World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions

Category : World of Tanks Discussion

In loving memory of the only tank I could ever get onto roofs.

8:35 am, September 1, 2014 submitted by Autoloader [link] [11 comments] View

Hypocrisy at it's best.

8:04 am, September 1, 2014 submitted by ArtyBen [link] [22 comments] View

Is there a team damage indicator mod?

8:03 am, September 1, 2014 I'm trying to find a mod that shows the total damage that every player does during the game. submitted by DracoGuy5 [link] [5 comments] View

RDDT4 is Recruiting

8:02 am, September 1, 2014 RDDT4 is recruiting tankers for the upcoming campaign as well as trying to fill out our ranks as best we can. Being the third clan wars clan in the family of RDDT clans, we aim to give players experie [..] View

Im new to the game, and I ****. Besides the russian heavies, what are some good tanks to learn the game on?

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 I have 600~ battles and a 45.something% win rate. The highest tier vehicles in my garage are the ELC AMX and the Pz. Sfl. IVc. I realized that these arent the absolute best tanks to learn the game on, [..] View

(SPOILER) Can someone explain the appeal of this game?

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 I just watched what I think are some finals in world of tanks on twitch. They played for 100 minutes and it was 1-0-9. It was mostly just tanks sitting around. What is the appeal to this game? Is it [..] View

[NA] Next On Track??? September Missions?!?

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 With both the August missions and the AMX50B On Track event set to expire in less than 24 hours I've not seen any communication on what the next On Track event nor what the September missions [..] View

Help me with understanding HE shells please.

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 Many, many battles in and I'm still learning tactics and techniques. I've never used HE for my tanks but something clicked so tell me if I'm wrong. I have a KV-1 that gets into [..] View

American 120mm guns "low rolling"

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 It may be conformation bias, but it sure seems that my T110E5 and M103 (both 120's) low roll a lot. An average 400 damage gun usually only does 350-375. I'm pretty good about checking [..] View

Glenelg Blitzkrieg [GLGBZ] is Recruiting!

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 Greetings tankers! Glenelg Blitzkrieg is a small, developing clan that is looking for new members! We are currently looking for active members who are interested in team battles and stronghold mode, a [..] View

Estimated drop date for 9.3?

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 I took a break from WoT for the summer in order to have a life and told myself I'd stay away until 9.3. But now I'm itching to get back. I'm under the impression that updates a [..] View

This game is good and simultaneously sucks

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 Seriously. I just started a few days ago. I'm playing tier 3 tanks. Usually matches are me, 10 tier 5s, 3 or 4 tier 4s and possibly one other 3. Going up against 10 or 11 5s, a few 4s and 1 or [..] View

World of Tanks needs smoke grenades.

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 (Not literally smoke grenades) I'm still thinking about the finals I watched last night and now I think that occluding vision would make the game a lot more interesting. Some way of advancing [..] View

Would the Heuschrecke 10 be too OP to add as a Premium?

2:01 pm, August 31, 2014 Here is the tank of subject. It seems like it would be beyond fun to play and it wouldn't be too much trouble to add as a premium. The only issue is it might be a tad op. The gun with the addi [..] View

I thought this was a glitch at first...but the Pz. Sfl. IVc actually has 85 of gun elevation.

2:01 am, August 31, 2014 submitted by Infernal_Dalek [link] [70 comments] View

Mines, South Spawn, in a Medium. What do?

2:01 am, August 31, 2014 It's just been getting on my nerves lately. If I go west to the island I get mired down in trench warfare with TDs and/or heavies. If I go hill I get **** all over instantly since everyone can [..] View

Low tiers are extremely difficult for new players.

2:01 am, August 31, 2014 So today me and my friend, who is new to World of Tanks were playing, and he just got his T-46. So we platoon up and we find a game like this. . Now I must ask, what is the po [..] View

So I got chat-banned...

2:01 am, August 31, 2014 Apparently being chat banned also includes banning your ability to ping the map or use the quick-comms rose. Because apparently being able to alert my team to something important or report on my statu [..] View

The Best way to watch the M41 supertester video.

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 submitted by Seclorum [link] [4 comments] View

Took a break from WoT, is it worth returning, and if so, what is new?

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Hi guys! I played WoT a long time, I stopped playing actively around Mars 2013 when I left I had approx 11k matches? So I guess I got a bit tired of the game, and the fact that they rushed new content [..] View

Looking for a second premium Tier 8 to compliment my Jagdtiger 88. Suggestions?

