World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




I feel like I finally figured this game out...

4:03 pm, October 24, 2014 Or at least I'm starting too... So I got started on this game when the Xbox version came out. I understand people give the xbox version **** a lot, and for good reason. I started reading more and deci [..] View

Which stock grind is less painful? T95 or T30?

4:03 pm, October 24, 2014 Title pretty much says it all. I've unlocked T30 and am grindind to the T95. Eventually I want to get both but I would like to have your opinions on which stock grind is less painful. I realized that [..] View

The Grind - T37 Light review

5:03 am, October 24, 2014 This is my new way of reviewing tanks, including the grind from stock (albeit I only play a few games while stock) to help people that do not like to use free experience. Beware, as this is m [..] View

IS-4, the Russian anvil

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 Many people overlook this tank simply because the stats on it are not really that impressive. I mean, we are talking about a tank with slow top speed, slow acceleration, a little clumsy on the turns, [..] View

An easier grind?

5:03 am, October 23, 2014 Which is an easier grind?  Stug 3 up to the Ferdinand, or the VK3001P up to the Ferdinand via the Tiger P?  I have both the Stug and VK3001 unlocked with a decent amount of xp in eac [..] View


4:03 pm, October 22, 2014 Hello all   I was wondering what does it take to make silver in this tank? Cause I am trying to to make silver to grind the silver need to buy T29, T25/2, and a few others. Heck I was rarely [..] View

Tiger 2. What's so good about this tank?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Why do so many people like this tank? I don't get it at all. I've played it, and to be honest I thought it was going to be great before I played it. It's my second tier 8 heavy behind the T32, so I g [..] View

Gold to credits worth it?

5:03 am, October 22, 2014 Alright, so I'm grinding my T-54 to the Obj. 140 because I need it for clan wars. Problem is I don't have 6 million creds. I just got 2 Prepaid cards so there's 10,760 gold in my garage. Should I use [..] View

Indien Panzer, worst stock grind?

4:03 pm, October 21, 2014 I'm on the indien and honestly it has to be the worst stock grind. The 8.8 L/56 that you need tracks before you can mount the L/71. Not to mention as a tier 8 medium you are often facing tier 9's. Its [..] View

What are your 3 LEAST favorite tanks in the game?

5:03 am, October 21, 2014 Mine would have to be the D.W.2, the grind was awful. No armor, practically no gun, no speed, and it was just useless. I see other playrs driving the DW2, and i feel sorry for them. The BDR, even thou [..] View

Stock Lorraine 40t

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 How painful is the stock grind on the lorry? I've nearly finished the amx13-90 (and loved it) but the 90mm seems like it'll be very inadequate for the lorry. But I'm nowhere near the amx 50-100 to unl [..] View

Earning credits in a CHI-RI

4:03 pm, October 20, 2014 So I have been familiarizing myself with the Japanese 犬.... the Chi Ri.  It is big… it is somewhat slow.  It is an awkward medium since it is basically a light [..] View

Do you have any tips for playing the M3 Lee?

4:03 pm, October 19, 2014 I am currently on the tank which precedes it and I dredged up nothing but terrible feedback about it. Stuff like 'worst tank in the game' and 'I wish it would get testicle cancer and die in alone in a [..] View

E100 Or Maus

5:03 am, October 19, 2014 I'm almost done grinding my PZ.Kpfw.IV Ausf H. and im aiming to end up at either the E100 or the Maus, so i wanted to ask which on is better for a scrub player? submitted by Imprezive1 [link] [6 co [..] View

Preferred tanks for CW & Grinding question

4:03 pm, October 18, 2014 For various reasons, I have decided to restart my gaming on a new account (after January 1). To this end, I have DLed tons of how to videos to improve my game. I plan to do some experimenting on this [..] View

When do the German heavies get good?

5:03 am, October 18, 2014 I grinded the VK 30.01 H out from the DW2 and so far...its like driving the same tank. When will i actually get a good heavy tank out of the german line and which ones should i avoid from now on subm [..] View

Why can't I T69?

