World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Unable to Request Mrk VIc Back

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 So, about a year ago, I, like most people, sold my Mrk VIc Light Tank for the garage space. Now, having sunk more dollars into the game, I have started to become a collector of sorts, trying to get a [..] View

Some people need to learn the difference between abandoning your team and falling back.

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 The difference? The first would be if your heavies are in a fairly intense fight and have a fairly good chance of winning if you play it right. By this I mean if it's like 4 heavies brawling against 4 [..] View

Heads Up Display Dissapears

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 I have had a couple of games where I am typing a chat message and somehow hit the wrong key and everything dissapears. No mini-map,no aiming reticle, just my tank and the map. When an red tank shows u [..] View

SO I bought this book awhile back... Really cool

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 BTW this is not meant to be an ad but I didn't see a link for it anywhere else. But it is a nice little bathroom read. :) [..] View

Why arty cannot be removed

4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 To start off, I'm not saying arty makes me think rainbows and butterflies. Most of the time, arty is just that annoying brat, the one who hits you but you can't hit back. I don't even play arty. But, [..] View

Fury armor fail not worth the $$

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 Everything shoots holes in me.  The fury is a Tier VI tank and Tier III's and IV's shoot holes through my frontal armor as though it was paper thin.  The fury armor needs a buff or I [..] View

AFK/BOT Detection...Maybe you should check if customers are actually trying to get in game to play!

4:03 pm, October 16, 2014 Well I confirmed my suspicion this morning, and I am sure Wargames did not test this before they implemented the new BOT / AFK Warning System.  Personally I figured I would just cross my fing [..] View

T-54 Lightweight hidden nerf - no camo bonus while moving

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 Pardon this repeat post, but the original didn't get much feedback.   heavymetal1967, on Oct 08 2014 - 09:38, said: Hopefully this is the result of bad testing or some other glitch.&n [..] View

Leo On Track: Guide+Replays

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Preface: My stats in the leo, A wonderful (very generous) benefactor on reddit is gifting me a fury e8 if I do a leo 1 guide as well as guide him a bit in game, so here [..] View

Are there mods that can modify the garage this much? (lots'o pics and rage)

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 I hope WoT Reddit doesn't hate my out-of-the-box thinking :< I am a newblette, and I like to break the mold. Anywho, let's make the garage better or different with mods. If the following sugges [..] View

RDDT1 EU is recruiting!

5:03 am, October 6, 2014 Sat comfortably between [RDDT] and the rest of the RDDT social clans (not [RDDTX] ... we still don't really understand those guys), [RDDT1] acts as a slightly less intense alternative to the main [RDD [..] View

I need to get with some old dogs

4:03 pm, October 2, 2014 I have been playing for quite a while and for the most part, I ****.  I have a garage full of different vehicles.  Some maxed out some am still working on, and I have a lot of fun, b [..] View

Is it just me, or...?

4:03 pm, September 25, 2014 ... can't you set any consumables anymore? I only checked it with my E-100 (I just unlocked the 15cm gun by the way, huzzah) since it reset my consumables and isn't allowing me to put them back. I did [..] View

Matchmaking System - Bug Issue Problem

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 Hello All,   Before i start please understand i have no problem dying. i enjoy the medium tanks and light tanks and know that i can die super fast if i am not careful.  So this is no [..] View

How I came to love the B1:A True Story

4:03 pm, September 21, 2014 Few more battles until 2k with my loveable B1...It is wrong to get emotionally attach to a tank and giggling like a girl every time I think of it? That tank emotionally help me get back into WOT, I fe [..] View

Damage Farmer, **** Stealer, Idiot... I have been called all 3 of these lately

4:03 pm, September 18, 2014 I don't know why. All I am doing is trying to push the team to win by trying to do as good as I can on my own. Had a game in my KV-1 and was called a Damage Farmer because I pushed hard, driving the e [..] View

And then....................