2:01 pm, August 30, 2014 Hey there. So, I've had my JT88 for around a year now, and in that time I've played about 450 games in it, making it my most-played tank. I love the JT88 and its incredibly tough armor [..] View

RDDT3 NA Is Recruiting!

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 Are you a player who: is looking to raise stats/grind tanks to get into a CW clan? is looking for people to platoon with? is looking to compete in Strongholds, Tank Companies, and Team Battles? Then [..] View

Surprise mastery on the E 75 and some questions about it

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 So, I just got my E 75 two days ago and have struggled horribly with it. after like 40 games I have a 40% win rate, I did well with the Tiger1/2 of course it was once they weren't stock. Anywa [..] View

The multi-core and WoT misconception...

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 Recently, SS on FtR translated a post that Storm wrote regarding multicore support in World of Tanks. For those that can't acces [..] View

OBJ 263 tips/equipment?

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 I'm about to buy this thing when I grind out the rest of the credits, are there any tips/suggestions for a new 263 driver? Does it play similar to the 122-54 but with more front armor? (Any li [..] View

How to progress through reddit clans?

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 I have a recent wn8 of 1000 but I have over 12k games and 5 tier 10s. I'm looking to progress through the reddit family of clans and eventually to reddit main, so what should my clan path be? [..] View

Buy Chaffee Now or wait till 9.3?

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 I'm interested in going down the new American Light Tank line coming out in 9.3. People keep saying that the XP cost for the Chaffee will be dropped (along with the nerf), but I have not found [..] View

Jesus H. Christ I hate this tank

2:01 pm, August 29, 2014 I feel like I need to vent. The m5a1 easily takes the top spot of the worst ******* tank I've ever played. Sure, it's the third best t4 scout, but that's compared to how absolu [..] View

[Mod Post] Clan Tag Flair, Live Stream links, & Subreddiquette

2:01 pm, August 29, 2014 Ladies, Gents, and Genderfluid Demi pansexuals, We'd like to brush up on a few items of importance that keep coming up either in public or through moderator mail. Feel free to post questions o [..] View

IS-3 Tips

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 I am looking to get the IS-3 in the next few days and am wondering on what order should I unlock the modules? I have the IS and the KV-1S elited so I have all modules from those tanks but that is it. [..] View

Videos of new T-54 Light and the M41 Walker Bulldog

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 submitted by zippy_the_cat [link] [1 comment] View

Chieftain, coming too Langley BC Aug 31

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 Any of you Fraser Valley Tankers going to check this out? Does the Chieftain give out any WOT trinkets at these type of events? [..] View

New player here. So at higher tiers does this game get...faster?

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 So I started playing yesterday, and overall I'm liking the game when I'm actually in a battle (minus the chat being either silent or a bot most of the time), but then I go back to the [..] View

9.3 U.S. tank Nerfs. Tech tree losing its appeal?

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 I submit this because lately i have seen nothing but nerfs coming to the U.S. tech tree. T57,Hellcat,T18, Damage nerfs on all TD's, T49 upcoming nerf. My concern is that, there are already so [..] View

Tdacey's Replay Contest [NA Server]

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 Watch for instructions if you don't feel like reading... Hey guys! I can't stress enough how helpful everyone has been with my YouTube channel, and all the positive support and influen [..] View

Opinions on collecting Tier Tens for Pubs

2:01 am, August 29, 2014 So far I have never sold a tier 10 tank. Most of them I bought because I wanted them in general, but some were bought because they are good for clan wars which I keep thinking I will get into some day [..] View

Question on scout lines

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 I've watched hundreds of hours of replays/walkthroughs/whatnots about all sorts of tanks and types. I recently picked the game up after a few year hiatus and been back for about a month now. I [..] View

Returning to game after long hiatus, looking for input

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 !S Reddit tankers, I have not played much in probably close to 2 years (somewhere about 2-3 months after CW came out) where I played with a relatively large clan and actually did participate in CW for [..] View

9.3: WG did the do.

