4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
submitted by cuddles_the_destroye [link] [10 comments]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
Or at least I'm starting too... So I got started on this game when the Xbox version came out. I understand people give the xbox version **** a lot, and for good reason. I started reading more and deci [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
submitted by erensarier [link] [3 comments]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
Yo tankers, I've been playing WOT for about 2 yearsish now and I've had my ELC for a long time, but I feel I'm not playing it very well, I charge in and die within minutes. Some helpful tips would go [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
How many of you have been mowed down by a pz1c or Luchs, then decided to try it? I did the other day. Went through the pain that was the pz1 and then unlocked a beast! On my first battle with the 1c, [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
Title pretty much says it all. I've unlocked T30 and am grindind to the T95. Eventually I want to get both but I would like to have your opinions on which stock grind is less painful. I realized that [..]
4:03 pm, October 24, 2014
So the movie got me thinking. Historically, 4 Sherman's were required to handle 1 Tiger. How about a 4 Sherman's versus 1 Tiger historical battle? Make it like the movie, so 3 Tier 5 M4s and 1 Tier 6 [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
Just throwing this out there, because I'm looking for a new XVM setup - don't feel like customizing my own. Who's got the cleanest/minimalist XVM out there? I've looked at Jimbo's and it's nice, but I [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
So, I wanted to try something else and figured the FV304 would be nice. The Birch Gun was actually fun to play and the turret pretty cool. Then I got the Bishop. WTF is this thing? It has an incredibl [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
The difference? The first would be if your heavies are in a fairly intense fight and have a fairly good chance of winning if you play it right. By this I mean if it's like 4 heavies brawling against 4 [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
Is there any reason to go past tier 8 with these things? The tier 9/10 don't look like big improvements over the WZ132/T-34-2. Specifically in the armor/speed/alpha departments. submitted by Puppy_s [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
So, I want to get into some of the top clans. Preferablly G or SIMP. Clearly, I'm not there - stat wise - but I think I might be good enough to play with those guys. In pugs, when they're on my team - [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
I was hull down against an IS-3 in my T29 and he decides to shoot HE. It pens my turret roof once and kills my both my loaders and my gunner, which sucks. But I look again and see that there are two h [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
I'm insanely proud of this. Tier 9 game in my IS, 4 kills, 4.3k damage done, Mastery badge (wooh!) and ace tanker. 10k WN8. Makes all the rage quitting worth it! Thankyou /r/WorldofTanks, for putting [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
Did anyone else win a ticket to see fury from the contest. I saw it on saturday and then checked my email on monday and found out I won. Going to see it again tonight. I just wanted to know if anyone [..]
5:03 am, October 24, 2014
I started playing World of Tanks last year by April but had to stop cause my system wasn't able to take it all, among other things, I stopped somewhere in Patch 8.8... When I came back (now on patch 9 [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Battle_Mechanics#Unused_Messages and crew voice for gun reloaded, explosion nearby and enemy spotted too....i'd guess somehow it gets annoying but before that it would be [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
Each team gets one tog (or perhaps two). The rest are elcs. The elcs are never to stop driving (think battleboats). A team loses when all of its carriers are 'sunk'. submitted by Komandr [link] [17 [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
Is view range or signal range better? Everywhere I read they say to do view range. My assumption is signal range is better because you can stay farther away hiding in a bush and see the enemy as a res [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
The Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers was a Churchill III or IV equipped with the Petard, a 290 mm Spigot mortar, throwing the 40 lb (18 kg) "Flying dustbin" with its 28 pound high explosive [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
hello reddit, i bought the 112 a few weeks ago a friend of mine recommended it and i thought wel i am looking for a new tank so why not. but now i do like it its frontal armor is strong but is it just [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
So I have been getting better and wot but my schedule is totally random. When i do get to play it is usually for a few hours super early morning time. I'm just wondering if i should seek out a clan th [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
But seriously, does anyone else feel that its ammo is a tad vulnerable? I played about 30 games 'tooned with my bud and he lost his turret more times that day than I have in over 4k games submitted b [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
For about 8 or 9 months now, I've been doing tournaments that Wargaming puts up every week. Main reason being "obviously" the metric **** ton of gold you can make. This is why they are prett [..]