4:03 pm, September 15, 2014 When you have a terrible WR and you are in a losing streak, even a little one like I am in, and you are a grouchy old **** you begin to notice and see the increase frequency of some real game-breakers [..] View

If you TK gold spammers

5:03 am, September 15, 2014 Jason WalkerToday at 17:02 Dear Tanker, Thank you for contacting Wargaming support! While encountering these players is a frustrating experience for everyone, please do not Team **** them. The best th [..] View


5:03 am, September 9, 2014 Hello, I messaged the moderators and was told I would be better off using the official clan forums, and I tried that, but here is my dilemma. Every clan that I researched wants, thousands of games pl [..] View

Daily Achievements - Medium Tanks - Too Much Grinding to be a Daily.

5:03 am, September 7, 2014 This is my first post here on this forums. Quite frankly I don't enjoy spending my time on forums and i put little stock in developers really scanning them for feedback. You could say i am skeptical t [..] View

Teamkilling punished too harshly?

5:03 am, September 6, 2014 So I'm tired and half-drunk, trying to do my triples in the Pz Soufle V, and I keep losing. During the last battle I have a perfect shot lined up for a Chiri, and a stupid Tiger literally drives into [..] View

Worst's Guide On Reducing Your Sodium Levels In World of Tanks. (How To Rage Less)

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 Warning: wall of text and positive thinking ******** ahead Lately I've been noticing a large increase in the amount of salty players in the world of tanks community. Lot's of rage, lot's of frustratio [..] View

Most reverse-lopsided win ever?

8:14 am, September 1, 2014 Yes, we won this game. 4-13. That's right, we had 4 kills, they had 13 kills, and we won, because we capped late in the game and all 11 of their tanks were on the other side of the map NOT capping us. [..] View

Estimated drop date for 9.3?

2:01 am, September 1, 2014 I took a break from WoT for the summer in order to have a life and told myself I'd stay away until 9.3. But now I'm itching to get back. I'm under the impression that updates a [..] View

Turn an Elite Tank into a Premium

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 Hi, y'all. So this game has a problem, and fortunately I have a solution. One of the things that bothers players is some trees in the game for some nations simply have no way to train a crew for a veh [..] View

Question on scout lines

2:01 pm, August 28, 2014 I've watched hundreds of hours of replays/walkthroughs/whatnots about all sorts of tanks and types. I recently picked the game up after a few year hiatus and been back for about a month now. I [..] View

Very annoying lag, and game crashing.

2:01 pm, August 22, 2014 The lag appears halfway through most matches, and presents itself in an unusual way. My ping stays at 50 - 60, but the little green lamp turns red and I lose control of everything. Then when I close t [..] View

Integrity check removed in 9.0

2:01 pm, August 22, 2014 Didn't know where else to put this and figured a heads up might be in order to folks. Seems according to this staff post the integrity check was removed in 9.0. [..] View

Most damage ever!

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I only play up to tier 6, so this may not seem like a lot to some of you, but last night I did about 3500 in damage - my highest ever. Got top score in a tier 8 battle. My SU-100 had como and binos [..] View

Matilda Black Prince is utter rubbish don't waste your gold.

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 this tank is fooking shite -Had I not got it at half price I'd be more annoyed than I am. I wanted a british medium trainer and this is all there is and it is pretty much the most dreadful tank I've e [..] View

World of Tanks - Mastery Matches Ep. 1 - Tiger 2

2:01 am, August 20, 2014 Hey guys and gals, I'm starting a new youtube series that's going to be focused on just matches where mastery badges are earned. Episode 1 [..] View

Whose fault?

2:01 pm, August 19, 2014 Here is the replay: The moment is when I spot a BDR, stop and try to back off, I get shot by him, and as I am backing off, shot by the T-43 on our team. Doesn&a [..] View

Best arty branch to go down T2-10 as someone new to spgs?

2:01 pm, August 18, 2014 I played years ago, quit, but now im back. Have 1k battles (not much) under my belt. Been wanting to go down arty for a change of pace and to better learn how they operate. I've heard mixed re [..] View

Encouraging words for new players

2:01 am, August 15, 2014 You've probably turned on your T.V. and first discovered this game on a commercial or maybe even seen ads on the internet. I actually even watched a show on World of Tanks. I've had a deep passion for [..] View

arty players statics

2:01 pm, August 14, 2014 As we all know there are many players there thathave majorproblems with arty in the game. They are hiding in a corner and all they do isclick on your tank. No special skill, no covering, no angling no [..] View

General "progress" strategy?