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 Source: New high-tier light tanks added: U.S.A.: T37 (Tier VI), M41 Walker Bulldog (Tier VII), T49 (Tier VIII). U.S.S.R [..] View

XVM Stat Mod and Pregame Chance To Win

2:01 am, August 28, 2014 Ever since I first looked up my stats on Noobmeter back when I had just over 1k games played, I have wanted a way to be able to track my stats in-game and compare them to others around me. Ever since [..] View

Tomato Questions (~130 battles in)

2:01 am, August 28, 2014 I've had a bunch of questions that I thought I would put in one place instead of spamming various threads: How much money do you spend on WoT in a month? How much gold ammo do you buy? I just [..] View

How should I play tanks that are hopelessly outclassed?

2:01 am, August 28, 2014 I'm a rubbish player at the best of times (a 50% win rate and a 1.0 destruction ratio are still on my To-Do list :) ), but I'm really, really struggling to feel like I can contribute a [..] View

Hetzer Guns Suggestions

2:01 am, August 28, 2014 I just bought Hetzer and i cant decide which gun to choose One the one hand there is 7,5 cm Pak 39 L/48 110 penetration 175 damage 15.38 rate of fire And on the other hand 10,5 cm Stu.H. 42 L/28 64 p [..] View

Tomato in search of WoT expert for Platoon games (tier III and IV)

2:01 am, August 28, 2014 I'm looking for an expert who is willing to play a few games with me at my lowly tier III-IV. Just looking to follow you around/do what you do, so that I can improve my game. My IGN is Tigerbo [..] View

I'm buying a new computer and have some questions

2:01 pm, August 27, 2014 For the more tech savvy tankers, I always hear about WoT not being optimized very well. What does this mean? Will a standard gaming rig potentially not be as effective? Since it doesn't sup [..] View

So I just bought the kv1s yesterday

2:01 pm, August 27, 2014 many people told me it was a very fun tank and i'm sure it is. But now its out that we don't seem to be getting both tanks in the split(giving a free garage slot) should I still [..] View

Discount events coming out anytime soon?

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 Hey guys, I'm very close to unlocking the Waffle E 100 and AMX 50 100, and can buy the Panther 2 and Tiger 2. I was wondering if there were any announced events coming up which would make buyi [..] View

What Medal's have you earned that you are most proud of?

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 For me It was Kolobanov's Medal, I can't think of the map off the top of my head, but I know I was in my 13-90 and it was all muscle memory. I didn't even realize what I was do [..] View

Stock Tiger I 7.5cm or short 8.8cm??

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 Im about to grind the Tiger, but i still dont know what to use... The 7.5cm has allright pen, low alpha and mostly DPM. The 8.8cm has bad pen (can it handle the IS-8 LFP??), meh alpha and good DPM. Th [..] View

Why does WoT use such a ****** auto-ballistic 'adjustment' system, especially in sniper mode?

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 This has been aggravating me more and more lately, perhaps because I've been playing a few tanks with larger-caliber, slower rounds. What I mean by 'auto-ballistic adjustment' [..] View

Team battles are fun! Winning also! Does RDDT (EU) do team battles somewhat seriously?

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 So today I played my first few real team battles. I found this random serbian, zchek, polish? clan. They were speaking english, I could join them and their commander really knew what tactic to use and [..] View

Laptop users please help me please!

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 I am about to go to college and am deciding on a laptop. I will have a spare monitor to use in my dorm, which I will use to game on. This at the moment is the only game I play (I have played SC2, Mine [..] View

The reason a tier spread of 2 like the matchmaker currently uses is a good thing.

2:01 am, August 27, 2014 This turned out to be longer than I intended, but please bear with me. If not, there's a TL;DR at the bottom. I keep seeing "drunk MM" comments both here on /r/worldoftanks a [..] View

Remember a few weeks ago when my Tog Buddies captured the leopard? Here's another attacker turned victim!

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 submitted by Evanmcneal10 [link] [19 comments] View

How to: Aufkl. (Awful) Panther

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 It has come to my attention in a situation today (will tell the story if asked) that not many players know the role played when driving an Aufkl., or telling a player what to do in his/her Aufkl. I ca [..] View

Tips/Advice for Solo-Pubbing

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 Recently I have been trying to improve my play by watching streamers more. I have run into the issue that most streamers will often platoon with other skilled players. This seems to allow them to take [..] View

"Free" Type-62 and KV-220 missions for S(E)A server.

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 submitted by StoneyLepi [link] [comment] View

Should I keep the Large First Aid kit and Large Repair Kit which I have earned form missions?

