were to find it. I'm a very casual player (working to much).When I get time  I tend to just play rather than look at the forums. And, y [..] View

Lets Talk about the new Scouts!

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 Ah yes, with the influx of new scout tanks people have been throwing out "OP OP OP PLS NERF TEARS TEARS TEARS" in pretty much every game now. Lets take a deeper walk into this mindset, dis-s [..] View

T14: the best tier 5 premium in the game.

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 So I was platooned with my clanmate while he was grinding the T-34: MT, when I unlocked the VK30.1H. I had most of the modules unlocked from previous grinds, so all I needed were tank-specific mods (T [..] View

T34, how does it compare to T29 and T32?

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 I want to buy a Tier 8 Prem that is not the Super Pershing and I'm wondering if I'd like the T34. I've been grinding through a few lines (US medium and heavy, E50M and E100 lines, the IS-7 line) and T [..] View

What do I have to look forward to?

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 I've been playing this game for years. I now have 22k battles under my belt. My interest for the game has been lowering gradually. I play less and less games during each session before I get bored and [..] View

M48A1 needs a buff

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 (Title is wrong...should say "M48A1 needs rebalancing") The Patton used to be a great tier 10 medium, but after some has lost its competitiveness.  It feels very redundan [..] View

How does experience get assigned among skills?

5:03 am, October 13, 2014   I want to finish Cammo training to 100% for all crew members, but I accidentally started the 2nd skill for one of the crew.  I heard the 2nd skills take much lon [..] View

Help me understand my stats

4:03 pm, October 12, 2014 My username is MangoCat Noobmeter seems to be saying that my average damage, WN7, WN8, Performance, efficiency, **** ratio etc. have all been increasing. Yet my WR has taken an absolute monstering rec [..] View

Seeking a clan.

4:03 pm, October 12, 2014 Alright, i played WoT a while ago but had to stop for personal reasons. I am currently getting back into it but would like a clan to play with. Prefer a some what organized clan but what ever works xD [..] View

Suggestion: more maps, not less.

4:03 pm, October 12, 2014 According to FTR there will be a poll to determine which maps to remove from the game. The correct answer is NONE. Even more unbalanced crappy maps are better than 4 or 5 boring 'balanced' ma [..] View

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