2:01 am, August 13, 2014 Hey all, I played WoT for like a week a while back. And I must say, I was pretty bad at it. I rushed trough the tanks, each of them with a new 50% crew and I got my *** kicked. I figured it was becaus [..] View

Map making, changing, and their effects.

2:01 am, August 12, 2014 SirFoch's video today really got me thinking about how Wargaming has been going about making maps lately and its effect on gameplay and general classes in World of Tanks. [..] View

World of Tanks Knowledge Base App

2:01 am, August 10, 2014 What has happened to theWorld of Tanks Knowledge Base App? It used to have pros and cons for Tanks and now it just has a short description. We need pros and cons brought back. Thank You. View

Very surprised at how much I enjoy this tank.

2:01 am, August 8, 2014 I am mostly a TD player and usually feel that medium tanks are under powered and watered down versions of heavies. (I do understand the mediums role, it's more of a sentiment than actual reasoning). [..] View

Game crashes. Game crashes everywhere.

2:01 am, August 4, 2014 So yeah my game has been crashing for quite a while ago, started a few patches back. Anyone know why? I enter a game, then the game minimises and won't open again until I close it. I try to re [..] View

My World of Tanks

2:01 am, August 1, 2014 One thing, I think we don't do enough of on these forums, is talk about the game in a larger sense. It's all well and good to discuss arty changes or gold rounds specifically but I think a lot gets lo [..] View

The myth that all Waffles just sit on the back to win

2:01 pm, July 28, 2014 Once again, after another 4k Waffle game. And once again accusation of "sitting in the back" by an enemy. But looking at stats of couple of my last games playing Waffle, my "distance [..] View

Radio Chatter sound mod

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 I know Gnome Father's engine sounds used to include this but I just downloaded his newest (9.1) one and it lacks this feature. After attempting to research to try and find this addon, I can no [..] View

Karma Coin Card Giveaway!

2:01 am, July 4, 2014 Hello /r/WorldofTanks, I am new to this subreddit but I have known about the WoT game for a while. I have some Karma Koin cards that I don't have use for because I don't play any game [..] View

Chat And The Stuff In It

2:01 am, July 4, 2014 Phrases, words or stuff that some of us maybe tired of seeing in chat. 1. Sorry I am stock, it may be good to know if the T29 behind you is not fully upgraded, but not as an excuse for poor play or [..] View

Crushing defeat. Couldn't figure out how to take out last tank.

2:01 pm, July 1, 2014 Crushing defeat this morning. Won 3 out of 4.Last tank was obviously faster than me so he was able to use the building as cover effectively. Just couldn't manage t [..] View

Pitched Battle Mode

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 I'm still quite novice at this game at little over 5k battles, and many may detest me as I have done over half of them as Artillery. However, I do feel that most of the maps feel rather small and not [..] View

Trying to get in contact with Noobmeter

2:01 am, June 28, 2014 I have tried to contact Noobmeter in a few ways but nothing back. Anyone know how to contact them? I would like to use their information on my app for player information in the upcoming release. I don [..] View

Vehicle Recovery

2:01 am, June 26, 2014 Hey all, Are you guys all fed up with the 72 hour Vehicle Recovery, this 72 hour only **** is stupid. For example Your little bro somehow got on your account and sold all yourpremium tanks, right b [..] View

Ru 252 tier 8 light, When?