5:03 am, October 17, 2014 I am a recovering tomato, and generally I'm getting acceptable at the game. Not yet hit t10 - my regulars are E75, T71, T-43 and I have just started the T29. My tops are E75, IS3.....and T69. And I ha [..] View

A-44 Needs more gun selections

5:03 am, October 16, 2014 I am currently grinding through the A-44 on my way up that line of the Soviet Mediums and have noticed a huge obstacle to my progress. That is the absolutely horrible soft stats of the 107mm gun. 3.4 [..] View

Leo On Track: Guide+Replays

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Preface: My stats in the leo, A wonderful (very generous) benefactor on reddit is gifting me a fury e8 if I do a leo 1 guide as well as guide him a bit in game, so here [..] View

Why grind for a Tier 10 vehicle? Are Strongholds important?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 Hi everyone! I'm currently sitting at Tier 8 in the french heavy line and decided to grind different lines first, because I don't earn any noteworthy money while playing the AMX 50 100, mostly because [..] View

What to do with the "free" Fury crew?

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 This is if you are running a US med line and have a crew to grind in it.  Obviously if you don't have a US med crew to put in it the free crew comes in handy.  But for those of us wi [..] View

WT Auf E 100

5:03 am, October 15, 2014 I'm very, very close to unlocking the tier 9 German TD, Pz auf whatever. I'm starting to wonder if the WT Auf E 100 is worth the grind/credits/crew it would take up. I already have the autoloading Bat [..] View

13 75 Crew conundrum.

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 So, I did well in the AMX 12t, finished it with a 56% win rate. However, I'm doing rather poorly in the 13 75. Use of the search function reveals I've been playing it wrong, using it as a passive scou [..] View

Grinding with the A20

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 So because I stupidity bought a Xbox one I am stuck playing WOT Blitz on the IPad. I have been tying to get the T34 and stuck with the A20. The best upgradable cannon sucks. How can I get more points [..] View

Are there mods that can modify the garage this much? (lots'o pics and rage)

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 I hope WoT Reddit doesn't hate my out-of-the-box thinking :< I am a newblette, and I like to break the mold. Anywho, let's make the garage better or different with mods. If the following sugges [..] View

Lets Talk about the new Scouts!

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 Ah yes, with the influx of new scout tanks people have been throwing out "OP OP OP PLS NERF TEARS TEARS TEARS" in pretty much every game now. Lets take a deeper walk into this mindset, dis-s [..] View

T14: the best tier 5 premium in the game.

4:03 pm, October 13, 2014 So I was platooned with my clanmate while he was grinding the T-34: MT, when I unlocked the VK30.1H. I had most of the modules unlocked from previous grinds, so all I needed were tank-specific mods (T [..] View

T34, how does it compare to T29 and T32?

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 I want to buy a Tier 8 Prem that is not the Super Pershing and I'm wondering if I'd like the T34. I've been grinding through a few lines (US medium and heavy, E50M and E100 lines, the IS-7 line) and T [..] View

Tiger 1 gun

5:03 am, October 12, 2014 So I just got the tiger and have unlocked the 2nd turret, but not the best gun. I was wondering what was the best gun for me to use while i grind towards the 88. submitted by WildBeast26 [link] [12 [..] View

Suggested Tier 8 path for casual gamers (with team-battles in mind)?

4:03 pm, October 11, 2014 We all have a full-time job, and most of my friends have a family, which makes it difficult to find free time for gaming. A couple of times a year, we hide out in a chalet for a prolonged weekend-lan [..] View

Driving the KV-4

5:03 am, October 10, 2014 I've been grinding the KV-3 for some time now, and I already elited it yesterday, just getting the credits to get the KV-4, so I thought this would be a great moment to ask for help driving this beast [..] View

Best tier for grinding crew skills

5:03 am, October 10, 2014 I've got a couple of lines I'm grinding up right now that I'm at a pretty low tier (Cruiser III, Luchs, and T-46).  When I first started WOT I was like most newbies and rushed up the tiers pr [..] View

The Chi-Ri's "Low" Penetration

5:03 am, October 9, 2014 After what I thought was a mostly pleasant grind through the Chi-Ri (2535 WN8 over 91 battles), I've noticed a lot of people talking about how it has such low pen. It's definitely right in the middle [..] View

What are the best non-premium tanks to make money in?