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 I have earned a bunch of Large First Aid kit ,Large Repair Kit and Automatic Fire Extinguisher from missions. I think the Automatic Fire Extinguisher is very useful and I will keep for CWs and TCs. Bu [..] View

[Q] I love the German tank lines(TD and heavy). Are there similar lines out there?

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 Hi, In the beginning I started the German lines because i just like the looks of them. On the way i discovered that i really like the play style that goes with them. Have the second line support/snipe [..] View

What tanks are favored by the current game mechanics?

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 I'm trying to decide what line I should focus on as I'm grinding a lot of different tanks right now, and I have less and less time to screw around with tanks I don't particular [..] View

FlatPanzer line, where to drop freeXp?

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 I've bought and (rage)sold the flatpanzer (JagdPzIV) twice so far, but I'm thinking of going up that line since I'm getting a free Dicker Max soon. However I'm not thri [..] View

What's the tank that always kills you?

2:01 am, August 26, 2014 Everyone has those tanks they feel always gets them, that no matter what you do when you encounter them they always pulverize you or nickel and dime you to *****. What's yours, r/WorldofTanks? [..] View

Sometimes matchmaking can produce interesting (and unforgiving) results

2:01 am, August 26, 2014 submitted by FiniteCharacteristic [link] [8 comments] View

DIRTY Rbl $ls [EU]

2:01 am, August 26, 2014 The focus of our Clan is team play, whether that's Clan Wars, Tank Companies, Platoons or ESL tournaments. We have successfully taken land before, so we know what it takes to keep it. If you [..] View

Quick Guide for Starting Out / First 3K Battles

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 (what I would do if I started from scratch w/ no premium tanks) Preparation - Setup: Comfortable Mouse (my fav list: Razor DeathAdder, Logitech 400, CM Storm-Spawn, 1800 DPI setting) Mouse Pad (Mono [..] View

The WGLNA is giving out a bunch of free codes this week to celebrate the 8/30 Season 4 Finals!

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 submitted by ActuallyShakes [link] [27 comments] View

Tips on playing the Pershing

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 Hi All, just got the Pershing, been having some fun with it, just wanted tips and tricks to make it more enjoyable. At this time I've got rammer, advanced ventilation, better engine installed, [..] View

After seemingly endless wedding photos, this was a nice surprise. (M41 Walker Bulldog)

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 submitted by zyxw1 [link] [5 comments] View

t34 or lowe

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 hello reddit. i know this question as been ask a lot but that is for tank stats. but i want to know which one would fit me i like brawling. but i dont want an is6 already got churchill 3 as crew train [..] View

E25 as a money maker?

2:01 pm, August 25, 2014 I'm looking into buying my first premium tank in order to train crew and earn credits. I primarily play German tanks, so naturally I want to buy a German premium tank but I'm not inter [..] View

How do I stop being ****?

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 I've been playing quite a lot of WoT recently, and Im utterly ****. Im working on grinding my was to the KV-1S derp gun, but i'm really not having fun at all. Every game consists of Mo [..] View

World of tanks rage, how do you manage it?

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 I consider myself to be a pretty nice guy in general, but I do have a bit of an anger problem when playing tanks. I didn't used to and I am not sure why I do now. I have started to rage quit [..] View

Wargaming, please fix the Pz. S35s matchmaking.

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 Yes, I understand that other tier 3 tanks get pulled into tier V games but they are either TDs who can still do damage, Artillery which is also still effective, or light and medium tanks that are agil [..] View

Improving gameplay, I need help

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 Hi guys, I know that most of you read the title and thought: Oh no! Not another one! But actually, it is in some way. I'm here not to ask how to increase WN8, I'm here to ask how to in [..] View

Debating going down RU med or HVY...

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 Already have T-34 almost enough xp to get A-43. Had a kv2, currently with a kv1. Debating on if I want to go the med or hvy route. I keep hearing about the kv1s split. If I have a kv1s and it gets the [..] View

The development of Soviet/Russian tanks after T-62: From Object 172 over T-72 to T-90 and variants.

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 submitted by Roflkopt3r [link] [comment] View

Next episode of my series is up - Chi-ri: Tier 7 Japanese medium tank review

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 submitted by tdacey24 [link] [comment] View

The Luchs: Does it ever not ****?