2:01 am, June 22, 2014 Dimensions: 6.2 m x 3 m x 2.49 m Crew: 4 Weight: 24 tons (loaded) Speed: 78~80 km/h Main Armament: 90 mm PzK Engine: Daimler-Benz diesel, 500 hp Ground pressure: 0.70 kg/ Been seeing [..] View

An Encounter on Mountain Pass

2:01 am, June 11, 2014 So, I had just hopped into my KV-2 to try and get the double for it, and got matched into Mountain Pass. It starts off as a fairly normal game - XVM users complaining, heavies heading middle, TD&# [..] View

Daily Random #1

2:01 am, June 9, 2014 Edit: Still working on my Guide to Spotting Mechanics; it will be done by the end of the day.Also, I should have posted this in Off-Topic. I'll make sure to do so next time! As promised, here is th [..] View

Anti-bot suggestion

2:01 pm, June 3, 2014 Had a rough day with Bot-infested games, I can forgive bad/noob players but why does WG tolerate such awful gameplay?? (yes I've heard it suggested its all about the $$$) but if they don&# [..] View

A What To Do on Team Killing

2:01 pm, June 1, 2014 You newer players might not have a big grasp on the game yet. You might have fired before fully aimed, and team ******/damaged someone. Or you have been shot by a team mate. This is what to do. You [..] View

Suggestion: nerf TDs health and Auto-loaders ammo capacity

2:01 pm, May 29, 2014 First of all, I am no big fan of nerfs nor buffs. I can see the need sometimes to adjust "features" in order to correct them after a release. We're talking minor nerfs and buffs. But the ong [..] View

In response to Rosebuds 4 stages of stats

2:01 am, May 28, 2014 Rosebud, on May 27 2014 - 18:26, said: The four stages of stats 1) Stats dont matter; because I stink. 2) Stats [..] View

Clan members not playing fair or not?.

2:01 pm, May 25, 2014 Just played a game on highway in my M44 artillery. Was the last one left alive on my team and they had an AT-15 last seen in the middle of their map and a Crusader 5" SPG. I decide to head to [..] View

Do people seriously NOT understand HOW to use a distraction?

2:01 pm, May 21, 2014 Recent example Was in my t21 in a very lucky t7 match. I'm spotting, but 2 tanks decideto push anyways. As they do, the 2 tanks of the other side fire. I take this to run out in my scout, and flank t [..] View

some help for tier 6 newbie

2:01 am, May 19, 2014 so i'm fairly new at wot, with only around 1450 battles and i got three tier 6 vehicles not counting the premium vehicles i have. im hovering over a 49% win rate but im having a tough time winning whe [..] View

Pay to win this... pay to win that

2:01 am, May 17, 2014 General Chat Bystander : So yeah lube is very important. ... ... Best_Player_NA : HAY GUYS, BUY HEAT SHELLS, BYE ALL PREMIUM TANKS, AND CONVERT FREE EXP. YOU LOSE SKILL BUTT YOU WIN THE GAME AL [..] View

I have trouble logging into my Account

2:01 am, May 16, 2014 Hello fellow tankers, i have a problem with the game, i am unable to log in... my Password and Email are correct, when i press connect the WOT logo with the gear appears but then i jumps back to the l [..] View

Two-Barrel Tank?

2:01 am, May 15, 2014 Pretty sure I saw a two-barreled tank on here a while back. Is there one? Was it my imagination? submitted by AirplaneReference [link] [11 comments] View

[LONER] The Loner Clan

2:01 pm, May 5, 2014 The Loner Clan Need a break from Clan Wars? Would you like a tag so people are not bugging you to join their clan? No minimum requirement for stats or participation. Don't want to platoon, that's f [..] View

Reroll or glitch?

10:05 am, May 5, 2014 I've seen him a few times tonight, I try and message in during matches and he doesn't respond. I looked at his stats after game and he does have one TG in around 986 battles.. For some reason Pho [..] View

The Big T21 Rant

2:01 am, May 5, 2014 After grinding out the mediocre-at-best M7, I was looking forward to the T21. I liked my AMX 12t and I was hoping the T21 would be more of the same. Oh boy, was I wrong. "What's so ba [..] View

Komarin: I Get It

10:05 am, May 3, 2014 Well I finally get all the hate for Komarin. Just had a battle in my Tiger P on it with tier 9 tank and my team ended up with fewer TDs. Given komarin's ability to bring all game play to a stand still [..] View

Good Old Classics

10:05 am, May 3, 2014 Hello again, Well now that I am back into playing WoT on a irregular basis, I figured that I would dust off a few classic tanks from a few months back. I took my crew out of my Jagdpanzer E-100, sear [..] View

WOT Economics 102 - more advice to optimize your play.

