World of Tanks

World of Tanks MMO Fan Discussions




Wargaming needs to learn how to run a tournament

4:03 pm, October 23, 2014 For about 8 or 9 months now, I've been doing tournaments that Wargaming puts up every week. Main reason being "obviously" the metric **** ton of gold you can make. This is why they are prett [..] View

Why Yinz Cost So Much To Run!

4:03 pm, October 22, 2014 The T57 and T29 are two tanks that I don’t understand why they are so expensive to run.  I got the itch to run my T57 last night so I played approximately 15 games in it. I ran stan [..] View


4:03 pm, October 22, 2014 Hello all   I was wondering what does it take to make silver in this tank? Cause I am trying to to make silver to grind the silver need to buy T29, T25/2, and a few others. Heck I was rarely [..] View

Reverse sidescraping And normal sidescraping

5:03 am, October 21, 2014 Ok so I don't come acros this often so I am at a loss at what to do against a good player who does this. The only method I've come up with is flank them. (Not always possible if it's a choke point and [..] View

IS-6 Ace Mastery! Finally! Too bad it was a loss.

4:03 pm, October 16, 2014 So I just finished an encounter on Lakeville.   Valley got over run despite having a td and a few arty there against a scout, medium, and heavy.   I had to take on the city practica [..] View

Let's talk about Wargaming Customer Support and why it's the worst in the business.

4:03 pm, October 15, 2014 If you've dealt with almost literally any other AAA caliber game's customer support you'll note that the experiences are usually positive. If you have a legitimate issue they will likely help you with [..] View

Low GPU usage?

5:03 am, October 14, 2014 Hello everyone, I've upgraded to a new computer with a MSI GTX 980 but in world of tanks I only get around 40% GPU usage while other games run near 100%. I am on the latest driver but have not used a [..] View

Any tips for winning tier 10 matches?

5:03 am, October 13, 2014 I've been having a terrible loss streak lately, I only have 150 matches in my 430, but in the last few days my win rate has dropped from 52% to 48% and my average damage from 2.6k to 2.5k. Basically I [..] View

Join [AURUM] for clamwarts!

4:03 pm, October 11, 2014   __________________________________________________ We are a clan who has a really great bunch of players all interested in getting better and improving the clan as a whole. Aurum h [..] View

Matches ending abruptly for no reason?

5:03 am, October 11, 2014 I've been having this for a while: i'm playing normally, the match is just in the first few minutes, and suddenly everything stops, i get thrown back to the garage and i get the win screen (never got [..] View

Light tank. Scouting. What am I missing?

5:03 am, October 10, 2014 I've got the Pz 1 c. Fully upgraded. Whenever I'm in a game with tier 2 and 3 I'm great, as I probably should be. But against tier 4 and 5 when I can't just motor through and blast everyone I am lost. [..] View

The T28: Stat friend or Foe

4:03 pm, October 7, 2014 For the most part, I'm not a terrible player, I always try to learn how to improve myself and do my best to help out my team..... enter the T28 American TD  At the beginning of the O [..] View

Battles won/lost before end of battle

5:03 am, October 6, 2014 3rd time this month I've gotten battles won or lost with tanks in fight and plenty of time remaining... Attached is a loss with several tanks remaining, 3:52 mn into battle!   View

[SUGGESTION]Destroy All Losing Tanks After Flag Capture

4:03 pm, October 4, 2014 I'm so sick of seeing people sit there in a corner doing nothing cause their team is mostly dead and they dont want to pay the repair bill for a last ditch effort. Make no mistake, this is almost as b [..] View


4:03 pm, October 3, 2014 reasons why:   broken MM   soul-crushing grind to upgrade tanks      (cmon fer crying out loud - 70k xp needed to upgrade the chi-ha to the m5a1 s [..] View

The typical high tier (IX & X) battle...