4:03 pm, October 8, 2014 Right now I'm using the M4 Sherman for money making, but I'd like a second tank to grind credits. submitted by Magical_Pretzel [link] [39 comments] View

How can WG make dealing damage more popular?

4:03 pm, October 8, 2014 So with the introduction of the Fire for Effect medal (variously described as the most useless medal to earn or the most depressing medal to NOT earn) I've started looking at damage numbers in my team [..] View

Horrible stock grinds tier 8 & 9?

4:03 pm, October 7, 2014 I drawn a handful of my friends/colleagues into this game some time ago. These are mostly sub average players as of now and have so far heeded my advice to not rush tiers. Most of them play without pr [..] View

Which one is the best Tier VII med?

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 I have a bunch of Tier5-6 tanks, I'd like to know where to aim. EDIT: Thanks for the answers! To summarize it: most redditor mentioned Comet, and other two most recommended is T20 and T-34-1. (Actuall [..] View

Getting back into WoT

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 Hey, I've been away for awhile, and just got back into wanting to tank around. Right now, my biggest problem is that I'm not sure what I want to do next. I've got a LOT of Tier VIs unlocked, but I don [..] View

Looking for interesting lines to grind

4:03 pm, October 5, 2014 Courtesy of our friends at WG, soon I'll have 3 new garage slots. Currently I have all the german lines, the french light/medium line and the brit "cruiser" line up to the Cromwell (which I [..] View

Help me decide: T-62A or Obj140 for Random?

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014 OK, I am milling over this for a week now. I have the Obj140 but drive it mostly in CW / Ultimates and like it fine. I also have an Obj268 with a monter crew gathering dust. I have the T-62A unlocked. [..] View

Wot Numbers

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014 Feel free to try our new application: Wot Numbers :) Wot Numbers is a World of Tanks progress and performance tool. Run it while playing WoT, and all your battles will be logged [..] View

XVM Should Offer Recent WN8 Option

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014 I'm sure this has been discussed but I can't find anything specific. I also realize this may be a programming nightmare, but still I am curious as to why this isn't an option. Everyone takes a differe [..] View

Today in KV1. And my new playstyle.

5:03 am, October 4, 2014 Today has been a great day in KV1. Good battles, great carries  that oddly high xp earning ability.a go to heavy. Meds on the otherhand I **** on. Some reason I cannot handle ham slice thin a [..] View


4:03 pm, October 3, 2014 reasons why:   broken MM   soul-crushing grind to upgrade tanks      (cmon fer crying out loud - 70k xp needed to upgrade the chi-ha to the m5a1 s [..] View

Playing in a good tank but having bad luck with it?

5:03 am, October 3, 2014 Hey Reddit, I was just wondering...are there any good tanks that you play but you have an okay record with it, or bad luck? I'm trying to grind with my T25 AT and I've just had the worst luck with it. [..] View

I need a medium line. Can I get some opinions?

5:03 am, October 2, 2014 I am already on the T-54 before you say russian :) My options are americans, british, or japanese. Mainly because I want gun depression. Out of the three I am not to fond of the americans, the tier 8 [..] View

XVM is to blame for no credits in Chaffee Rally

4:03 pm, October 1, 2014 I ran three races with the Chaffee sport.   1st race - Victory 5,000 credits 2,000 XP   2'rd race - Victory 0 credits 0 XP   3'rd race - Defeat -11 credits 0 XP   I [..] View

Should their be a minimum/maximum game limit to play certain tiers?

5:03 am, October 1, 2014 I have nearly 3,500 battles now. I got rid of my last tier I tank probably 2700 battles ago, and got rid of my last tier II tank about 1,500 battles ago. Just the other day I decided not to buy the ti [..] View

**** your maintenance, WG! Semi-rage, semi-suggestion.

5:03 am, September 30, 2014 I would like to know when you schedule your "scheduled maintenance", in the future, so that I will not buy myself a day of premium for the last 3x day and not be able to play. I'm at work an [..] View

Is the T71/T69 Line Still Worth it?