2:01 pm, May 1, 2014 In WOT Economics 101 theOP recommends you don'tsell your modules if you plan to buy any other tanks of that same nation. I totally agree. Here is other important advice: 1)Don't rush to high tie [..] View

What if the What the F%$# got the short 128....

10:05 am, May 1, 2014 Yeah, its a long ranty wall-o-text. I'm bored. As the title says....I haven't heard any news about this tank getting "rebalanced" and the whole "ITZ BALANCED CAUZE ITS GOT NO ARMOR&q [..] View

How do I take my game to the next level and what is a good personal rating for 1k games played?

10:05 pm, April 29, 2014 So this is a broad and very un-pinpointed question, but I am nearing 1k games played and have just started to consistantly be placed in tier 7&8 matches. My main tanks are Churchill I, VK 30.01H, [..] View

So When Is 9.0.2 Coming Out?

2:01 am, April 27, 2014 Still f*cking lagging... Just want 8.11 back. Performance > graphics that don't even make the game better. What's the point of HD models when most of the time, you aren't even looking [..] View

change to new tank recovery stsyem

10:05 pm, April 25, 2014 Since this new tank recovery system came out... I liked it then I realized that you can only get apremium tankback if you sold it 3 days ago... That's where the problems start to happen. If yousold a [..] View

Want to win more? Don't Team **** EVER

10:05 pm, April 24, 2014 Please note: If you do not believe you have control over your win rate please read this post: [..] View

Searching Mod that tells you what modules you have damaged

2:01 pm, April 24, 2014 I was watchting a video about a week ago. I have not yet found it back. The mod showed what modules or crew you damaged when you hitted a target. Is this mod still legal and maybe someone has it? I us [..] View

A tribute to great team players

10:05 am, April 24, 2014 Instead of the usual whining about poor lousy team members, noobs and horrendous match making, I thought I'd give a tribute to the many great team players out there. On the contrary of the many posts [..] View

My path to Tier X

10:05 pm, April 22, 2014 Hello all. I thought it might be interesting to see how long it took an average player like myself to reach a Tier X heavy. Specifically, a T110E5. So I went back and added up my games from the T1 all [..] View

Questions about the AT 8 (and other AT tanks).

10:05 pm, April 20, 2014 Thanks for the help in advance! I got the AT 8 and have been using it for a bit and have been using it how I think I should be, but I am willing to take advice to help me to improve. I most like urban [..] View

Returning player needs help picking Artillery route.

10:05 am, April 19, 2014 Hi all. I'm a returning player with a love for howitzer-carrying vehicles (it's the volley damage) [also, see 'cheesemobiles']- I had the SU-14 in the beta and after re [..] View

Crash in game and loss equipment

10:05 am, April 19, 2014 Playing away on a game being a good scout with my binoculars on board and had a crash. when finaly making back to garage they were gone. Anyone else lose stuff. I payed full price for those. 500,000 c [..] View

Internet Security! Make rare tanks permanent and unsellable!

10:05 am, April 19, 2014 Please make premium and other rare/gold tank unsellable and otherwise permanent! With the increase of internet security this games attitude of we will give one back if it's hack is not acceptable... T [..] View

I want my old garage back.

10:05 pm, April 17, 2014 For both test and now live, this new garage kills my FPS and causes major slowing problems, I cannot stand it. Is there a mod anywhere or something I can do to bring back the old standard garage? I wo [..] View

Hitting my Stride in the AT15

10:05 am, April 15, 2014 Warning: This post is extremely long. Tl;dr I finally have that match in the AT15 that made me like this tank. Replay for your enjoyment. So I'm finally getting the hang of the AT15. Took me l [..] View

British TDs or Japanese Meds?