4:03 pm, October 2, 2014 most the team goes to one choke point the one or two lowest tier tanks complain about MM (then die within a couple/few minutes) the remaining 3 or 4 tanks go to other choke point the tanks at first ch [..] View

WOT – Don’t penalize me for your incompetence

4:03 pm, October 2, 2014 Bit of a rant here. We all know about the bug introduced into the game 3 or 4 updates ago that cause your tank to spin in place. Initially I only experienced it near map edges or structures (walls), b [..] View

When you are a lower tiered tank and still get the most XP on your team in a loss....

5:03 am, September 29, 2014 So, I had a few games in my VK 30.01H where I was the top XP earner on my team, even though it was a tier 8 game (fail-platooned with a VK 30.01D). This made me very unhappy because I, the tier 5 heav [..] View

Yeeaahhh screw you fake military tribunal....

5:03 am, September 28, 2014 Soo this is a thing appparently...   You quit sticking me on teams that melt in 2 minutes and perhaps I will stick around. I dont stay for ROFLSTOMP losses. It is an exercise in frustration [..] View

Written Warning

4:03 pm, September 27, 2014 Just got a Written Warning from The Tribunal for inaction, with no option for a recourse. And a promise of "punishment" for further infractions. I gotta say, this ****** me off.& [..] View

Please Help! Shells pass through tanks with no damage

5:03 am, September 27, 2014 Playing the cruiser Mk III happily firing when I start noticing weird misses. I'm used to bad accuracy in this tank, but I watch my shells go all the way into the center of my target, and do absolutel [..] View

German Turreted TD line.(Tier 4-7)

4:03 pm, September 24, 2014 Sorry if this is another addition to the already overpopulated tech tree of Germany. So,Ok,I have this lined up for a while,But here I go:   The line is consisted the following: RSO/PaK 40 (T [..] View

The "honeymoon period" - myth busted

4:03 pm, September 23, 2014 A common belief in WOT is that if you get a new tank, you will get preferential mm for the first X battles. This time, I decided to give it a try. I have a premium account, and I bought a SU-122-44. S [..] View

T29 max gun or no?

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 Hey so I've fully unlocked the T29 and really enjoy the big gun but its killing my income. Doing well in a match (well for me) still results in minimal gains w/o a premium account and so I switched ba [..] View

Acceptable Losses

5:03 am, September 23, 2014 So, I'm here to ask about what you guys (and girls) consider an acceptable *****. I got into a T9 encounter battle on lakeville in my T21. I did a quick spotting pass through the cap zone, then waited [..] View

Tournaments WGLNA Hunt The Pros Mission-Tier Cliff Dropping

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014   Today I am very upset with the WGLNA HTPM and their tier cliff dropping on the Match Maker Program, it seems that when Tiers 1-4 enter into any of those missions WE GET RAPED AND M [..] View

Grinding guide - how to avoid losing streaks

4:03 pm, September 22, 2014 Hi tankers.   I've been reading lately about fellow tankers bemoaning losing streaks. I think we all have experienced losing streaks and know how they affect our mood. But when I read about l [..] View

NA East server performance has been total **** for more than a day now.

4:03 pm, September 21, 2014 WG please figure out why Telia is messing up everyone's connection to your servers again. Tons of people in the Mid-atlantic have been having bad connections, high ping, and persistent packet loss for [..] View

What tanks did you hate at first but now you love?

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 I just got out of my best match ever in my T1 Heavy. 8 kills, High Caliber, my first Radley-Walters’ Medal, and an Ace Tanker badge. The best part was it looked like a loss at the beginning, [..] View

Did WG move their NA servers? Massive ping issues.

5:03 am, September 21, 2014 Seriously, i have no idea what happened after my 2 week break, but holy hell did the server room get flooded or mauled in some way? I've been running 150+ ping for the last few days on both NA East an [..] View

This is not a vent post. This is not a rage post. I'm not getting mad at anyone, only myself. I'm not making you read. But it would be nice if you did.

4:03 pm, September 19, 2014 Tonight's session was horrible. You might read that one statement and think "man, another tomato's thinking he's the top of the world and is about to ***** about the baddies and the bad mm and th [..] View

Does WoT shadowban in some way

4:03 pm, September 19, 2014 In the sense they can opt to place you in a particular loss / win algorithm? As we know that getting a new tank most of the time places you in a winning contest does WoT also offer better winning odds [..] View

Anyone getting increased packet losses from this micropatch?