4:03 pm, October 23, 2014
Have been on a gaming hiatus for coupe of months, and when I started up WoT and start a battle I will eventually during the match just get a freezed screen. And i have to close the app. Anyone now abo [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
I have a 4 skill Russian heavy crew from my IS-6, and was considering the KV-4 because I really, really want the ST-I, but I'm apprehensive about its performance, especially in tier X games. Could so [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
submitted by Laban_Seigmann [link] [2 comments]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
I don't have any screens because I'm at work but I've been reported and chewed out for killing people while they are in supposedly autobounce angles. I'm not so sure they exist, is it a thing or are p [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Hi guys, I'm looking for a cheap premium tank. I have 1200 gold from the recent match up tournament, and I want to buy either the T-25 or the Churchill III. The problem is that I can't decide. The T-2 [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
submitted by GuyFleegman [link] [3 comments]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
The data is collected from worldoftanks.com and vbaddict.net profiles for 1804 (+5) players across all of the Reddit clans in NA, EU, and SEA. Per-tank data is only available for 636 (+15) players who [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
I've been having high ping problems for several months now and can't seem to narrow down the issue. I live in Phoenix, AZ and both the west coast and east coast servers give me the same result. Most d [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Don't be me. I thought I could bring up a 40% WR after my first 10 battles. I didn't even think this was possible unless I was teamkilling every game, but I guess I learned my lesson. Feel free to dow [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Personally don't like the game but I know a lot of people do so here is a key. No idea what it is for but hey, first one to guess correctly what the "?" is gets it. VB5WD-HFBH?-FGVAE-43MEK- [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Game was winding down, we had tanks capping, I'm getting lots of near misses on my arty. I sight Rats73 (Hello fellow redditor) and he fogs, I shoot, shell is in the air and the game ends before impac [..]
5:03 am, October 23, 2014
Before we start off. I love fast aiming. Now, I am coming onto the Object 140 very soon, and would running GLD over Stabs be a vaible option? I find that the 2.3 second aim time is too long on the T-5 [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
So I have the JgPzE100, WT E100, and the AMX 50B unlocked. I already have the T57, IS-7, and Obj. 268. I'm also ~60k from the T-62A, and ~50k from the T110E5. All that being said, I'm not involved in [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
We are a new Clan, but we are not weak We don't back down without a fight And we want to do Clan Wars, But we need willing players to join us. So do you want to join us? Here are a few requirements fr [..]
4:03 pm, October 22, 2014
Hello, I was given this code by a friend (who doesn't play WOT), dunno how he got it. I play on NA and apparently it only works on EU (I think it is a bonus code, not invite). Please post your most pa [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Do any of the Reddit clans do strongholds on the west coast server? If not, any suggestions for decent groups that do? http://www.noobmeter.com/player/na/bruinbomb/1003948938/ submitted by BruinBomb [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Ok, to address the kind of awkward pacing and formatting of this post, I actually wrote it as one 15,318 character post, but obviously that doesn't work too well with Reddits format. I'll link to the [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Why do so many people like this tank? I don't get it at all. I've played it, and to be honest I thought it was going to be great before I played it. It's my second tier 8 heavy behind the T32, so I g [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
After months of seeing post after post of people begging for invite codes, the mods brainstormed with Wargaming to come up with a solution. So here it is! A semi-permanent (depending on how well this [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Recently started playing the T21 and I'm debating which gun to use. The dpm on the 6 pounder absolutely destroyed tanks when i used it on the M7 but the increased pen on the M1A2 is huge. Any help is [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Hi there, so a while back I posted a simple ping tester batch file for World of Tanks: http://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1mkj7z/wot_ping_tester_v01/ I was bored so I decided to update it [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
So I was in T29. He was oragne almost red player, standing still in open field as IS 6 and he was 2 shots away from *****. He had his turret aimed at me. 1:20 to finnish. So I shot him 6 times, penetr [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
For tiers 6-10: 12.2% of vehicles average over 1 ****/game, only 3.8% amongst arty. 41% of vehicles have over 50 percent winrates, only 38% amongst arty. Arty represent 13% of the tanks in these tiers [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Hi, so I'm considering joining RDTT2 for strongholds. What I would like to know is what the time commitment is. My week is pretty spotty, but I can play on most weekend nights. Thanks! submitted by [..]
5:03 am, October 22, 2014
Is there any mission for 1 day of premium going on? I just noticed that I have 18 hours of premium left. I did not buy it...and can't seem to find any mission with that kind of reward. What's going on [..]
4:03 pm, October 21, 2014
Sorry if there is a similar post but I couldn't find one: question is simple. Is the ISU playable using the stock 152mm derp? It was fantastic on the SU, especially up-close with dirty HEAT shells but [..]