5:03 am, September 29, 2014 With the new American Light line, you can unlock the T54E1 and T57 without going town the T71/T69 Line. Before the patch hit, I had the T21 unlocked (all modules too) and the Chaffee. With 9.3, I unlo [..] View

So what's the next step?

4:03 pm, September 28, 2014 Hey guys, I am currently sitting at about 7,2k games, possibly not doing THAT horribly clickity and I am thinking about moving my game up a bit. I have played about 20 company battles back at T2-T3 in [..] View

Advice request on Japanesse line.

4:03 pm, September 28, 2014 Greetings, I have the Chi-Nu elited and enjoy driving it to some extent, but I have doubts about pushing this line further. I am familiar with the german mediums, and I don't see this line offering se [..] View

Which tank should I grind to?

4:03 pm, September 28, 2014 Hey guys,Just like the poll says,Which tank/s should I get?   I just want a fun and reliable tank,But I'm too lazy to grind multiple lines.   So far,These tanks are the one I found,W [..] View

T37 key modules?

5:03 am, September 28, 2014 About to buy the T37, what modules would you guys recommend getting first/free xp-ing? Is the tank horrible to play when stock to the point of being near unusable, or should I grind it for a bit? sub [..] View

Looking for clarification about some CW stuff.

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 I'm at a point in this game where my main motivation is getting into a better clan for CW and really getting into it and owning land etc. Being decent. To that end, I'm working on being a better playe [..] View

Mercenary Recruiting

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 After 9.3 hit, It became possible for Detachment Commanders to invite non-clan members to join their detachments for Skirmishes. However, these 'Mercenaries' needed to be Clan-less in order to join. T [..] View

Well rounded garage

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 What would be a good well rounded  tier 10 garage?  My original game plan and still is, was to grind to a variety of tier ten tank's. Then fall back and play my tier ten's, mid tier [..] View

Help me choose which light prem to buy

4:03 pm, September 26, 2014 Fellow tankers I just started grinding the 3 new light tank lines, and i feel that i'd be more of use if i had sixth sense on all of their respective crews. So i decided i'd buy 3 premium light tanks [..] View

Questions since you redditers are awesome (bout tank paths)

5:03 am, September 26, 2014 I seems to have a German fetish. Not quite sure what it is but I keep going back to Germans. I'm currently grinding out both med lines. I have the 3001d fully unlocked now just grinding xp to next tan [..] View

The Match Maker And Gameplay.

5:03 am, September 26, 2014 This is a post about my experiences in world of tanks. and are suggestions. 1 The soviet tanks are completely over powered and make for lots of trolling i.e. the heavy line which trolls all o [..] View

Leo PTA grind

5:03 am, September 25, 2014 So I just got my shiny new first tier nine tank. The leopard prototype a Now what order should I get things in. I feel like I should go gun engine tracks turret. As for modules rammer vstabs and optic [..] View

Grinding under-powered tank lines, should I just give ?

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 I have left the comfort of my gaming pc for the week, and being the OCD WoT player that I am, I decided to lurk the forums and /r/WorldofTanks for the past few days, reading both current and older pos [..] View

On track and in my bank

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 So I have been grinding the Chinese line because of the On Track 113 Game Event.  No I will not get a free tank.  No do I care about the free tank.  It is a line I wish to a [..] View

KV Line Question

5:03 am, September 24, 2014 I just got my KV-4 and I have to ask... Is the IS-4 good enough to justify continuing or is it so bad in comparison to the IS-7 that I should just abandon the KV line and start the IS line? I have th [..] View

Japanese Medium Line?

4:03 pm, September 23, 2014 Reasons why I went down the Japanese medium lime: Extremely bouncy armor Best speed in game Highest damage per shot To shoot the ground in front of me Blue camo   Seriously though, I real [..] View

What is it with this game? The Need To Grind

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 So recently I have been grinding my tier 4's to tier 5 and I have noticed a change in the game......its less fun, more serious   not only that I am driven by a relentless need for the next ta [..] View

Grinding guide - how to avoid losing streaks

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014 Hi tankers.   I've been reading lately about fellow tankers bemoaning losing streaks. I think we all have experienced losing streaks and know how they affect our mood. But when I read about l [..] View

Anyone who grinded out tier 10 tanks without premium :D?