5:03 am, September 19, 2014 Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone has gotten increased packet losses from this recent micropatches. I've had other clanmates saying they have. submitted by OyabunRyo [link] [4 comments] View

I need your opinion on this cw/company strategy

5:03 am, September 17, 2014 I see one major problem with all strategies in cws and companies. When commander is considered total power - players obey his orders even if it costs them their tank. One single guy/girl cant fully un [..] View

Training with premiums

4:03 pm, September 15, 2014 I put this here because it's a newbie question I am sure.  Please be nice.. :)  I have a Churchill three premium. One of the abilities of a premium I have been told is that it allows [..] View

And then....................

4:03 pm, September 15, 2014 When you have a terrible WR and you are in a losing streak, even a little one like I am in, and you are a grouchy old **** you begin to notice and see the increase frequency of some real game-breakers [..] View

Elite tanks and crew question

4:03 pm, September 14, 2014 Ok so I thought elite tanks you could put any same nation, same class crew in without a loss? I currently own M4, and elited my M2 Medium otw to grinding my M4. I place my M4 crew in my M2 and it show [..] View

FTR: T-34-3 will be buffed. Does it need that?

4:03 pm, September 14, 2014 As thread title. I'd like to point towards its closest brother, the T-34-2, who can use the exact same gun, albeit at a loss of .17 RoF and .02 dispersion.   As far as I can tell, th [..] View

The T20

4:03 pm, September 13, 2014 I just got this thing, and it is awesome! I'm new to this tank and want to ask reddit how to milk out its full potential. My best game so far was a loss but I dealt 3k damage and got 2k spotting damag [..] View

[AOD] Angels Of ***** - The only choice for all your Gaming needs, join us today at

5:03 am, September 10, 2014 AOD is looking for a   few AWESOME and FRIENDLY gamers to join us today at   Ever wanted to join [..] View

How do you pick tanks for battle?

5:03 am, September 9, 2014 Just curious, I tend to jump around and never play a tank of same type two games in a row, i.e. 2 heavies in a row.  Also, I avoid countries and types I have a loss in that night until later. [..] View

New Stats Wargaming needs to track and display

4:03 pm, September 8, 2014 OK Wargaming, get your programmers working on this new stat to track for overall performance. I would like to to see where players rank for damage done in battles, in comparison to their team-mates an [..] View

Worst's Guide On Reducing Your Sodium Levels In World of Tanks. (How To Rage Less)

4:03 pm, September 5, 2014 Warning: wall of text and positive thinking ******** ahead Lately I've been noticing a large increase in the amount of salty players in the world of tanks community. Lot's of rage, lot's of frustratio [..] View

Community Night on Sunday the 7th. Sponsored by RDDT7. Come join us for fun, games, and prizes!

5:03 am, September 3, 2014 Communty and or Recruitment Night with RDDT7! We're looking to expand our ranks over at RDDT7, so what better way to do so than by hosting this jamboree to have some fun and get to know you all. Anyon [..] View

How to stop horrible connection issues, and packet loss.

4:03 pm, September 2, 2014 Recently I have been experiencing absolutely terrible connections issues. The problem is that randomly during a match the little light beside the ping counter turns red for about 30 to 40 seconds disc [..] View

Elite T49 bug

8:02 am, September 1, 2014 My T49 has everything unlocked and purchased. I unlocked and own a hellcat and yet my T49 is still not elite. I tried to fix it by selling it then buying it back, nothing but loss of silver. I then t [..] View

Below average XP for losing?

2:01 am, August 30, 2014 Loss on Malinovka in Jagdpanther II after dealing 5,577 damage and taking out three tanks. I was increadbly surprised when I only received 507 XP. What happened? I've never recieved that littl [..] View


2:01 pm, August 27, 2014 I watched as your developers totally ruined the medium tank vk3601. You take tanks away, ruin others ruin maps and take maps away that were actually good ones. There are no choices about maps, tiers f [..] View

Inflatable Tanks!

