Wargaming needs to learn how to run a tournament
For about 8 or 9 months now, I've been doing tournaments that Wargaming puts up every week. Main reason being "obviously" the metric **** ton of gold you can make. This is why they are pretty popular to participate in.
Being on the team called Tomato Tankers. if any of you have recognized that we have been coming in the top 10%-20% just about every week or so. And thats always been a consistent thing which is nice.
But in the past couple of months there has been **** tons of ping spikes and packet loss across all the teams, randomly during the nightly event. A lot of people have compained about it on the wot forums as well as in special battles chat. Unfortunately if you do it in special battles chat, they chat ban you for a week or so.
Idk about anybody else but the fact that they haven't fixed it yet is just really annoying. Oh also they think that even though, because of the lag you might be ****** out of the top 10%. They think its ok to just give us 500 gold as a sorry for the tournament ******* up, and they think that we are ok with this. It's not ok.
Another example of wargaming ******** up, last week's ALPHA bracket. The first battle went fine like it should, but then WG derped super hard and there was no second battle or third. Then half an hour later or so it popped and started. WTF why does that even happen, its retarded. One of my buddies, Elevendy, Everyone on his team got off after they won the first battle thinking it was over or WG would reschedule. But nope battle pops and he has nobody on his team there and they lost obviously.
I'm still going to do these tournaments because I want that gold but I would really just like it if went smooth.
TL;DR - Sperging about tournaments breaking every week.
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