5:03 am, September 22, 2014 Just so I can feel better, cause my parent won't allow me to spend money on already free games ****... So, anyone who grinded out tier 10 tanks? How much time did it take? submitted by ValveTiredOfY [..] View

For anyone coming up to the T28 tank destroyer!

4:03 pm, September 21, 2014 Well, the tank SUCkS but people kept telling me to grind it out til i got the 120 gun. It was painful to say the least. Money sink, very bad and could not really pen anything worth a damn. I just got [..] View

How do I Emil?

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 I loved the Nashorn, but the Emil has been a curse on me. I finally gave in and spent 31k in free xp to unlock the top gun (58k for a gun at tier 7? Really, WG?) It's nice to unload a 500 damage shot [..] View

I started playing the game a few games ago and I have 1 question about the French tanks

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 I started playing the French tree because I heard the have the 'best' light tanks. I love being mobile, scouting and that sort of thing. I bought the tier 3 tank. It was probably the worst tank I ever [..] View

RU251 Unlock Query

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 I am currently grinding out some XP on the Auf Panther in preparation for the release of the RU251. What I want to know is what module does the tank unlock from. For example currently the Indien Pz c [..] View

So much fun, but I have questions...

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 Staff Sergeant Finnegan shouted over the din of the engine to his driver. "Allingham! We're exposed on this road! There's a slope on the side, right next to the lake. Take us along there [..] View

Getting better & how I'm bad at this game. I love it tho.

4:03 pm, September 20, 2014 I'm trying to get better, I swear I am. I have tank inspector and I spend more time in that than in the game. I come to /r/worldoftanks several times a day. I love FTR and wotlabs. I have played on th [..] View

A method of Learning the Game

5:03 am, September 20, 2014 Hey guys, I found a peice of a advice for learning World of Warplanes that I thought would apply to World of Tanks. Basically, you get 20 kills in each tier one plane, 25 kills in each T2 plane, and 3 [..] View

So what's great about a-43 and 34-85 lines?

5:03 am, September 20, 2014 I'm debating to get one of them and carry on, had a 34-85 LONG time ago(like 2 years) and now there is a new line. Decided to grind out both heavy lines as my T-150 is elited and just need cash for KV [..] View

Is there anything to make this game less monotonous?

5:03 am, September 20, 2014 Is there anything that you have done that makes this game any less monotonous? I am getting pretty bored with the game, even after taking a several month break from the game due to a summer job. I'll [..] View

Should I carry on down IS-4 line? Lost cause?

4:03 pm, September 19, 2014 I just elited my T-150, don't have the creds for the kv-3 right now. I keep hearing that this line isn't as good as it can be and doesn't get buffed as often or if at all compared to the IS-7 line. I [..] View

grinding.... how long does it take?

4:03 pm, September 19, 2014 Hey all, I've been reading and playing like everyone else, (and no,not expecting to race up the tier lines) , but I'm just curious as to how long/how many battles on average you would say it takes to [..] View

Tier IX and Tier X tanks

5:03 am, September 19, 2014 I have been away from WOT for awhile can someone refresh my memory about how to get new tanks. I have 3 tier VIII tanks and one Tier VI tank in my garage but I would like to have a Tier IX or X.&n [..] View

Cent 7/1 reliance on crew skills

5:03 am, September 18, 2014 It's a pretty simple question, but I'm curious how dependent on crew skills the cent 7/1 is? I've heard it only needs 2 skills to be good (rep/gun handling/ss/safe stowage), but how painful would it b [..] View

Dat Matilda BP....

5:03 am, September 18, 2014 .... is awesome. I bought it about 4 months ago I think, and haven't played it too much. Yesterday I dusted it off, landed in a tier 5 match, bounced like 900 damage, did 1200 or so damage and had som [..] View

Sturer Emil is the best WN8 padder I've ever played.

