World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Adding a bit of realism to the Games by adding Strategy to Games

2:01 pm, August 31, 2014 We all know that there were tanks around that be used by engineering companies during ww2 not sure if they were around for ww1 but for ww2 I know they were like the Seabees during ww2. I am talking ab [..] View

A lot of talk about light tanks lately..The fact is..they are very much under-classed because of mediums.

2:01 pm, August 13, 2014 First off, before I get more into why light tanks are semi useless...WG has taken a total turn against light tanks just with the maps. This has been discussed so much. The most obvious example is Seve [..] View

Felled trees and fall back positions

2:01 am, July 15, 2014 I often employ a tactic that I see few others use. I would like your opinions as to your use of it and its viability to improve others game. The sighting rule now includes fallen trees. I create fa [..] View

Pitched Battle Mode

2:01 pm, June 30, 2014 I'm still quite novice at this game at little over 5k battles, and many may detest me as I have done over half of them as Artillery. However, I do feel that most of the maps feel rather small and not [..] View

Should a Maus be able to go over a bridge like the one at Pearl River?

2:01 am, May 18, 2014 Somewhere it said "It would not be able to cross any bridge in Europe, Bridges in Europe are stronger than this for sure, with the new physics, will the Maus break the bridge? (SULOMON, you ar [..] View

How do you play the elc amx?

10:05 am, April 23, 2014 I'm a regular heavy tanker. I've managed to branch out successfully into tank destroyers and mediums (as well as arty though the fv304 doesn't really count as arty in my book). [..] View

WoTXbox Light tank scouting and me!

9:05 am, February 17, 2014 I just finished the grind for my American Tier V Light tank the Chaffee while I've found TONS of info all over the Worldwideweb about this tank and scouting, I'd like to ask some of th [..] View

[NA]8.11 Community Night[NA]

9:05 pm, February 11, 2014 Come one come all to the r/worldoftanks Community Night. This Thursday at 9 o'clock Eastern be on the Reddit Teamspeak to partake in the high speed and high octane world of ELC racing. After y [..] View

Remind me not to go down ridges...

9:05 am, February 4, 2014 Stuck for the entire game. If you look closely, I am partially embedded in the rock face. View

Armor thickness resource

9:05 pm, January 30, 2014 So, I play a lot of T4. Naturally, I end up playing against T6 tanks from time to time. Given that I don't have any 300 mm guns on my dinky little T4s, my only chance of hurting a T6 is by nailing him [..] View

Maps that should be removed/reworked

9:05 pm, January 20, 2014 Erlenberg - We all know it. Erlenberghas become a massive camp fest. The reasons for this are simple. You have 2 sides of a map separated by a river with 3 narrow crossing points. These points can be [..] View

Scouting for pubies. Tips and tricks please?

9:05 pm, November 18, 2013 Hi all. Now I understand scouting is a very viable roll in WoT. It's often risky and requires some skill and knowledge but provides your team with valuable info and targets. However I became c [..] View

The Anatomy of a Potato

10:05 am, October 20, 2013 Finding Your Inner Potato ...And Killing it What IS a potato? What is it thinking, where does it come from, and how do we keep it away from us? Why do potatoes exist? These are the questions that po [..] View

I think it's about time that WG removed and reworked erlenberg

10:05 am, September 18, 2013 I made this post on EU forums but i will put it here aswell. They did this with Swamp, Komarin and Serene Coast because those map were creating impossible situations that could not be dealt with due t [..] View

Sometimes, there are bridges you just shouldn't cross in life...

10:05 am, September 16, 2013 submitted by talaan211 [link] [7 comments] View

Put Me In Coach: JagdPz E-100

10:05 pm, September 10, 2013 Over the next few weeks I will be posting daily discussion thread focusing on Tier Xs and their usage in clan wars called "Put Me In Coach." The goal for this is to give new players [..] View

How do I Port as a sniper?

10:05 pm, August 21, 2013 When I play my snipers (Tiger, Tiger II, VK3601 as low tier) I have terrible trouble doing anything useful on the Port map. If I'm high tier I can often get a couple shots in, but low tier it& [..] View

Gesundheit! or: how I finally bought a KV-2.

10:05 am, June 1, 2013 All my friends have told me that the KV-2 is tons (literally) of fun, the mother of all derps, etc, but I've been putting off buying one for quite some time. I originally started grinding the [..] View

PSA: Bridges.

6:30 am, May 16, 2013 Bridges are deathtraps mmmkay!? View

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