2:01 pm, August 26, 2014 submitted by burn_the_legion [link] [10 comments] View

World of tanks rage, how do you manage it?

2:01 am, August 25, 2014 I consider myself to be a pretty nice guy in general, but I do have a bit of an anger problem when playing tanks. I didn't used to and I am not sure why I do now. I have started to rage quit [..] View

Thoughts on WoT as a "real" (read: long-term successful) eSport

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 Below are my thoughts/ramblings on the long-term success of WoT eSports. 1) The largest problem right now is that the game played by "the pros" does not resemble the game played by t [..] View

The Things Tankers Say....

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 I was blamed for the loss of a match because I refused to scout... "We lost because the ChiNu refused to scout..." I'm in a Chi-Nu Kai.. in a tier 7 match.... but this guy blames me, n [..] View

Losing can be fun :)

2:01 am, August 23, 2014 Lets face it, most of us will lose half of our battles, thats a lot! Its easy to let a bunch of losses ruin your night, I know I've had therapy for it. Use this Philosophy: As long as I am ha [..] View

Breaking your own "glass ceiling"?

2:01 am, August 22, 2014 Disclaimer: I'm an average player (not in terms of WN8 labels, but how I actually affect the game's outcome). I'm around a 53% WR, my WN8 fluctuates but is currently averaged a [..] View

How does One Go About Join RDTT2?

2:01 am, August 21, 2014 Can't get into the private area (makes sense), Can't apply on Can't seem to meet anyone in the voice server. I am at a loss. submitted by YuriPup [link] [..] View

I want to know if there's anything I could have done better.

2:01 pm, August 20, 2014 I'm really just starting to get into this game (only 800 battles) but I don't want to get in the habit of doing things poorly, I would actually like to get in the habit of doing produc [..] View

Can I get some tips on how to play my Centurion 1?

2:01 am, August 20, 2014 So I just recently got my Centurion 1 tier 8 british medium I love the tank but feel I take way too many hits than I should and I need help and tips on better ways to play this tank, I've hear [..] View

Suggestions on how to fix game routing?

2:01 am, August 19, 2014 So I get better ping/less packet loss to Europe 1 than na east..... and I live in arizona Internet line on my line is fine, 250/50, good as you can get for cable line. Just 200+ ping to east and pack [..] View


2:01 pm, August 16, 2014 Got my barrel ring on my Comet one battle after eliting it. Was not a fan of the tank. Glad to see it go. When it worked boy did it work well, but sadly a lot of the maps don't let you use the Comet t [..] View

Experienced clan members - Advice needed!

2:01 am, August 15, 2014 Hey guys. So, I've been with my current clan for well over a year now, but we're dead in the water. We're stuck with maybe 20 active out of some 80 players, and it feels like t [..] View

Feedback/Suggestion - Separate good players from the bad players

2:01 am, August 14, 2014 Yesterday, I had the worst night every playing WOT. I probably played around 20 games and only won one game. The loss wasn't close. It was more like total domination. Novice vs Pros. 15-0, 15-1, 15-2. [..] View

Survive for loss or risk dying for win?

2:01 am, August 11, 2014 Just wondering people's opinions. Say you've done 3k damage as bottom tier and as the last one alive, would you prefer to camp in a corner and get in some more free damage before your [..] View

Can ELI5 Making A Music Mod?

2:01 am, August 11, 2014 I tried using this tutorial but it doesn't work for me. The included template is C [..] View

When Your Last Med. Fails You, Two T.D's Rise

2:01 am, August 11, 2014 It was a tier 5 match on the one on "Highway", after streaks of losses I turn towards my M41 to perhaps cheer me up. I had a good team (based off of the amount of heavies, T.D's, etc.), but [..] View

match making.