9:05 am, March 3, 2014 First things first. I'm a newb at the Forum, so I have no idea if this is the right section for it. But I'll assume it is. My great and terrible problem is this. I like Tank Destroyers - specifica [..] View

I'll let you guess why

9:05 am, February 25, 2014 I'll give you two hints; picture: Map: Redshire, encounter mode - we spawned on the south side. When we lost, a mass wall of "fail team" appeared on my screen. Spoiler [..] View

Not getting tank back

9:05 pm, February 24, 2014 Ok so I got hacked I think a couple of months ago and I lost every single one of my tanks. I went to the ticket system and the staff made a one time deal with me that I could get my ELC-AMX back once [..] View

Logging in problems NEED HELP Would be appreciated :)

9:05 am, February 24, 2014 Just now i write this, while i mash the F5 button waiting for a response :) I havent played world of tanks in a long time, and initially I decided to come back because the thought came back, the no [..] View

How do you cope with losing streaks?

9:05 pm, February 23, 2014 So after the lag went away the other day I sat down for a power session of my latest favorite game. Twenty one losses later I had my x2 on the IS and Hummel. Sixteen of witch was on the IS. Logging in [..] View

My View on Tanks

9:05 pm, February 20, 2014 Wall of text coming, but before that, I just want you to know before I get neg'd for this post, I just want everyone to think our how they spend their money on this game. This was something I wrote [..] View

So i fianlly got around to playing this game

9:05 am, February 18, 2014 Well i made an account a few years ago but never played because no battle would show up when i pressed battle. I remember i would wait for like 2-3 mins and nothing so i said scre* this game and i uni [..] View

Login server choice resets.

9:05 pm, February 14, 2014 If set my choice on EU1, next time I start WoT it is again on Auto. I tried to edit prefences.xml: <loginInfo> ... <host> </host> ... & [..] View

Weekend Sale - Panzer IV S review + way more

9:05 pm, February 7, 2014 ~~Hey friends! This week I reviewed the Pz 4 S for y'all. Its on sale this weekend. Also below you will find links to all the other weekend sale tanks that I have reviewed recently. Sadly I s [..] View

Please hide players names on opposing teams

9:05 pm, February 6, 2014 I haven't put a ton of thought into this but one issue with ratings and XVM is that good players feel unfairly targeted. WG has advanced the notion that player stats can be 'hidden' from the API so th [..] View

Tiger 1 is a Sniper.

9:05 pm, January 31, 2014 Ok so to make it clear, everyone should know the Tiger 1 is a sniper. And let me tell you a story of why I want to make it clear. I was playing on a map and I went to the back to snipe. Good position, [..] View

Possible Scout Fixes

9:05 pm, January 30, 2014 TLDR version: Allow scout (light tank) spotting to view enemy tanks to cutenemy camoflage bonusesin half. Scouts, ever since physics and accuracy changes have been rather sub par. as invisitank T [..] View

Launcher broken

9:05 am, January 30, 2014 I'm playing WoT before I go to supper and when I come back...I can't open the launcher cause it says it can't find the path. All the files are there. I can open the world of tanks game from the files [..] View

Some new features I'd like to see

9:05 pm, January 29, 2014 Player approvals. I'd like to be able to start "approving" and "disapproving" of players in the game, and then I'd like MM to try to take these &am [..] View

Looking to improve my basic skills and get some constructive feedback.

9:05 pm, January 29, 2014 Hey, I've been messing about on different tank/lines and settled on the Russian Heavies after reading numerous threads about them being noob friendly. I'm currently on the IS with all [..] View

And this is why I keep playing...

9:05 am, January 21, 2014 First Kolobanov's along with 5 other medals. Games like this keep me coming back. I've been more then a little frustrated with lag and fps issues lately but it ends up beingworth it. http://www.noo [..] View

1st Impressions Type 64

9:05 am, January 21, 2014 Hello again, So tonight I decided to go ahead and use my gold to purchase the Type 64. I have gotten quite a few games in over the period of a few hours and thought that I would share my 1st impressi [..] View

The World of Tanks Community

9:05 am, January 14, 2014 DISCLAIMER: This is not a rant. It is more of an objective analysis of the current state of the World of Tanks community. Please assist me in cleaning up the trash and making it better. I've been p [..] View

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