4:03 pm, September 17, 2014 Worst tank in the game? The Sturer Emil was pretty brutal to grind through. The stock gun and totally different style of gameplay was pretty rough for me. I like to give a tank at least 40-50 games b [..] View

Using silver to drop skills and then train tankers to 100% in next tank...does it have consequences?

4:03 pm, September 17, 2014 Somewhere out there is a youtube video that supports this, but I for the life of me can't find it and would appreciate a game mechanic expert's input in this matter. I'm talking about this mechanic b [..] View

Doing terribly in the IS-8

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 I loved the IS-3. Toward the end of my grind, I was doing 2k+ damage regularly and always made a profit without premium. I just got my IS-8. I expected it would be different, but not this different. M [..] View

Grinding for FV4202? The Cromwell is sweet!

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 submitted by kyozuEU [link] [18 comments] View

KV2: A sniping tank?

5:03 am, September 16, 2014 So I was playing a game today in the KV1s, and was holding a corner poorly. I ended up dying from being overwhelmed and being too far forward with no support, after doing a mediocre-to-kind-of-bad 900 [..] View

Is Newt on track to the 113?

5:03 am, September 16, 2014 Welp today I took up the quest to get the free premium tank from the on track to 113 event..... yes I know there are other events which would have been better to aim for, but those take 25 days -_- So [..] View

What do you use to grind 100k xp?

5:03 am, September 15, 2014 So it looks like there will be a mission to grind out the FV4202, possibly in much the same way they gave away the IS-6 and T34. So if you have to grind out 100k in each country what non-premium tanks [..] View

Question regarding transferring crew from KV-1 to KV-1S

5:03 am, September 15, 2014 I just finished grinding my KV1 to unlock the KV1S before the 9.3 update. I was intending to transfer my crew to the KV1S, but my Kv1 crew is almost at 100% training and I don't want to spend gold to [..] View

WG, please reward us long time, mostly solo players

5:03 am, September 15, 2014 I saw on FTR that there might be a challenge to try and win one of the clan wars gift tanks.  I don't like this because depending on what the challenge is, any level player can get a tier 10 [..] View

When 9.3 Rolls Out...

5:03 am, September 15, 2014 What tanks are you going to dread grinding thanks to the LT Spam that will obliviously happen? Mine will be the Jagdtiger. I might just laod APCR not for the pen, but for the higher muzzle velocity xD View

Elite tanks and crew question

4:03 pm, September 14, 2014 Ok so I thought elite tanks you could put any same nation, same class crew in without a loss? I currently own M4, and elited my M2 Medium otw to grinding my M4. I place my M4 crew in my M2 and it show [..] View

Are My Method/s Wrong?

5:03 am, September 14, 2014 Hey everyone, there are so many tanks out there that I just wish I had, so I basically am up to tier 5 on most of them, but currently I want to get the T29, and I am stuck on the stupid T1 Heavy. I am [..] View

unique opportunity. [hwy] hwyman clan looking for players.

4:03 pm, September 13, 2014      We are a long lived multi-game clan that has been around since 2003 and currently we have a desire to add members to our World of Tanks division. Generally we [..] View

How to play the Sherman Jumbo

5:03 am, September 13, 2014 First, I made the title of this thread easy to find in a search.  And it says about all.  I have been getting random advice in the games about this seeming piece of **** tank, and do [..] View

Which tank line to research next?

4:03 pm, September 12, 2014 Howdy, I really don't know, what tank line to go for next. I would appreciate any help you guys could give me. Which line do you think is worth the grind and why? I would really like to have some tank [..] View

A Question about the 9.3

4:03 pm, September 12, 2014 If I have the Chaffee elited, will I have T37 unlocked or will I have to grind it after the patch update... submitted by Vintervarg [link] [4 comments] View

9.3 update question

5:03 am, September 12, 2014 Does anyone know the specifics with the Ru 251 on launch. I unlocked the indien panzer through the scout panther and with 9.3 they will no longer be connected. So my question is will the RU 251 be res [..] View

question about the kv-1s split

5:03 am, September 12, 2014 so ive heard the update is coming tomorrow, and i need help with my kv-1s. today i just finished up my grind for the IS (perfect timing). when it gets split tomorrow will kv-1s owners get the kv-85? b [..] View

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