2:01 pm, August 10, 2014 I must say wargaming after playing this game for awhile. i have heard all the complaints about different tanks. You are quick to nerf a tank when enough complain about it. So my question is How about [..] View

A Few Simple Tips for Arty Drivers

2:01 am, August 7, 2014 I only have one arty in my garage at the moment (212A), but I think I can collect a few facts for arty (AKA the frustration class of "tanks") drivers so there might be pieces of information [..] View

Please allow the players to choose whether or not to play arty

2:01 am, August 6, 2014 As an avid player of world of tanks, I completely understand why people would want arty to stay. I can also completely understand why people would want arty removed (as I am in this category). However [..] View

Why is losing in this game more upsetting than other PVP games?

2:01 pm, August 5, 2014 I play a lot of online games, in particular PVP games. What at I don't get is that I get way more upset during losses here than other games. I really don't understand why. When I started playin [..] View

Situational Sacrifice

2:01 pm, August 4, 2014 You sometimes have to take hits for your team. Let's say there is a stock Centurion Mk1 with the 17 pdr gun (no gold,600 hp), and a Object 140 with 30 hp left. There is a E100 on the enemy tea [..] View

In game stuttering/lag - past month or so

2:01 am, August 4, 2014 I don't play WoT very much... I think I have 30 battles only and around 100 on the iPad game, however when I do try to play WoT i've been getting stuttering/lag/locking up every 10 sec [..] View

I've just made a colossal mistake

2:01 am, August 1, 2014 So, I've been eyeing up the matilda for a while, since it seemed like a fun little tank to troll with at Tier IV, and doesn't have a too bad gun to boot. Today I loaded up WoT, navigat [..] View

capping vs. Total Anahilation?

2:01 am, August 1, 2014 in several battles I've been flamed for trying to cap when there's only a few enemies on another part of the map, which would take too long to reach me. they say that total annihilation gives more xp [..] View

question about server lag and packet loss

2:01 pm, July 30, 2014 when will it be fixed?? BTW Im asking cause im tired of losing control of my tank at random times because of it View

Well i'm padding someone's stats tonight

2:01 am, July 30, 2014 Just concluded a nice little 2-11 run through my garage. The twowins were 60%+ chance of winning per XVM. 1 loss was a 50%, 1 was a 44%, the rest were under 40%. The good thing is I know the worm wil [..] View

Server Lag?

2:01 pm, July 29, 2014 Anyone getting crazy packet loss? We can't move at all in this tournament, it is so frustrating WG better compensate everyone. Anyone know if it's a DDOS? submitted by mchen804 [li [..] View


2:01 pm, July 27, 2014 So I've come back to WoT after a year. I seem to be doing alright, but I'm still VERY rough around the edges. But how does this matchmaking system work? The past 2 days, 90% of my teams consist of peo [..] View

MM and Discipline Reform Now

2:01 am, July 24, 2014 Stop the skewed MM for certain players, and stop the unfair prosecution of retaliation against instigators of team damage, team killing, and "abuse of physics". I realize that Wargaming min [..] View

For New Players

2:01 am, July 24, 2014 It doesn't take a frickin genius to realize that there is more than one route across the map. For the love of God, EVERYONE STOP GOING THE SAME DAMNED WAY!!!!!!! 25 matches, 23 losses, 2 wins. WHY??? [..] View

Never gonna let you down

2:01 am, July 24, 2014 So I was getting my double in my T1 for my tourney crew today. Just finished a Tier 1 loss w/600 damage. We were thrown in this match, it wasn't quick but I was rather surprised. My after battle repor [..] View

[Replay] T29, El Haluf & the most heartbreaking defeat

2:01 am, July 23, 2014 replay Just got the T29 recently - it's just a Monster and even though a loss this is the best game I had in it... never was so close to Pool's Medal I'm a recovering tomato cu [..] View

Getting better as a player, but losing more?

2:01 am, July 21, 2014 So I've been playing regularly for about 2 months now and I think I've made quite a lot of progress toward being better (see Yet right now [..] View

losing with style

2:01 pm, July 18, 2014 Had a loss eairler, was a stomp, but hey: if your going to go, then go with style amirite? (sry for mediafire link, noobmeter being a butt atm and wont let me upload replays) http://www.mediafire. [..] View

Summer Heartbreak Results

2:01 pm, July 18, 2014 We had so many great entries in the contest, it was very hard to chose a winner. So many of you received ace tanker from your loss. Some people like Shrew wondered why they even bothers to platoon wh [..] View

Moments like these...

