2:01 pm, July 10, 2014
So I recently started this new acc just to try out the low tier grinds once more from scratch, and as a challenge to see how high I can go on the tech trees without pulling my hair out from the lack o [..]
9:05 pm, December 9, 2013
Hi everyone. I want to ask advice on Hellcat. I'm a very average player, I play a lot of Tds. So far I got to tier 4-6, venturing into tier 7 with premium tds. Loved T40 and M8A1. Had win rate [..]
10:05 pm, July 23, 2013
Player is EmbryonicJourney. 4 048 exp Holy moly Replay: http://wotreplays.com/site/261154#murovanka-embryonicjourney-m18_hellcat VOD: http://www.twitch.tv/embryonicjourney/c/2622857 Youtube link will [..]