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 I just unlocked it, and its completely stock except for the second engine and the 30mm cannon. Now, playing the Pz II G got me a bit into the mentality of the scout tank; go fast, find things, fight o [..] View

AMX 50 100 Help

2:01 pm, August 24, 2014 So Today i unlocked and brought this amazing French Heavy autoloader and with a crew almost ready for skills/perks and a tank that needs some equipment and Modules, i come here for advice on the set u [..] View

What 3 equipment to buy? Is equipment worth buying?

2:01 am, August 24, 2014 I'm a bad player and am trying to improve my playing ability=xp gains. Currently going for the E-50M, E-100, T62A, Object 140, T57 Heavy, and FV215b. I figure I might as well buy equipment now [..] View

Map Guides made into one spreadsheet for your convenience

2:01 am, August 24, 2014 I'll keep this short I created a spreadsheet of the map guides. Here are the links Google Spreadsheet Direct link to the Excel file I think there are no mistakes, at least I hope there are [..] View

25$ Prepaid Card not being accepted.

2:01 am, August 24, 2014 I bought a 25 dollar card from Target, and it isn't being accepted. Perhaps someone here will see something I missed. I followed the directions on how to redeem the card on the website, and i [..] View

What are some high tier tanks like the t-49?

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 After playing quite a number of tanks this is the second tank that I've really clicked with (the first being the KV-1s). I really love the versatility of the tank, it can scout / flank well if [..] View

Do you listen to music when you play? What do you listen to? Do we want to build a WoT play list?

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 Are there particular bands or styles you listen to when you play? Or maybe a Spotify or Pandora station you keep tuned to while you're running and gunning? If r/worldoftanks were to build a pl [..] View

The Best of Tiers I-V (Opinion Piece)

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 With my recent purchase of the M41, I have come to own every non-premium tank tier 5 and below in the game excluding the Chaffee (100 more games in the M5 Stuart isn't worth it). I thought I w [..] View

M4 Sherman VS Panzer 4H(FLEXIBILITY)

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 I saw an arguement today in the NA server chat ebetween people who like the M4 and the Pz4. So I decided to send those guys the link for this thread. I personally like the M4 Sherman because it has b [..] View

Ace tanker difficultys in the T28 Prot

2:01 pm, August 23, 2014 The T28 Prototype is a very sub par machine. It is horribly slow, has unreliable armour, poor DPM, terrible camo and trollish accuracy. It has sup par average win rate, WN8, damage and XP per battle. [..] View

Platooning Up--Winning Down?

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 Is it just me? When ever I platoon up with people my win rate crashes. I'm a slightly better than average player (meaning 50% win rate) and when I platoon up my win rate crashes--40% would be [..] View

Returning to WoT after 1 year - what's changed?

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 I played hardcore in the first half of 2013 but haven't touched the game since August 2013. I'm reinstalling now and wanted a quick lay of the land. The consensus around the time I sto [..] View

"Invalid password"?

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 Earlier today, my client started crashing upon startup. I'd hit Launch on the launcher, it'd bring up the WoT window, and it wouldn't even get to the loading bar before it clos [..] View

Reddit Clans Leaderboard (Now Including EU and SEA) - 22 Aug 2014

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 The data is collected from and profiles for 1460 players across all of the Reddit clans in NA, EU, and SEA (with the exception of RDDT EU and RDDT3 EU which I accidentall [..] View

CTD at initial launch

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 AFAIK, the program is unchanged since I was playing yesterday. Today I went to go blow up some tanks, only to find that wot crashes. After clicking "Play" in the launcher, the game w [..] View

Tank Skin Idea (Cumulative Battles Survived)

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 You know those games where you seem to be invincible? You are bouncing shots left, right, and centre, putting out good damage, and leading the charge. At the end of it all, granted you were able to su [..] View

Light Tonks & Stronkholds Discussion

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 There are 9 T5-6 scouts that are eligible to be used in T6 strongholds: AMX 12t, ELC MT-25 Leo, VK2801 Chaffee, T21 59-16, Type 64 My questions are: Which ones are used? What roles do they play? W [..] View

The secret to Soviet accuracy

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 For the past few days it just has seemed like RNG doesn't want me to have any fun. It was just a nonstop series of misses and ricochets from my shots combined with enemy shots that consistentl [..] View

Thoughts on WoT as a "real" (read: long-term successful) eSport

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 Below are my thoughts/ramblings on the long-term success of WoT eSports. 1) The largest problem right now is that the game played by "the pros" does not resemble the game played by t [..] View

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