2:01 am, July 18, 2014 Every now and then, you'll have a public battle that just felt so... right. Well this was one of those battles. The teamwork seemed so perfect, and although there were times that could've been better, [..] View

Match making system question?

2:01 am, July 17, 2014 I I know the sides are filled out by tank weight number but what part puts more good or bad players one one side? So many lopsided wins or losses can someone from Wargaming explain this. Please don' [..] View

How to discourage camping and make armor more relevant

2:01 pm, July 16, 2014 Make the penetration loss over distance mechanic actually relevant, it's basically a joke right now, when it has the potential to be a dynamic and intuitive mechanic. Vastly increasing pen-los [..] View


2:01 am, July 15, 2014 EDIT: ENTRIES ARE CLOSED. I'll be notifying the winners shortly, thanks for playing. I lied, it's only 7 codes. I obsessively played Tanks at E3, and got a set of bonus codes each day [..] View

Anyone else feel like they always choke when things get tight?

2:01 am, July 15, 2014 I've had 4 games In the past couple weeks where I was the last, or second to last, tank left, and I did something stupid and died a stupid *****. Yesterday, I had a 7 **** game in my type 64, and it [..] View

Do you consider this a warning? (wall of text ahead)

2:01 am, July 13, 2014 I was playing in my first tournament this past invitational since I started playing this game in 2011. This being my first tourney, I didn't know how to que properly. Apparently I was not alon [..] View

A Pretty Good Carry [T-62A]

2:01 pm, July 11, 2014 I don't usually post my replays here, but what the hell. I feel like showing the "average" player how to win. I guess you could treat this post as an experiment. Here you go. For peopl [..] View

PZB2 Contest: Summer Heartbreak [NA]

2:01 am, July 10, 2014 We are a few weeks into summer, and nothing says summer like a little heartbreak. We all love WoT, but sometime she just takes our heart out and crushes it with team selections and RNG. I am sure ever [..] View

FCM 36 PaK 40 3rd equipment slot.

2:01 pm, July 9, 2014 Kinda at a loss here. got binos, camo net, and would normally go for gun rammer, but that's not available on this tier 3. Laying drive? not needed, has a lighting quick 1.5 seconds. Coated optics? sl [..] View

T20 M Badge in a tier IX game

2:01 am, July 9, 2014 I achieved an M badge in this game. On one hand I though I played pretty well for most of the game but the end was just flat out embarrassing. I'll use the excuse that I had a 10 hour drive today and [..] View


2:01 am, July 9, 2014 Okay, so I am at a losshere. I understand it's a sniping tank, but 50% of the maps don't allow for this type of gameplay due to many reasons (thanks Wargaming, how about fixing this?) that I won't get [..] View


2:01 pm, July 8, 2014 This is very easy to screw up if you're in a hurry and not paying attention. This is real money you're spending and there's no way to get it back if you make a mistake. I suppose you could try a ticke [..] View

Putting crew in other vehicles for 5x XP

2:01 am, July 7, 2014 I have a Premium light and I xfer my Luchs crew into it until I get a victory then put them straight back into their Luchs for another 5x. But I just kicked out the crew from my Pz.2G and threw mos [..] View

Noob to noob random musings

2:01 pm, July 5, 2014 Seen and talked to a few other new players online, and a few of you have been discouraged. So random musings... Read the guides. Yeah everyone mentions this but it can't be emphasized enough. I ac [..] View

Xbox Wire just published a lengthy glossary piece on the "Soviet Steel" expansion for Xbox

2:01 am, July 3, 2014 submitted by TheJucheisLoose [link] [1 comment] View

What are the ideal stats to join a clan?

2:01 am, July 2, 2014 I'm looking to join a clan, what would my ideal WIN8/amount of battles be? I have less than 1k battles, but do have a tier 6, and a 43% Win/loss ratio (initial Cromwell grind was ****** on my [..] View

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