World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Stronkholds! What do you think?

2:01 am, August 9, 2014 So Strongholds and skirmishes have been out for a little bit now. What do you guys think of it? What works? What doesn't? What can be improved? A couple things from running strongholds IMO. Go [..] View

[US] =US= United SWAT is recruiting skilled, mature players. ;o

2:01 pm, July 19, 2014 Well I'm not too sure on posting on reddit since I've only barely used it before. I think I'm allowed to post this here. ._. For just a bit of credibility, here are my stats at [..] View

[SVG] is Recruiting Dedicated Tournament Players

2:01 pm, May 14, 2014 SaVaGeZ is Recruiting My fellow tankers, hello and welcome to the [SVG] recruitment page. We are proud to announce that we are expanding our community and invite you to become a part of our growing [..] View

Why Are Chat Mods unsocial, dense and egotistical?

10:05 pm, May 4, 2014 I saw bruxie guy ban someone multiple people at TC for speaking spanish and another for old English. And that Irith he gives no warning and its utterly unsocial and just rude. Where is catstalke [..] View

Clan Rivalry / Diplomacy should allow Rivalry Posts

9:05 am, January 22, 2014 Dear Player, This message has been sent to you to inform you of a repeat warning received regarding the post presented below: [..] View

1000 battles, How am I doing? + Looking for a clan

10:05 pm, August 26, 2013 So I've pressed "Battle" 1000 times now. I feel like it's my World of Tanks Birthday!    I Just want to know how are my stats for a noob. My w/r is low IM [..] View

Warrior Nation [WNX] is officially recruiting! (EU & NA!)

10:05 pm, July 8, 2013 Warrior Nation is a 15 years old (!!) gaming community that can give you A LOT of benefits for your participation; were an active group of players in every single one of the games we cover, but well [..] View

Searching for social, competitive clan

10:05 am, June 19, 2013 Hey, Im justin. My highest tier tank is tier 8 ( KV4, IS3) My win rate is a little above 45% Im looking to do clan wars, tourny, and TCs to improve my win rate. I am honest, to a fault. I do not lik [..] View

PSA: Please don't be an ***

10:05 pm, June 6, 2013 Due to some recent drama I would like to tell everyone who wears the RDDT tags, Clan Wars or Social, to please don't be or act like an asshat in game. Whether you realize it or not, it reflect [..] View

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